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[Review] Unveiling the Secrets of Immortal Attributes in Infinity Kingdom!

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Article Publish : 02/10/2024 02:31

Hey there, it's Mael back again to delve into the intriguing world of Infinity Kingdom. Today, we're shifting our focus to explore the intricacies of Immortal attributes. Unveiling the detailed attributes of our Immortals is like uncovering the layers of a captivating saga. Most players, myself included, have glanced at these detailed attributes, but what do they truly signify for battle, synergies, and strategies? What lies behind those metrics? To navigate through these traits, simply click on the "!" icon adjacent to the Immortal Power. Join me as we unravel the detailed attributes of Immortals, unlocking the secrets that shape their destiny in Infinity Kingdom.


Boosts your brawniness, turning your muscles into your best defense and offense. Just remember, even Immortals need a good gym session now and then! Strength comprises two stats: Physical Attack and Physical Defense. When Strength increases, both values rise. Attack and Defense are balanced to calculate damage. If your Attack surpasses your opponent's Defense, each additional Attack point deals less damage. Similarly, with Defense exceeding the opponent's Attack, each additional Defense point mitigates less damage—a concept known as diminishing returns.


Makes you as nimble as a ninja, dodging attacks and landing critical hits like a pro. With agility, you'll dance through battles with grace and finesse. Agility includes two stats: Critical Hit and Dodge. When Agility goes up, both of these values increase. So, scoring a Critical Hit means you deal a lot more damage than usual—kind of like landing a ninja strike! Dodging an Attack means you avoid all the damage and any side effects that might come with it, like dodging a bad joke at a party. Just remember, you can only dodge Physical Damage, not anything magical. And here's the tricky part: your Critical Hit chance gets compared to your opponent's Resilience, while your Dodge chance goes up against their Accuracy. It's like a game of dodgeball with a twist!


Sharpens your mind and magical prowess, turning you into a wizard on the battlefield. Who said brains can't be brawns too? Intelligence has two parts: Magical Attack and Magical Defense. When Intelligence goes up, both of these values increase. Think of it like this: getting smarter makes your magic stronger and your defenses better, kind of like leveling up your wizard skills and putting on a magical force field. And just like with physical attacks and defenses, the more Intelligence you have, the better your magical attacks and defenses become.


Builds up your resilience and accuracy, making sure your hits land and your opponents feel the pain. It's all about striking the right balance between hitting hard and not getting hit yourself. Accuracy and Resilience. When Physique goes up, both of these values increase. Accuracy decides if your attacks land and do damage, or if they miss and do nothing. Think of it like aiming your shots in a game—if you're accurate, you'll hit your target every time. But remember, accuracy only matters for physical attacks; magical attacks can't be dodged. Resilience, on the other hand, helps you resist critical hits from your opponents. It's like wearing extra armor to protect yourself from getting hurt. So, with high resilience, you're like a tough tank that can take a beating and keep on fighting!


Unleashes your magical potential, piercing through defenses and protecting you from enemy spells. With aptitude, you'll be casting spells like a boss and shrugging off magical attacks like they're nothing. Aptitude includes Magical Penetration and Magical Protection. When Aptitude goes up, both of these values increase. Magical Penetration helps your spells break through enemy defenses, kind of like a spell-breaking wizard! And Magical Protection is like a magical shield that helps you resist enemy spells. So, with high aptitude, you're like a powerful wizard with a strong defense against magical attacks! And hey, watch out for those mages and defense immortals—they might need some extra protection against magical attacks, just like wearing a helmet in a wizard duel!

Energy Regen:

Keeps your energy flowing like a well-oiled machine, ensuring you can unleash your ultimate skills when the time is right. Because even Immortals need their caffeine fix! Alright, so every immortal starts with a set Energy Regen value. But, just like adding turbo boosters to a car, you can crank up that energy regeneration! Boost levels, academy research, artifacts, and even some skills can give your immortal extra juice. Think of it like recharging your battery—you want it to fill up fast so you can unleash those awesome ultimate skills! Once you hit 1000 energy, it's like hitting the turbo button—get ready to unleash some serious power!

As we wrap up our exploration of Immortal attributes in Infinity Kingdom, it's clear that these traits hold the key to unlocking untold potential on the battlefield. From strength to agility, intelligence to aptitude, each attribute shapes the destiny of our Immortals in unique ways. As players, delving into the intricacies of these attributes opens up new avenues for strategy and synergy, paving the way for thrilling adventures and epic battles. So, let's harness the power of knowledge and embark on a journey filled with discovery, excitement, and endless possibilities in the vast world of Infinity Kingdom.

Embrace the adventure, script your legend, and download Infinity Kingdom now !

Stay epic

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