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[Interview] Infinity Kingdom's Finest: Stories from the Top Players #10 Dande

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 07/26/2024 23:25

Welcome back to 'Infinity Kingdom's Finest: Stories from the Top Players.' Today, we're featuring Dande, a seasoned player known for his battlefield skills and friendly nature. Dande is also a content creator and a good friend of mine. When I first joined the team, he helped me immensely, always answering my questions and dedicating his time generously. This reflects his supportive personality towards the game community. Join us as we share the stories, strategies, and camaraderie that Dande brings to Infinity Kingdom.

Introduction to Infinity Kingdom Community

Dande, could you please introduce yourself to our Infinity Kingdom community? Also, if you have a favorite quote that resonates with your gaming philosophy, we'd love to hear it!

Hello, I’m Dande from server 73, currently playing on server 136 to explore different playstyles and enhance my own. I originally started on server 25 and have been enjoying this game for over three years. My gaming philosophy can be summed up as: "A strong community creates a strong server."

Discovery of Infinity Kingdom and Motivations

How did you first discover Infinity Kingdom, and what motivated you to start playing? Could you share some insights into your initial experiences and the servers you've played on throughout your journey in the game? Do you have a favorite server among them, and what makes it stand out to you?

I discovered Infinity Kingdom through an Instagram ad. Although I wasn’t a fan of real-time, strategy games initially, something about it intrigued me. Over the years, I’ve played on five different servers. Each had its own set of experiences—some were great, others less so. Notable memories include our month-long battle against KAN0 on server 28 and our sleepless nights on server 38, preventing servers 105 and 66 from capturing Zone 3. Out of all my servers, server 28 stands out as the most memorable because it was where I spent the most time with my original group, creating lasting memories filled with both laughter and stress.

Growth Strategies and Event Dynamics

As someone with extensive gaming experience and a profound understanding of growth techniques and event dynamics, what strategies do you prioritize in your approach to Infinity Kingdom, and how do you adapt them to the ever-evolving challenges within the game?

I prioritize focusing on a single strong march, even if I have others that can compete. A robust main march is crucial. I always advise keeping some research ongoing to stay ahead. My approach to adapting involves taking small steps to get accustomed to new dynamics before fully committing, such as gradually investing in gems for equipment.

Preferred Troop Configurations and Skill Combinations

Considering your expertise in the game, could you provide insights into your preferred troop configurations and skill combinations?

I’ve been focused on Earth marches from the start. I enjoy having a mix of attack and magic damage dealers in my teams. I prioritize boosting Alex over other immortals because he often makes a significant difference. Although I’m not the best at skills, I usually seek advice from Goatie or Fictions. I prefer keeping immortals of the same nature in my lineup.

Role as Press Officer and Content Creator

As the Press Officer and Content Creator for Infinity Kingdom, how do you balance your creative responsibilities with gameplay? Can you share some of the challenges and rewards you’ve encountered in this role?

Balancing content creation with gameplay involves setting aside time from gaming to focus on creating content. I keep an eye on both my needs and the community's suggestions, often through our game’s Discord. One challenge has been overcoming language barriers, as it can be tough to communicate effectively as a non-native English speaker. However, seeing players enjoy and ask for updates on my content has been incredibly rewarding.

Balancing Game Demands with Real-Life Responsibilities

How do you balance the demands of the game with your other commitments and responsibilities? What strategies or techniques do you employ to ensure that your gameplay remains effective and impactful while managing your real-life obligations?

I prioritize my real-life responsibilities first. During my free time, I focus on the game. Since I’m in the endgame stage, my main tasks are upgrading technology and collecting dragon crystals. I manage this by letting things progress in the background, like starting new tech or farming bosses, while I handle other commitments.

Overcoming Challenges and Personal Growth

Throughout your Infinity Kingdom journey, what have been some of the most significant challenges you've faced, and how have you overcome them? Have these challenges contributed to your growth and evolution as a player and a leader within the community?

As an officer, my biggest challenge was revitalizing an alliance after losing many players. Despite my efforts, external factors led to my departure and someone else taking over. Although this was a significant setback, it taught me valuable lessons about leadership and strategy. Watching server 73 grow and thrive has been a rewarding outcome, demonstrating the value of persistence and effective community building.

