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[NEWS]Glorious Battle Rewards: Fight for Glory and Claim Exclusive Rewards!

News & Announcements
Article Publish : 07/21/2021 21:30
Edited by handoftheking at 10/09/2021 18:05

Participation matters and winners deserve the rewards.

Exclusive Hall of the Golden Bird Coupon (7-day) that can help increase the enemy casualty rate and increase total attack, a Crest of Might Badge that helps with the total attack, Blessing Stones, Glory Raffle Tokens… Check out below the details about the rewards of the Glorious Battle.

 World Progression

During the 28-day Glorious Battle, lords of the kingdoms that completed the target in World Progression can claim various rewards, including War Bugle, Glory Raffle Tokens, and items that can be used to declare war against cities on land belonging to the faction.

Season Rewards

When the season ends, rewards will be sent out according to different rankings: Faction Influence Ranking Reward, Individual Elimination Ranking Reward, and Individual Contribution Ranking Reward. Only lords who have entered the Glorious Battle battlefield can obtain the reward.

Faction Influence Ranking Reward

When the season ends, Faction Influence Rewards will be sent out according to the Faction Influence Rankings.

Individual Elimination Ranking Reward

When the season ends, Individual Elimination Rewards will be sent out according to the Individual Elimination Rankings. Every T3 troop eliminated grants 1 point. Every T4 troop eliminated grants 5 points.

Individual Contribution Ranking Reward

When the season ends, Individual Contribution Rewards will be sent out according to the Individual Contribution Rankings.

In addition, you can exchange the Battle Tokens and Bravery Tokens for different items in the Token Shop.

Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. The final update will be determined in-game.


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