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[Review] Empress Wu: Skill Recommendation Burst Damage!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 08/06/2022 16:53
Edited by ik_tea at 08/07/2022 23:06

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Today I will be discussing the oldest Fire Immortal, namely Empress Wu. This Immortal has the same types of other bowmen magic, but she is fire Immortal that is affordable for Free-to-Players. Let's see together about this Immortal!

How to Get Empress Wu?

There are two ways to get Empress Wu, you can get it through the Arena Season 1, but you can also get it through the Contention of Relics Shop using Valor Marks! After you summon this Immortal, Empress Wu can be purchased using Soul Crystals (Purple Crystals) in the market!

1.) Arena Season

2.) Contention of Relics Market

Skill Recommendations

For the three skills that you can use on Empress Wu, you can refer to the skills below.

1.) Concentration

Concentration will give you 30% extra magical damage.

With Formula Concentration

OD = MD0 + MD1 ; MD1 = MD0 x P

OD = MD0 + (MD0 x P)

OD = Ouput Damage

MD0 = Magical Damage

MD1 = Magical Damage Coefficient

P = Percentage of Damage


Empress Wu without Concentration will give 11.000.000 Magical Damage


After using Concentration lv 8 (30%), it will be:

OD = MD0 + (MD0 x P)

OD = 11.000.000 + (11.000.000 x 30/100)

OD = 11.000.000 + 3.300.000

OD = 14.300.000 Magical Damage

2.) Annihilation

Annihilation has a huge amount of magical damage (up to 300%) with a 45% chance.


There are 60 seconds of battle in PvP.

So, if there is a 45% chance (ratio the skill come)

Minimum Skill for Annihilation:

(t/6) x 45/100 ; t = time (second)

in 60-second Annihilation will get at least:

Probabiliy = (60/6) x 45/100 = 4.5

Probability = 10 x 45/100 = 4.5

Probability ≥ 4 times in a 60-second battle (lowest luck)

With this high ratio, it was expected that Empress Wu could deal very high damage in a short amount of time.

3.) Energy Burst / Nova / Aura

For my advice, this third skill is a skill used if Empress Wu is not the main Immortal so the skills used are still very compatible as shown above. Fire Nova or Toxin Nova have the same damage ratio, Energy Burst is suitable because Empress Wu has a fairly high critical ratio, besides Coercion itself helps fight enemies so it doesn't dodge.

PvP Test

If you look closely, Empress Wu is the Immortal with the highest damage. The skill itself can reach 8 million damage!


For now, Empress Wu is the most powerful free Immortal in the Burst Damage area of ​​the Fire class. The easy way to get it is one of the reasons I recommend this Immortal to be used by Free-to-Players!

Thank you for reading; maybe it was helpful and will assist your Empress Wu!

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