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Importance of Percentage Attribute on Exclusive Artifacts

Article Publish : 04/20/2024 03:30
Edited by the jong at 04/27/2024 22:33

Why is the percentage damage attribute on exclusive artifacts so important? Let's delve into it and see just how big an impact the right artifact could attribute to our march.

To increase the damage dealt to our enemies, we can either:

1. Increase our Strength/Intelligence.

2. Increase our Physical Attack/Magical Attack.

3. Increase our Magical Penetration & Aptitude (For magical damage dealers).

As you can see, we have more variables with magical damage dealers, whereas with physical damage dealers, a percentage boost will yield more value, as all our bonuses are focused on two areas solely.

If we assume no meta exists and magical damage dealers are equally balanced to physical damage dealers, then their total damage will be equal provided an equal baseline of buffs, technologies, etc. So, say the total damage of both damage dealers (magical and physical) is 1000, we can examine the attribute contributing to this damage. Strength/Intelligence directly affect physical/Magical attack. Whereas with magical damage dealers, we additionally have magic penetration, which lowers the effect of magical protection.

The reason for this is, with physical, we instead have Accuracy to counter our physical attacks being dodged.

Why this is important to note is that certain builds may focus solely on damage and not account much for accuracy. As illustrated in this battle report, the enemy march does not play misleading and hereby Hannibal successfully hits all his normal attacks. Whereas with a magical damage dealer, magical defense will always play a role in the total damage output.

This is not to say accuracy and dodge aren't important factors. On the contrary, I personally find Misleading being the most underestimated skill for this reason.

Knowing this, if we add a 30% physical/magical attack boost to our immortals, you can sort of imagine the result. Being the only variable affecting our damage, the result is simply greater on a physical damage dealer than on a magical damage dealer. Magical Penetration attribute will remain unaffected by the percentage increase from magical damage dealer artifact bonuses.

How big an impact is it? 

It is very important to note the impact of strength on physical attack damage. A physical attack increase is, in theory, applying that same bonus to strength as well. An artifact's bonus attribute adds its bonus on top of the total value. In similar game mechanics, it is only the "baseline" that is added additional value to. In this case, it is simply all of our combined bonus that gets the additional % bonus, including gems for instance! Try to see for yourself when you unequip/equip your artifacts.

Understanding the "Damage Factor".

Apart from just our normal attacks, our skills deal damage based on a factor of our damage. This means that also Tower of Knowledge skills and our immortals' Ultimate skill will deal increased damage provided this bonus attribute.


In conclusion, understanding the significance of the percentage damage attribute on exclusive artifacts is crucial for optimizing damage output in combat scenarios. While both physical and magical damage dealers benefit from various attributes, the focused nature of percentage boosts makes them particularly impactful, especially for physical damage dealers. This distinction becomes evident when considering factors like accuracy and magical defense, which play distinct roles in combat dynamics. By prioritizing artifact bonuses and considering their implications on overall damage, players can strategically enhance their immortals' effectiveness in battle, ultimately leading to more successful engagements and victories.

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