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[Hades Story] Giants Ahead Part 3 - An Infinity Kingdom Story

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Article Publish : 06/26/2024 07:39
Edited by hades‎ at 06/26/2024 09:13

📔 Introduction

Hello everyone, part 3 is here! I am excited to bring you the next step in our hero's journey and what or who might get in their way? If you have not read part one or two go find it in my profile or if you simply forgot the recap is below.

📔 Recap of Part 2

Our young adventurers have encountered a new “unlikely company” and try to figure out if he is on the same path as them. He claims to be a wanderer but our protagonists are skeptical of him but are put to easy by his clumsy yet charming nature.  

📔 Giants Ahead (Part 3) 

The crackling embers of their dying campfire gently woke Khubalai, Joan, and Theodora, their minds still lingering on the tales shared under the stars from the night before. Suddenly, a thunderous roar shattered the peaceful morning, followed by the grinding of metal against earth.

Khubalai jumped to his feet, his usually clumsy demeanor replaced by a sense of urgency. "What in the world was that?!" he exclaimed, eyes wide with alarm.

Joan, the young warrior with a fierce determination in her eyes, grasped her sword tightly. "Sounds like trouble. We need to investigate."

Theodora, nodded calmly. "Agreed. Let's proceed cautiously."

They moved swiftly through the dark forest, guided by the distant echoes of mechanical groans and the occasional burst of steam. As they approached a clearing, they beheld a monstrous sight—a giant mechanical beast, its metal frame gleaming menacingly under the moonlight. It was five times the size of a carriage, with whirring gears and steam vents that hissed ominously.

"We have to take it down," Joan declared, her voice steady despite the looming threat.

Khubalai swallowed nervously but nodded, summoning a brave smile. "Together, we can do this."

Theodora assessed the situation with a calm demeanor, quickly strategizing. "Joan, you distract it from the front. Khubalai and I will flank it from the sides."

With a battle plan in place, they engaged the mechanical beast. Joan charged forward, her sword slashing through the air with precision, drawing the attention of the beast towards her. It swung its massive metal arms in retaliation, narrowly missing her as she dodged and weaved.

Meanwhile, Khubalai and Theodora circled around, searching for a weakness. Khubalai stumbled over roots and fallen branches in his haste, but Theodora guided him silently with a reassuring hand. They found a vulnerable spot near the beast's joints, where the armor seemed thinner.

Just as they were about to strike, disaster struck. The mechanical beast unleashed a barrage of steam and metal shards, catching Joan off guard. She was knocked to the ground, her sword falling from her grasp as pain shot through her side.

"Joan!" Khubalai cried out in horror, frozen for a moment before Theodora's voice snapped him back to action.

"We need to cover her!" Theodora's usually serene face showed rare concern as they rushed to Joan's side, shielding her from further harm.

With renewed determination, Khubalai and Theodora coordinated their attacks. Khubalai distracted the beast with nimble dodges and taunts, while Theodora used her healing skills to tend to Joan's wounds just enough to keep her conscious.

As the battle raged on, Khubalai managed to disable one of the beast's legs with a well-aimed strike from his clumsy but surprisingly effective makeshift weapon—a heavy tree branch. Theodora seized the opportunity, delivering precise strikes to the exposed gears and joints.

Finally, with a shuddering groan, the mechanical beast collapsed to the ground, its gears grinding to a halt. Khubalai, Joan, and Theodora stood panting and bruised but triumphant over their fallen foe.

"We did it," Khubalai said breathlessly, a mix of disbelief and relief in his voice.

Joan smiled weakly, grateful for her companions' steadfast support. "Couldn't have done it without you two."

Theodora nodded, her stoic facade momentarily softened by a hint of pride. "We make a good team."

As dawn broke over the horizon, casting golden light on the battlefield, the three adventurers shared a quiet moment of camaraderie. They had faced danger together, relying on each other's strengths and overcoming their own fears and shortcomings. From that night on, they knew they were not just allies but a true team, bound by trust forged in the heat of battle.

📔 Recap Questions

Will this new found camaraderie continue as does their adventure or will hidden truths change their course forever?

What comes next for our adventurers and will they have any more party members joining? 

See you next week!

👑 Hades, Press Officer [S170 - SF]

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- Infinity Kingdom / 無盡城戰.
