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[Vote] The Starlight Café Cookie Enigma

Detective Game GT Neighborhood
Article Publish : 05/31/2024 03:00
Edited by jerrytzh at 07/04/2024 16:35

🍪 Cookie's missing, cookie's missing 🍪

📕Story Background

In a beautiful seaside town, there is a café called "Starlight". The café is owned by a young girl named Mei who loves baking. Every night, the café hosts a small stargazing event that attracts many residents and tourists. One evening, Mei prepared a batch of fresh homemade cookies🍪 to give out at the stargazing event. However, before the event started, the cookies mysteriously disappeared. Mei was very anxious and asked a few regulars who were present to help find the missing cookies.

🔍Known Clues

Clue 1: The cookies were placed in the café's kitchen, and the kitchen door was always closed but not locked. Mei remembers the cookies were still on the table when she left the kitchen.

Clue 2: Four people entered the kitchen during the time the cookies disappeared.

  1. John: A young man who loves photography and often takes photos of the night sky at the café. He said he went into the kitchen to use the back door to access the backyard for better shots.
  2. Mrs. Lee: A local resident who often comes to the café for coffee and chats. She mentioned she went into the kitchen to help wash some cups.
  3. Lily: Mei’s friend who often helps with baking. She was in the kitchen organizing some ingredients.
  4. Buddy: Mrs. Lee’s pet dog, who always accompanies her. Mrs. Lee claimed that Buddy stayed by her side the whole time she was having coffee.

Clue 3: When Lily entered the kitchen, she noticed it was a bit messy, with some tools and ingredients not in their usual places. Particularly, a few jars of ingredients were tipped over.

Clue 4: Outside the café, on a patch of grass, someone found some cookie crumbs. The crumbs trailed into a small bush behind the café.

🔍Questions and Discussions for YOU

  1. Who do you think took the cookies and why?
  2. Which clue was the most important for you?
  3. If you were Mei, what would you do to prevent similar incidents in the future?

We hope everyone participates actively in the discussion and becomes a true "detective", help our neighbors!!!

🎉 Participation Rewards

The FIRST user to successfully deduce the identity of the "culprit" and their motive in the comment, will receive a reward of 2,000 GT points! Other participants will earn 200-500 GT points based on the completeness of their submissions. 💰

📅 Submission Deadline

June 7, 2024

----- Previous answer (Garden Mystery) -------

Based on the known clues, the key points are the argument between Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhang and the knife found at the scene. We need to analyze who had the motive and opportunity to commit the crime.

  • Motive: Mr. Zhang had a motive due to the financial dispute with Mr. Wang; the affair rumors pointed to another possible suspect, Mr. Wang's spouse.
  • Opportunity: Mrs. Li’s testimony indicated that Mr. Zhang left the garden, but it doesn’t account for his actions afterward. The disturbed ground in the garden might be where the culprit was trying to hide something.

Analyzing the timeline, Mr. Wang’s death occurred around 5 PM, when only a few residents, including Mrs. Li and Mr. Zhang, were still in the garden. Although Mr. Zhang had a motive, his departure time didn’t align with the time of death.

  • Key Breakthrough: Mrs. Li witnessed the argument but didn't leave the garden afterward. She was very certain that Mr. Zhang was the murderer. Why was she so sure? Her testimony might be misleading.

Ultimately, further investigation revealed that the real murderer was Mrs. Li. She had a secret financial arrangement with Mr. Wang, and to cover her tracks, she picked up the knife at the scene to frame Mr. Zhang. The disturbed ground was where she buried evidence of their financial dealings. Therefore, the murderer is Mrs. Li.

Link to the post: [Vote] Garden Mystery: Who is the Killer? – Gtarcade Discussion Forum Official Forum

We have awarded 200 GT points to all players who voted correctly, and additional points to some outstanding responses.

ONNNNNE MORE THING, in the previous "Garden Mystery" event, we noticed that many of you were somewhat "misled" by the option "Mr.Wang killed himself", and many of the speculations and deduction made in the comments are actually quite compelling and reasonable, despite it's not the right answer we prepared.

So to show our courtesy, 100 EXTRA GT points will be distributed to each user participated into the vote, and few more will be rewarded to those who contributed their genuine deduction process, regardless of if it was "THE correct" one or not! Thank you again for the active participation and stay tuned for more exciting events to come. Love ya!

Congratulations and enjoy your juicy GT points reward!!!
