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AC S18 R4 - N3O Vs W T F

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 04/26/2024 19:21

In the world of Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming, two powerful families are fighting for control of Casterly Rock: On the one hand, Targaryen, lords of Dragons, ancient and magnificent beasts that roam the sky, fear is the feeling you would feel, just by looking at them, their roar can deafen one's ear and their fire have left scorched earth throughout Westeros so many times and so many bodies were burned alive by them. If you owned a dragon, you had a huge advantage on the battlefield. On the other, Lannister, they were strong lions, who were not afraid and never backed down from a fight. Casterly Rock is an impressive castle, it is the ancestral stronghold of House Lannister. It is located on the western coast of Westeros on a rocky cliff overlooking the Sunset Sea. It overlooks the major city of Lannisport. A major goldmine is located under Casterly Rock. It is one of the most productive mines in the realm and provides House Lannister with their wealth. 

In this much-anticipated event called Alliance Conquest, Two alliances meet on the battlefield, each one representing one family (Lannister or Targaryen) fighting for control of the buildings, located on the map, for glory and honor, and for the chance to take a place on the top 16, which leads to UC (Ultimate Conquest) where they can compete for the much-desired title. The 18th season is halfway through; our place in the top 16 isn't secured yet. Emotions were all over the place about that, we are not used to being in this situation, but fear not, we are on it and we will do what is needed as always and we will be in UC. our leaders were occupied with planning and thinking about strategies and tactics that would ensure our success, or at the very least improve our game and performance, and ensure we do end up in the top 16, leading to UC.

Our foe for the 4th round of the 18th season of AC was the strongest alliance in the GoTWiC world and the current champions- WTF. This wasn't the match we were hoping for, and if you are wondering why, well, this is the 4th match of AC, we have 2 more matches in the regular season and hopefully more matches in UC, and going all in, Means going yolo would be a mistake, which would waste our resources we will need for the rest of our matches. We entered the map and placed our castle on the designated spot given to us prior to the beginning of the match, we had all our gear ready for battle and we were waiting for it to begin. Our event leaders, Benni and Ana, are well-experienced players, they were standing side by side, and they gathered us all around them, B3nni had some things he needed to say before the battle began.

Listen, guys, this isn't the match we were hoping for, we all know WTF and just how strong they are. We have a long season ahead of us and I see no reason to go yolo on this match and waste valuable resources and speedups. We will have more matches to come when we make it to UC, and we will make it. So, after considering all the facts, we have decided not to go all in, we will race for buildings and we will try and have some fun, but we will not defend with full deployments and I want to to save your speeds and boots, use only what we buy from the shop. Now, I know u guys are fighters and I also know we never back down from a fight, but we must also be realistic and use logic. So, follow my orders as they come, and let's have fun!!

B3nni finished and we all understood what he said, we know and trust that he knows what he is doing and that he always has the alliance's best interest leading him in every decision he and the leading team make. Ana, his most trusted second in command, stood there after he finished and before she sent us to our position to get ready, she wanted to add a few words as well.

"Guys, I just wanted to say how proud I am of our group, no matter what the outcome today will be, let's do our best and try to enjoy this event like we always do, win or lose. Get to your positions and be ready to fight !"

Ana finished and we all went back to our positions like she told us, waiting for the battle to start. I do wonder how much time will pass before b3nni calls the match, meaning we will no longer fight and that we lost the match, I hate when that happens, we don't like to lose, well …. Who does really?

Ana and B3nni stepped aside and they were talking privately. They are such a good team, always having each other's back, when one is unable to be present for a fight or event, the other steps in and takes over leading. When they are both there, B3nni takes the lead( in AC/UC, SOW is Ana's show) and Ana is there to back him up and give orders when needed. they are well-synchronized and they work well together. Ana takes a lot on herself when it comes to N3O management and that is not easy at all, but she does it so well. Honestly, I'm not sure how she does it all and I don't think I could have done all that she does if I were in her shoes (I'm so glad I'm  

Ok, everything is ready and everyone is anxious to get started!! It is time for battle!! 5 … 4…3…2…1!!

