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[GUIDE] Talents of Skills

Article Publish : 12/07/2020 18:02
Edited by msstark at 12/07/2020 18:08

LOA HF – Talent System Guide

Talent System increases players’ attributes. It is unlocked at Level 500 and once TURN 6 is completed. After breaking through to the pinnacle levels, each level increase provides 1 talent point.

Talents can be reset by using the Talent Reset Tome, which can be purchased in Market for 500 Gold.

The talent tree consists of 3 talents: PUNISHMENT, GUARD and FRENZY.

Punishment Tree

  • Contributes mainly to increasing HP, Armor and Attack
  • Also increases the effects of Star Array, Shield and Relic
  • At the bottom of the tree, are 3 ultimate talents:
Hope’s Bastion
Sublime Ceremony

Punishment Ultimate Talents

Hope’s Bastion: Permanently increases HP by 20% (at max level).

Defense-Breaker: Additional 50% EXP from monsters (at max level).

Sublime Ceremony: Permanently increases Attack by 20% (at max level).

Effects of Punishment benefits all players, but especially those who prefer PVE*.

Guard Tree

  • Mainly contributes to reducing damage and resistance.
  • At the bottom of the tree, are 3 ultimate talents:
Sorrowful Hermit
Unspoken Lies

Guard Ultimate Talents

Sorrowful Hermit: When HP is lower than 30%, immediately recover 20% of your HP and reduce damage taken by 20% for 3 seconds (at max level).

Unspoken Lies: When HP is lower than 20%, it ignores 100% of damage for 5 seconds (at max level).

Indomitable: When your HP is lower than 20%, if you are attacked within 30 seconds, has 100% chance of stunning the attacker for 2 seconds (at max level).

Effects of Guard benefits players who prefer 1v1 PVP* as this tree can help reduce abundant damage.

Frenzy Tree

  • Mainly contributes to increasing damage
  • At the bottom of the tree, are 3 ultimate talents:
Undefeated Hero
Forbidden Energy

Frenzy Ultimate Talents

Suppression: When your HP is lower than 25%, if you are attacked within 30 seconds, your attacker will lose 5% of their HP per second for 5 seconds (meaning they can lose 25% of their health in one shot) - (at max level).

Undefeated Hero: When attacking, the next hit has a 10% chance of ensuring the next attack is a Critical hit; plus increases critical damage by 100% for 2 seconds (at max level).

Forbidden Energy: When your HP is lower than 30%, your damage increases by 50% for 5 seconds (at max level).

Effects of Frenzy benefits players who prefer a bigger PVP* environment as this tree can bring players advantages.

*PVE = Player vs Environment

*PVP = Player vs Player
