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100% Rebate! Exclusive IK bundles are now fully available.

News & Anouncements
Article Publish : 05/20/2022 16:41
Edited by caitlyn_ling at 05/21/2022 13:55

🔥We are pleased to tell you that the exclusive IK bundles are now fully available!🔥

There are 10 premium bundles on the shelf now, from $6.99 to $99.99. We offered up to 100% rebate❗️

The content of the pack included equivalent vouchers, gems, philosopher's stone, 1M gold, epic immortal spirit chest, multiple speed-ups, etc.

Come Get it Now🙌Welcome to invite friends to join us together😘

Please stay tuned! More benefits are coming soon🎁

🍦How to buy the Bundle:

1. Android User: The game pack is only for the players on the official Gtarcade APP, Google players are not supported.

Click points shop-Gold on the Official Gtarcade APP, and choose your pack. You can download the official package from:

2. Apple user: If you are an Apple user, you could follow those approaches:

Approach 1: Scan the QR Code (long press the picture and select "identify the QR code") to visit the website.

Approach 2:You could purchase a pack from this link:

Notice: Please copy the URL and open it through the external browser.

We'd like to ask your opinion on game packs and promotion events. Please Feel free to leave comments here. 

🍦How to use Voucher:

1. Only need to choose the in-game packs as equivalent to the voucher, the Voucher will automatically deduct the price.

2. You can check your voucher through Items-Other.
