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Play Multiple Accounts on Gtarcade Desktop App!

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Article Publish : 06/28/2022 15:25
Edited by cocolee at 06/28/2022 15:39

Hello cool people! How are you guys?

I'm here to tell you about Gtarcade Desktop App's latest feature!

💡You are now able to play multiple accounts at the same time. How to do it? Very simple!

1.Download Desktop App from:

2.Install Infinity Kingdom on Desktop App

3.Before you login, click on the cog next to the version number and pick multiple login

Once you complete all the steps above, you can login to as many account as you'd like!

🎬If you need further help, visit the following video link:


Post the screenshot of you playing IK on Desktop in the comment section.

10 players will be randomly selected to receive 3000 points.

Have fun peeps!