The timer counted back and it was time to battle, troops raced to the 4 buildings that opened – Temple of the Mother, Tower of the Warrior, Lannister Outpost, and Targaryen Outpost. each team took 2 buildings, WTF took Mother and Warrior and we(N3O) took both outposts. We had no intention of reinforcing the buildings, we only sent one troop each and once the bubble dropped WTF took both of the buildings we captured first. If you are wondering why we did that, well remember what I told u at the start, about us not going all in and not going YOLO on this match, and this is a part of this. WTF swapped both Mother and Warrior and they placed much stronger fighters in them, instead of the racers who took them at the start. Since we are people who like to have some fun and we love fighting even more, B3nni decided to go for Mother, we set off rallies and filled them up, and once they were full they launched together, we were testing to see who could do damage and just how much they can do. After the first wave hit, only those who had good results, meaning they killed many of the enemy troops, were asked to rally again. 

Ports, important buildings to hold opened and racers from both sides raced each other to take first capture (gives initial points, 800 for each port). WTF racers were successful and they got both ports, after that they swapped both of them. In case you don't remember, a swap is a tactic used in the match to place a much stronger fighter in the building. It is usually a rally leader, they are strong, have high stats, and stand a better chance to defend against attacks (it goes without saying that they need reinforcements yes?). With the rallies we did on the Outpost( both of them) we took them but we didn't reinforce them, so naturally we lost them once the bubble dropped. this match was almost as boring as the matches we have against weaker alliances, but obviously, I prefer the latter, since we win those 😜.

Almost ten minutes Have passed since this battle began, a look at the map showed that WTF was in control of all the buildings, and that didn’t come as a surprise to any of us. It was time for CR, one of the largest buildings in this match, Racers get ready…. GO! captured CR first, and soon after they made a swap, we tried to intercept it, for a second it seemed to have failed, but out of nowhere UrCandy came and took it,…AH!! Well done NM!! the decision was made to fully reinforce CR, I know I said we weren’t going all in, but if we can have some fun and improve our reinforcement, then why not…right?  And they did come for CR, and we were happy we finally had something to do in this match, we sent reinforcements and when B3nni gave the order, we raced them in. We held as long as we could, and eventually, WTF was able to take it back, the color of CR on the map is now red.  

After we lost CR, we lost interest in the match, there was no point in doing more, no point in wasting heals or racing boots. So, what do u think N3O did? If you guessed Skribbl, you are correct! Elfy set the room and a few of us in N3O joined It. In case you don't know what that game is, I will tell u. It's a really fun game where you get a choice between 3 words and you have to draw it and your friends need to guess, Sounds easy right? Well, it is not as easy as it sounds! Some people can't draw well at all, and some words are just not easy to draw. It gets hard to guess the word in the limited time you get from the game. But that is what makes this silly game so hilarious at times and it's a great way to pass the time in a match like this one, where you have nothing more to do. It's also a nice way to create a bond with your teammates. Our alliance loves it!! It's our go-to game for passing the time. Time passed by and our Skribbl game was so much fun.

When the mines opened, we raced, but we didn't really care if we won the race or not, since we already gave up on the match. It was clear that we lost the match, in case u missed it…lol. We knew what the outcome would be even before the match started, which is why we didn't really try and fight like we usually do. Our alliances love this event, and we love to fight event more, but like I said at the beginning of the story, sometimes you need to know where you have a chance to fight and maybe win and where you don't and do the smart thing and save your resources, speeds and heals.

Reports from the match :

 Final Rankings:

We weren't disappointed with ourselves, we went back to our base and we went there with our heads held high, our alliance flag were raised high on our march back, to send a message that we are proud of our alliance and proud of how we handled ourselves today.  We look now to our next match, our leadership will come up with a proper plan for us and we will do our best to execute it like we always do. 
