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AC - SEASON 15 - MATCH 5 & 6 - DUM vs HHH and DUM vs NOX

Wars & Stories in Westeros Alliance Conquest
Article Publish : 05/15/2023 20:42

Hi guys! 😊Here's a story about the 5th match of AC where two strong teams, DUM and HHH, faced each other. 89 players from DUM ( AllForDum ) and 80 players from HHH ( HARDWOOD ) joined the match. Both teams were fighting for a lot of points to the overall ranking, who turned out to be better, read the whole story, enjoy reading 😅


Why AC is so popular (1) :

  1. Alliance Conquest is one of the most anticipated events in the popular online game Game of Thrones. Winter is coming. This event is loved by players around the world for its unique gameplay mechanics, exciting challenges, and impressive rewards.
  2. During the Alliance Conquest event, the Alliance joins the Lannisters or Targaryens to fight for control of CR and other buildings to earn points. These territories must be guarded by players so that the enemy cannot capture these buildings and score points.
  3. In order to participate in Alliance Conquest, players must first create or join an alliance. Once they become part of an alliance, they can coordinate with their teammates to plan attacks and decide which territories to choose.

In the first 15 minutes, DUM was the first to capture the Mother's Temple, the Warrior's Tower, both CR ports, and the Outpost Targaryenów . HHH was the first to capture the Lannister Outpost. During this time, HHH attempted to take the Mother's Temple through several raids, but their timing was so bad that it took them 15 minutes to break through the already known excellent defense of the DUM players. After this time, HHH attempted to take the CR from DUM, but all attempts ended in deep failure. Meanwhile, DUM recaptured the Mother's Temple from HHH and held it until the end of the match.

- red frames, first capture of buildings by HHH, blue frames, first capture of buildings by DUM.

The next 30 minutes were about HHH taking both strongholds first and holding them for some time until DUM took the Lannister Stronghold. HHH also captured the Targaryen Outpost, but it did not last long. Solo attacks on players' castles brought a lot of points for both teams, emotions were rising, and it was time for the mines!

- red frames, first capture of buildings by HHH.

The last 15 minutes were traditionally about fighting for the mines. Both teams captured one mine each and scored 14k points.

- red frames, first capture of buildings by HHH, blue frames, first capture of buildings by DUM.

DUM celebrated their victory, which brought them closer to the top 16, who will advance to UC after the 6th match in the S league. As their goal was to get into UC, this win brought them closer to that dream. The last match would be decisive in whether they would fulfill that fantasy or not. HHH was sad, that's for sure. They won the previous 4 matches, so this defeat was a big loss for their brave warriors, but it was also a good lesson to improve their raids.

The strengths of DUM in this match were strong players not afraid to play against strong alliances, good defense, good coordination of raids, and quick building filling. The only weakness could be a strong desire to win and crush the opponent. 😜😂😜

The strengths of HHH in this match were strong players not afraid to play against strong alliances. The weaknesses were bad raid timing, poor defense, and practically no building filling during DUM raids. 😔

In summary, the MVP of this match on the DUM side was Veff, a brave warrior without flaws, and on the HHH side was Jason168 a brave warrior without flaws. Although DUM was the favorite from the beginning, and they deservedly won the match, HHH guys showed that they are great warriors and fought until the end. Congratulations to the winners and good luck in the last AC match.

In summary the fifth match of the AC between DUM and HHH was a fierce battle between two strong teams, with DUM ultimately emerging as the victors. Despite HHH's attempts to rallys and capture key buildings, such as the Temple of the Mother and the Outpost Lannister, DUM's defense proved too strong. In turn, DUM successfully seized the Stronghold Lannister and held onto it for the remainder of the match.

The last 15 minutes of the game saw both teams battling it out for control of the mines, with each team managing to capture one mine and earn 14k points each. While DUM celebrated their victory and moved closer to their goal of entering the TOP 16, HHH was disappointed by their defeat but took it as a learning experience to improve their raiding techniques.

