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Basic Mechanics to Building and Understanding what Makes a Great March Within Infinity Kingdom – Part II

Press Officer
Article Publish : 12/22/2024 17:22

Magic Mage back from Server 243 to build upon the basics we learned in Part I in this series. This article looks at applying those skills and understanding how we can observe them within our game.


  • Harnessing Synergy between Attributes
  • Where the Stats can be Found and Enhanced
  • An examination within reports
  • Closing thoughts

Harnessing Synergy between Attributes 

*The most important thing to remember is: If you have many sources of high resilience, and your resilience rate is significantly greater than your enemies critical attack rate, then the enemy will crit less often and your immortals overall health points, deaths, wounded, and seriously injured will be less.

The greater the crit value and crit chance you have built into your march, the greater probability you will successfully execute a critical attack on your opponent. If your opponent is weaker in reliance this critical attack chance will increase even greater. This is why fire is good with performing critical attacks. The team is designed with high crit functionality and immortal ultimate skills such as Trajan’s enhance the team’s crit rate of attack further. 

Now we understand how to enhance your immortal critical attack to 100%, we need to understand how this can be countered by both an enemy team and by you facing an enemy team with high critical attack rates.

We do this by increasing resilience. There are also skills like malice within the tower of knowledge, that can help you reduce the critical damage. Our dragon tree and lord talents (Strong Will) also help us increase resilience in addition to VIP stats, the new Immortal tree, and academy Immoral research (Still Sheild, Persistence, Resilient Mount, and Impregnable). The more resilience you build into your team, then the reduced frequency of being attacked by an immortal performing a critical hit reduces. Essentially a lot of resilience over critical numbers means no critical hits. 

Immortals like William will also increase your crit rate. The difference between William and Trojian is one deals with immortal crit rate vs. overall troop crit rate. Troop crit rate increases troop damage on normal attacks where the immortal critical inflicts higher crit chances causing everything doing more crit. You do not want to confuse troops vs. the immortal itself. The higher your troop numbers the more critical attacks for troop damage. Immortal damage does not look at troops and their numbers. We care just about the individual immortals’ stats. These two sources are drastically different and understanding the difference will help you place your immortals to combat in battle. 

For insistence if you were to add Alexander the Great (Who with his artifact does not regain energy as his skill becomes passive) to a team with William, He would perform better than if Alex was added to a team with Trajan, as Alex would benefit from troops citing more than the immortal himself. 

However, if we were to look at creating a double mage march with Hemiko and Wu, we might want to consider utilizing Trajan over William to enhance these mage’s critical attacks. Particularly if they have an annihilation artifact that can be developed with a critical bonus.

The synergy between dodge and accuracy work similarly in terms of crit and resilience where one will reduce the other. While a lord may focus on Critical hits and resilience because it is in some ways easier to observe the benefits of a critical attack, and to see the devastation when a critical attack is successfully landed against you on an important immortal of your team. Dodge and Accuracy are just as important and could possibly be argued slightly more important. If you are always dogging attacks against you then critical hits and resilience significance drastically reduces. However, if your accuracy is significant and you are always landing an attack, critical or not, that can have a huge impact for your overall battle. Wind Immortals are fantastic at leveraging and harnessing dodge and accuracy. Essentially, think of it like this: Your enemy cannot cause damage to your team if they are unable to hit you; No matter how powerful the enemy is.

Therefore, you want to find a balance within your march of these four key attributes and within the four marches you may send to battle in the arena and throne of supreme. It is also important to think about the different marches one may use to rally, if a team mate has a strong fire march they are sending, you might want to consider to have a Wind march join that rally. The same idea goes for garrisoning an alliance member, if they have a march that is strong in one area, creating a garrison of multiple players that specialize in crit, dodge, accuracy, and resilience can ensure a successful victory. 

It would be interesting to see, after members review this article if IBL teams may change to play off this concept and different marches develop to compete in our upcoming battles.

