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Three exclusive Immortal artifacts have been scattered on Norheim!

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Article Publish : 01/24/2022 12:20
Edited by cocolee at 01/24/2022 12:20

Three exclusive Immortal artifacts – Hippolyta’s Goddesses’ Waist Belt, Hannibal Barca’s The War Colossus and Richard I’s Death and Glory has been scattered on Norheim! (Available for servers that have been open for 60 days)

〓Exclusive Immortal Artifacts Introduction

1. Exclusive immortal artifacts are exclusive to a specific immortal. When an immortal wears their own exclusive artifact, they will be brought to their full potential. To forge exclusive immortal artifacts, you’ll need complete exclusive artifact schematics.

2. After an immortal wears their own exclusive artifact they will be able to use their own exclusive skills. These exclusive skills are substantially stronger than an immortal’s ultimate skills.

3. If an immortal wears an artifact exclusive to another immortal, but has the same position as the other immortal, only basic attributes will be increased, but they will not be able to use any exclusive skills.

〓Exclusive Attributes Description

1. Goddesses’ Waist Belt: Hippolyta can now unleash heavenly fire 7 times with her ultimate skill.

2. The War Colossus: Hannibal Barca’s ultimate skill converts into a passive skill: his damage will increase and he’ll immediately get the Cleave effect after entering a battle. This effect lasts for the whole battle.

3. Death and Glory: When Richard I deals damage, the chance that the target will be stunned increases by 20%.

〓How to obtain exclusive artifact schematics

1. Participate in the Wonderful Journey event (dice can be obtained through the Spending Reward event)

2. Participate in the Heroic Path event to obtain Conquest Coins, which can be used in the Supreme’s Seal event to exchange for schematic fragments.

3. Through Gift of Bondings, Ultimate Treasure or Supreme Gift packs.

Collect schematics now, to make your immortals the strongest they can be!
