Hi everyone, i’m PO PandaMoratia. In today’s article we will talk about The Immortal Leonidas.
Concept :
Leonidas is an Earth Defense Spearman Immortal, his mechanic is based on dealing few Physical damage to the entire enemy team and reducing the damage he suffers.
Exclusive Artifact :
I value it as Mandatory. With his Exclusive Artifact, when the ultimate skill deals damage, it also reduces the opponents energy by 150. This unique special effect kinda makes Leonidas ‘whole’ as an Immortal with a clear identity and purpose. And this is why i value it as mandatory.
I would look for Physical Defense% as primary attribute and Growth as Special attribute.
Skills :
Has a Disabler, all the classic batteries of Support skill work on him. Due to his fairly low Energy Regen and his Exclusive Artifact mechanic we will want to increase the amount of Ultimate Skill he’ll throw out :
Adrenaline Rush : Help us with the low Energy Regen.
Corrosive Power : Taking advantage of Leonidas specificity to deal damage as a Defense Immortal to cast his Ultimate Skill more often.
Best friends :
With his exclusive Artifact, Leonidas can pair well with Hippolyta forming a very disruptive duo which will make the opponents engine very complicated to unfold properly. He can also perform well in a standard Free to Play/Low Spender Earth team by supporting Alexander.
Conclusion :
A very niche Immortal, his Exclusive Artifact is the only reason i would consider bringing him in a team. And even with it, we can’t really count Leonidas as part of the current meta.
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