Question for You:

"What different ways can you see leveraging these attributes across teams, marches, garrisons, and rallies that could change or enhance different battle situations. Have you found a circumstance that you found game changing in adjusting one or more of these attributes when facing an enemy, please share your story in the comments section below."

Where the Stats can be Found and Enhanced

In addition to our blue rare skills, I commonly see epic skills such as Misleading, Coercion, Weakness and Malice used in later game to help immortals and troops be successful in their attacks. I tend to favor using Malice when facing an immortal or team with high critical hits such as Himkio and Merlin if they have an Annihilation artifact (particularly if the primary attribute is Crit Bonus and there is a secondary attribute of crit), or any fire team. 

As the epic skills mirror similarly to our rare blue skills I would recommend a lord waiting until they can unlock these epic skills if they wish to enhance these four attributes. However, with regards to crit damage as it can increase the damage you are delivering significantly, Rage for some immortals can change the outcome of your battle and may be worth investing in. Particularly investing in rage if you are a free to play or low spender if it fits your march and objectives could be helpful when you are in throne of supreme, and facing off in KVK and not yet unlocked VIP level 15. I also see this skill Rage favored in illusion battlefield league as it produces high damage for a low cost.

While these epic skills tend to be the more common skills I see utilized by Lords to help balance their team’s offensive attributes of crit attacks and accuracy to defensive attributes of dodge and resilience. There are additional skills like rock solid which gives a 10% chance to provide immortals immunity to all crits for 6 seconds when fully developed. 

Additionally, if running a water team, you may wish to consider incorporating the skill Water Protection as this will not only reduce the critical damage you take (not exactly resilience but in effect works similarly) but also grant you a healing effect when critical damage is taken. 

Skills and artifacts are not the only place we can see resilience, crit, dodge, and accuracy. As you unlock epic and legendary armor, we have the ability to infuse these pieces with gems. 

These individual pieces of armor also help us with dodging, resilience, crit and accuracy.

Hint: The first equipment tends to be your weapon and increases your crit value. As such when elevating your equipment this is the first one, I would recommend focusing on.

As resilience helps reduce critical attack damage the second piece of equipment, I would recommend elevating is the Accessories.

You will notice with regards to the book accessory for Tomyris, I had had enhanced with gems of Resilience. I did this to help balance out my accuracy to ensure she is a more balanced character. This makes her stronger in battle when facing opponents.

Where Accuracy and Resilience may up the Physique, Dodge and critical hits make up Agility. As such if someone is referring to a character’s Agility, they are looking at the character’s defensive ability to dodge attacks avoiding damage and negative effects while offensively executing critical attacks.

Alternatively, when looking at Physique we are looking at the offensive ability to successfully execute an attack due to high accuracy, while absorbing damage from attacks of our enemies defensively with strong resilience. We need all four to be successful. There are times were having stronger dodge skills such as for a support immortal is more important than critical hits. Where for say an attack immortal like Himiko who can place a back line immortal in a void preventing that immortal from performing any attack, critical values would be more important than dodge. However, you would still want to ensure some dodge tendencies so they can stay alive through the duration of a battle. 

For a more experienced player, understanding these relationships and reviewing battle reports can help you adjust equipment, gems, an skills for opponents not only in TOS battles, but also in our new chapters within the elite well of time.

Something that is critical if you have not maximized troops (T8), skills to level 8, or artifacts, leveraging what you have without spending can be that difference of a win or loss in the last second.

Dodge is improved by armor where accuracy is improved by a helmet. 

Remember your equipment when coordinated to the element of your immortal will have an increased attribute of 15%. This will also enhance your accuracy, dodge, crit, and resilience values.

We now also see the ability to enhance these four attributes for our immortals within the immortal skill enhancements associated with our new well of time similar to a dragon tree for skills:

In addition to increased physical attack and defense, and magical attack and defense, we do not want to overlook the aspects that we can now develop our ability to improve critical hits, dodge rates, accuracy, and resilience. 

