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[Review] Analysis of the Cost of Immortal Glory in Infinity Kingdom

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 04/27/2024 12:00
Edited by fictions at 04/27/2024 12:07


What’s up, folks? Over the course of the last several patches, getting and maxing premium immortals has never been easier and cheaper. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at and explore the different ways to get these immortals, the amount of time it would take, and the cheapest cost.

💠Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • King of the Hill
  • Other Less Reliable and Costly Ways
  • Minimizing Costs
  • Summary


Premium and much coveted immortals like Seondeok and Trajan were, at one point, only obtainable through the Immortal Glory bundles. It would take a total of 1,020 fragments to max one of these immortals. If you weren’t buying every Immortal Glory pack every day, it would take several months to max. Since then, these immortals have been added to King of the Hill(KotH) rewards, Golden Path passes, and Hall of Immortals. 

💠King of the Hill

KotH is a monthly event that spans six days. Each day is a mini-event where players can score points based on the task they complete. The last two days are dedicated to a kill event. At the end of KotH, all the points from each day are added up to generate your total event ranking and that rank will decide the number of rewards you get.

KotH was changed to give 90 Epic Immortal Selection Chests instead of 200 fragments of a specific immortal. While it gave players more options on immortals to pick from, the decrease in the number of fragments means KotH can’t be the sole way to build and max an immortal. Since the event only happens once a month, it would take someone 12 months of securing first place in every event to finish the immortal. 

💠Other Less Reliable and Costly Ways

Golden Path now also offers 30 fragments for $5 along with two exclusive artifacts of your choosing and $20 for 60 fragments. For the best value, the $5 monthly pass is what the average player should aim for. It won’t get you a whole immortal but it will supplement other those who are already purchasing the Immortal Glory packs and make the process slightly cheaper. The exclusive artifacts are also extremely high value.

The immortals were added to the Pearl Shop as well. For $6 a day, you can get 20 pearls which can be traded in for 20 fragments. Compared to the Immortal Glory pack, it’s just slightly more expensive. You’ll lose about 2.5 fragments comparatively. You’ll save some time though.

These immortals can also be pulled from the Hall of Immortals and they will supplement the spending. However, this way of building immortals is extremely unreliable. The chance of getting 60 fragments is 0.06% or less and the chance of getting 5 fragments is 0.22% or less. In an experiment with 1,000 draws, I only got Trajan twice and 5 of his fragments three times.

💠Minimizing Cost

Let’s say you are starting Seondeok from scratch. The expected value of each Immortal Glory bundle is 7.5 which means on average, you will get 7.5 fragments. While you can’t get half a fragment, we can extrapolate that average to determine how many packs you’ll need to purchase. To max Seondeok, you’ll need on average 136 of the cheapest $2 bundles, which will take about 20 weeks or 5 months and $272.

To decrease the cost, $5 Golden Path passes can be bought for four months. That will give you 120 shards for $20, save you 16 days, $12, and give you eight exclusive artifacts, enough to craft a three-star artifact. The $20 pass won’t save any money but will save some time. Every Seondeok pulled from Hall of Immortals will save $16 and 8 days of packs. Buying Daily Packs for Pearls is fairly worth it as well if you want to speed up the process. Every day will net you just under three days worth of time but you’ll spend slightly more.


In general, it will take about five months to max an immortal from scratch. Golden Path passes and some luck with the Hall of Immortals will reduce it to about four months and it will likely cost a little over $200. The savings are minimal but the time saved and the additional exclusive artifacts are well worth it.

How much do you usually spend to max an immortal? Let me know in the comments below!


Version 2.6.8

💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website




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