Unforgettable Moments and Achievements

Could you share an unforgettable moment or achievement that has left a lasting impression on you during your time in Infinity Kingdom? How did this experience shape your perspective and approach to the game and influence your interactions within the community?

One unforgettable moment was when my friends and I conquered server 28. We stayed up until 4 AM to seize control of rival alliance cities, and after hours of intense effort, they eventually surrendered. This experience, though exhausting, remains one of my best memories in the game. Initially, being on a war server felt challenging and isolating, but my involvement in the KvK against server 97 eventually helped me build connections and gain popularity, leading to my nomination for the PO team.

Thoughts on Latest Updates and Patches

What are your thoughts on the latest updates and patches in Infinity Kingdom? How do you perceive the evolving gameplay dynamics and the introduction of new features, and how do these changes impact your gameplay strategies and objectives within the game?

I’ve enjoyed the latest updates, despite some inconsistencies. They’ve added new elements to keep us engaged. While some features seem less impactful, others have made the game more enjoyable. The new KvK has been a fun challenge, though I believe there’s room for improvement, such as rethinking the placement of the strongest alliances in a single faction.

Advice for Newer Players

As a seasoned player with a deep understanding of the game's intricacies, what advice or tips would you offer to newer players aiming to establish themselves and achieve success in Infinity Kingdom? How can they navigate the challenges and complexities of the game more effectively?

To newer players, I recommend focusing on three key areas: your main march, technology, and buildings. Invest in your primary march to ensure it’s strong, continually upgrade your technology, and keep your buildings at maximum level. This approach will help you advance and improve effectively.

Fostering Camaraderie and Teamwork

How do you foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork within your alliances and the broader Infinity Kingdom community? What leadership values and principles do you emphasize to create a supportive and collaborative environment for your fellow players?

I like to connect with players from diverse backgrounds who share a similar sense of humor and are easy-going about the game. In server 73, I’ve found a great group that embodies this spirit. I emphasize activity and responsibility over mere friendliness or fun. Commitment to improving the server is what I value most in a leader or officer.

Future Aspirations and Objectives

What are your future aspirations and objectives within Infinity Kingdom? Are there specific milestones or accomplishments you are aiming for, or any initiatives you are planning to pursue in the game soon?

I would like to win IBL and get the skin, is a hard task, I’ve shaped my mind and gameplay to make myself worthy of it the day my alliance win, but also it needs a lot of teamwork. I guess that’s my biggest goal, I’ve won KvK, Throne of the Supreme, Arena, etc. I’ve won enough events, just missing the IBL.

Closing Thoughts and Messages to the Community

As we near the end of this interview, how do you feel about sharing your experiences and insights with our audience? Is there any particular message or advice you would like to convey to your fellow players and the broader Infinity Kingdom community based on your journey and experiences?

I like to share myself to others, if that can help them enjoy the game in the same way I do, it’s always a pleasure. My advice is look for a server or a group of people you know you will enjoy to play with, and don’t let it go. Community server will be always over create an only competition server. At the end the big servers fall but the community servers remain.

I’m excited to share my experiences and insights. My main message to fellow players is to stay dedicated, keep a strong community focus, and enjoy the journey. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and connect with others in this vibrant community.

Before we wrap up, a big thank you to Dande for his time and dedication to the Infinity Kingdom community. His insights are invaluable and show his passion for the game.


In conclusion, Dande's journey in Infinity Kingdom shows the importance of community, strategy, and perseverance. His experiences and advice are helpful for both new and experienced players. Be sure to check out his articles and videos for more tips and strategies.

My top three favorite pieces of content from Dande are:

  1. Infinity Kingdom - Tips and Advices to Hit 500k STP!
  2. Infinity Kingdom - IK Couture: The Art Behind the Frames [Part I]
  3. Infinity Kingdom - Campo de Batalla de espejismo: Temporada 5 BUNS (S73) vs SF (S170). ¡Análisis!

You can find these and more on Dande's Youtube Page or on Gtarcade Forum. His work is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their game.

A big thank you again to Dande for sharing his time, knowledge, and passion with us. His dedication to the game and its community is truly inspiring. We appreciate all the effort he puts into helping players grow and enjoy Infinity Kingdom.

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel.

Stay epic,

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