With this immortal tree, Lords may not be so dependent on those epic skills as they are able to obtain them through these trees, and can perhaps explore additional skills to change up marches and tackle those ferocious meta marches. However, these epic skills also might play more of a role for some of those challenging characters to obtain fragments on to combat the freer to play friendly immortals who can develop the Immortal skill enhancements faster. 

Development of your Immortal technology within the academy, beyond outstanding talent can also help a lord enhance their immortal’s accuracy, critical hits, resilience, and dodge rates.

Beyond the immortals, increasing these four attributes of crit, resilience, dodge, and accuracy can also occur within the dragon tree talent page. 

If you are ever curious to know your base stats for these attributes, you can check the statue within your courtyard. That is the symbol of your kingdom. For me as I am in the Ruslan Kingdom. Therefore, I have a Lion.

Under boosts within military about half way down you can see your crit, dodge, attack, and accuracy values. By clicking the down toggle switch you can see what comprises of these overall values for each troop type.

In understanding troop type weaknesses and advantages based on academy, VIP status, and alliance technology, you can then develop and change your individuals’ immortal statuses with gems, armor, immortal tree, and individual dragon skills to focus on. You can then look at tower of knowledge skills to enhance any further weaknesses. 

An Examination within Reports

Dodge and critical hits can be seen within reports.

You can see Charle’s Damage performed by Attack and Defense was able to land a single critical hit which was greater than 10 of his normal attacks. You will also see that there was one occurrence in which this attack was dogged. Your dogged attacks always show up under your enemy stats within damage.

We know he made a total of 12 attack and defense attacks. One was successfully dogged meaning only 11 attacks reached their intended target. Of these 11 attacks one was a critical hit.

One attempts against Bjorn: 

Three for Tutankhamun:

Two against Himiko: 

And two against Tomyris:

You may be thinking… but Magic Mage, that is only 8 attacks and records indicate he made 12. You would not be wrong. This is where we need to then think about the immortals and skills. I am playing with Toymris who has the ability to confuse. If one of her 21 successful confused attempts (none were dogged) struck Charles the great, then he could have made the other 4 attacks against his own team.

Which we see is exactly the case below:

Brynhild received one attack from Charles:

Edward received One attack from Charles under Attack and Defense:

And Gilgamesh received one attack for Attack and Defense:

As we know one of the 12 attacks was dogged, 3 attacks were made by the enemy to the enemy team and 8 were made by Charles against my team.

While we can not know the exact immortal struck by the critical hit. By looking at these reports, my guess would be either Toymris  or Himiko based on overall damage. I would need to look closer at each of these base rates for resilience and physical defense to know a little more. I would then re-play my battle and watch for the fire symbol next to the number signifying the critical hit and see if I could identify who dogged the attack based on the blue dogged banner.

Therefore to understand the battle in its entirety we need to look at the reports for both the enemy and ourselves in addition to looking at battle symbols, numbers, and banners to get the full picture. Based on this we can make educated guesses on who received critical hits and who dogged particular attacks. How much resilience decreased critical damage and accuracy improved our ability to weaken our opponent.

Closing Thoughts

Understanding crit, resilience, doge, and accuracy is the key fundamental components to a march. As you can see, to build a successful team, you really need to understand these four key attributes and how they work. Once you have a solid foundation of these attributes, you can then start to understand skills, synergy between immortals, and builds to counter those strong marches. All of our meta marches we look at harness one or more of these attributes to leverage them to the teams’ advantage making them successful. Who knows, as immortal trees are established and new skills released, perhaps we will see the evolution of a new Meta March. I can not wait to discover what you are able to accomplish with this knowledge. 

If you have questions never hesitate to ask. If you are wondering , chances are others are curious too. Perhaps your next question will become an article for the community. Please leave your thoughts regarding this article in the comment's section. I love hearing from each and every one of you.

Magic Mage

Official Press Officer for Infinity Kingdom

Server #243

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