GTarcade App

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Update 0720

Official Anouncements
Article Publish : 07/19/2021 11:30

Dear Warriors, we will release update at 00:30(PST), 3 :30(EST), 08:30(EU), 15:30(HKT) July 20. The estimated update time is about two hours.

Update Content:

1. All-new growth system [Amulet] unlocks 15 days after Server Opening and upon players reaching Lv.520!

Upgrade your Amulet and advance the Amulet Tier to gain tons of attributes.

Train Mythic Beasts to gain tons of attributes and activate Mythic Beast Guardian Stones.

Inlay Guardian Stones in the Amulet to activate Guardian Stone attributes.

Level of activated Guardian Stone attributes will not exceed the Amulet Tier.

Only one Guardian Stone can be activated at one time.

2. All-new system [Flag] unlocks 15 days after Server Opening and upon players reaching Lv.520!

System entrance can be found in [Forge].

There are a total of three Flags, and after advancing each Flag, the corresponding Adventure Skill can be upgraded.

Adventure Skills allow players to clear the Adventure Instance unlocked at the same time with greater ease.

3. All-new game mode [Adventure Instance] unlocks 15 days after Server Opening and upon players reaching Lv.520!

Game mode entrance is located within [Solo Instance].

Newly added purchase of Bread in Gold Shop with a daily purchase limit.

Newly added sale of Epic Adventure Map and Legendary Adventure Map in Gold Shop.

4. Fixed display errors in some item text.

5. Fixed display errors in some interfaces.


1. Play LoA-HF ->

2. Play LoA-HF ->
