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All-Out War!! Intro, Basics, Farming & Rewards!!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/20/2022 23:59
Edited by eldas at 08/21/2022 02:00

Time to get excited, the new event is here... and it's huge! 😍

All-Out War is a new game mode within Game of Thrones Winter is Coming, alongside events that players will already be familiar with like Alliance Conquest, Siege of Winterfell and Glorious Battle. This new mode actually combines many of the elements of existing game modes (and even sprinkles in elements from the classic Army of the Dead) to bring exciting new gameplay for everyone to enjoy regardless of their size and strength. Here we're going to examine what the game mode is all about, some of the gameplay and objective basics and specifically at farming. Please check out my other All-Out War story to get an understanding of how Combat works! Let's dive in then.


At it's core All-Out War (or AOW) combines the macro and objective elements of Glorious battle, and combines it with the micro, battle mechanics of Siege of Winterfell. Factions, made up of alliances, have to work together to capture and secure objectives that give points called kingship and various rewards/buffs (just like in GB) and steadily work their way towards the centre to attempt to capture more buildings and gain more points, with objectives at the centre naturally worth more. The faction with the most Kingship at the end of the event will win and receive some incredible rewards.

The duration of the event is not yet confirmed, but with match making and then allocation period being five days, the battle period is expected to be long as well, much like in GB. So it will not be an event like SOW/AC/AOTD where a match is single hour long, but a permanently active, ongoing event.

To advance around the map players will be tasked with securing neutral villages and then castles surrounding them, all of which can be contested by the enemy. This will be expanded upon in the Combat piece!

For individual players they will be able to move around just like they do in Siege of Winterfell, except now in a huge world! They are free to roam wherever they like, splitting up their armies for different objectives or keeping them together. In the above image the icons represent different types of cities, and the small green marker is my army! So you can track where your army (or armies) are as they roam around the great open world.

Again just like in SOW players are free to move around and control their micro. Perhaps you're skilled enough to pull enemies away and weave in attacks against a strong enemy without getting hit yourself? Micro managing your three armies could really separate the highly skilled from the average players!

Farming and Logistics

Elements of Army of the Dead can be seen here. One important feature of this game mode is farming, farming various resources and bringing them back in your base to then be used for a variety of things.

The four farms in the top picture are for farming wheat. Wheat is ironically a military resource - used for healing troops and restoring troops resilience, as well as allowing factions to send troops from military cities much like in Glorious Battle. The city you want to deploy from has to have the specific resource, just your faction having that resource in inventory is not enough. This makes it a very valuable resource as the fighting drags on.

In the above picture we have Silver (top left), Obsidian (bottom middle) and Brass (Top right). These three resources are used more for construction and development; upgrading buildings, constructing chariots (offensive units), wagons (for farming) and medic vehicles (for healing allies). Constructions will get more expensive the more upgrades you put in them, they can each be upgraded four levels, and similarly there are three levels of each vehicle type, each one more expensive than the last for the faction to purchase for it's members. Below is what one of your armies will look like when carrying resources. In this pictures my army is carrying 119k out of a maximum 13.6 million carrying capacity. Keep in mind, only a limited amount of marches can harvest at the same time.

All of these units can be added onto your armies and then those armies can be sent off to complete the jobs. To farm, heal or attack with these units in your army, all you have to do is click on the objective you want, assuming you have the right vehicle attached to your army. Speaking of armies the setup is almost the same as SOW, where you select commanders, dragons, troop types and now a vehicle to go with them. The setup for armies will look just like this >


Within the event there are rewards that can be earned by the individual for completing certain objectives and performing well, much like in Glorious Battle. Some of these rewards are amazing and definitely worth fighting for!

Above is an example of some of the rewards players can purchase throughout the event with the shop resetting twice a month. A lot of great stuff that is usually incredibly difficult to come by! So regardless of how well your alliance or faction as a whole does, these rewards can still be available if you take part and give it a go.

Rewards for the top factions at the end of All-Out War.

Rewards for the top players at the end of All-Out War. Top thousand players all receive some amazing rewards!

All-Out War is a brand new game mode with a mix of gameplay from existing game modes as well as fresh mechanics and goals that should make this an exciting experience. It is also worth mentioning here that with the event running throughout the week, players wont have to worry about time to login... they can play it whenever they would naturally login and still earn some nice rewards for their efforts. Above all, make sure to have fun with your alliance mates when playing, and good luck with the fighting!

Check out my other story for specifics on Combat and fighting here: All-Out War: Combat & Fighting!! – GoT Winter is Coming Official Forum ( ~