Overall, the match highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of both teams, with DUM's strong defense and quick building filling proving to be major assets, while HHH's players' fearlessness and bravery were commendable, despite their poor raiding timing and defense.

As the match came to a close, on a hard-fought game by both alliance, they looked forward to the final match of the AC.

Watch video with battle reports and final result, enjoy! 😂

The last match of the 15th season of AC, in which DUM played exceptionally at 19 GMT to avoid a showdown with DEP and instead faced NOX. Both teams wanted to win and score a large number of points to qualify for UC, but only one team could emerge victorious. Do you know who won?🙄

The match had 96 players from DUM and 74 players from NOX, so it was clear that DUM was the stronger team. However, the DUM players were overconfident and only managed to win by a small margin, perhaps allowing their opponents to score points or simply underestimating them. Nonetheless, they secured their 5th victory and qualified for the Ultimatum Conquest along with 15 other alliances. The alliance rankings and solo points earned by players at the end of the season can be seen at the end of the story, starting from the beginning.

Why AC is so popular (2) :

  1. The battles in Alliance Conquest are intense and require strategic planning and cooperation between alliance members. Each battle is fought in real-time, and players must coordinate their actions and use their unique abilities to defeat their enemies.
  2. One of the reasons why Alliance Conquest is so popular among players is the incredible rewards that are up for grabs. Players can earn valuable resources, rare items, and even exclusive castle by participating in the event.

The first 15 minutes saw DUM quickly capturing the Mother Shrine, Warrior Towers, CR, both ports, and both outports. While NOX tried to organize raids, the strong defense of DUM prevented them from gaining any advantage. This trend continued for the next 30 minutes.

- blue frames, first capture of buildings by DUM.

The next 30 minutes involved raids from both sides. Although NOX managed to breach DUM's defense a few times, they couldn't do much damage to the valiant DUM players. Despite their efforts, NOX was in a losing position, although they had already scored a lot of points by attacking the castles of DUM's players. DUM did the same with NOX's players' castles. Then it was time for Mines!

- red frames, first capture of buildings by NOX.

The final 15 minutes were the traditional Mines phase. With DUM confident of their victory, they gave the points from both mines to NOX, allowing them to score 28k points. This time, the NW1 group joined us and will be playing with us in UC. Thanks to their strong accounts, they helped us a lot in this match. Although NOX is not a dangerous rival, they showed that they must be reckoned with and not ignored.

- red frames, capture of buildings by NOX.

In summary, although DUM had a clear advantage from the start due to having more players and thus more points, NOX managed to put up a fight and score a lot of points. DUM proved to be a fair-play alliance by giving away all the points from the mines. Their sportsmanlike conduct in this match demonstrated that despite the rivalry, the desire for victory, and the celebration of winning, they still thought about their opponents and gave them points. NOX must learn from this match and try to play better in the next AC matches next season. Congratulations to DUM for finishing 7th in the ranking of the best teams and qualifying for the Ultimatum Conquest.

The 15th season of AC was an exciting one, culminating in a match between DUM and NOX. Both teams were determined to win and secure a spot in the Ultimatum Conquest, but ultimately DUM emerged victorious. Despite having more players than NOX, DUM didn't let their guard down and only won by a narrow margin. Their sportsmanship was evident when they chose to give away all the points from the mines to NOX, even though they could have easily kept them.

The match showed that even though DUM was a stronger team, NOX could still put up a good fight and score a significant number of points. This is a lesson for NOX to learn from and improve upon in future AC matches. It is also a testament to the importance of fair play and sportsmanship in competitive gaming.

Congratulations to DUM for their well-deserved victory and for securing a spot in the Ultimatum Conquest along with 15 other teams. We wish all the teams the best of luck in their future matches and hope to see more exciting matches in the next season of AC.

MVP match : Braht on the DUM side, and Belore II on the NOX side, congratulations to these brave warriors!

Watch video with final result, enjoy! 😜

Bonus: Ranking of the TOP 16 teams that advanced to UC, and the ranking of the players who scored the most solo points, enjoy!
