Ultimate Conquest, are the playoffs of the best teams within Alliance Conquest, the most enjoyable and famous event within GoTWiC. It is easy to say, that whoever is the ultimate champion of UC, is some kind of a best team within the entire game. This time I would like to tell you about a first round of the UC, where FFS has faced a team, that on the paper, should not make any problems to them, and that was OBV.
Both teams are represented by some good warriors yet without a doubt FFS is the giant of this meet up. This battle will be having also additional meaning as we will face some of the ex WTF members which were expelled during the time of WTF + NFI merge, same as me if I must be honest, but I managed to improve and return stronger to the team. My aim was targeted towards something different, one particular person, that I have noticed within the roster of the enemy, and that was british lady named ‘Delightful’ with which I had some story in the past.
I would like to invite you to read this story which contains a bit of rivalry, old/new friendships, and secret drama. Enjoy!

FFS is a team created on the basis of one of the stronger players within the game, It has always been capturing high ranks in every event, very often becoming and ultimate champion, as we can remember only 2 seasons ago, FFS as WTF was champion of UC! Having players like QUEENY which never fails to deliever her important judgements, reinforced by faithful Josehf and very quick KORGEI, it has always been a threat to any type of the enemys which had to show their A game to even enter the competition.
OBV on the other way, had its ups and downs, mostly being an average team, I would say counting on rank 10-16 within UC. There were quite a few times when they did not even qualify to the top16 but this time it did work out for them so all the respect has been well earned. I am struggling to choose some outstanding players from their team as truly, currently they are just an average team from the top bracket.
Looking on the UC bracket we kind of were lucky to be placed against OBV, as most of teams would either put up a good fight or potentially if not winning easy, then going head to head with them. I consider it as a good sign for us and an quite easy round 1.

Like in most of the matches there must be either some drama, conspiracy or old enemies present. Here we had kind of a drama as we had to play against our old members Aelin Ash and StormWing however for me it mattered more to face my very old clan leader, Delightful aka muglers fusion. This British lady used to be leader of our clan back on k203 where I came from, and had under her tag many players who now play or played in WEE, FDH, BaN and many others. The only problem was that following a huge drama and a breakup between the clan, she did not act like she was supposed to, and left to a stronger alliance, when we needed her the most. I was thinking many times to visit her kingdom and wait in the shadow till protection will drop, but instead, luck has gave me this opportunity to face her in AC-UC, so obviously, I messaged my old clan members, and we all waited patiently, till the bubbles will drop to do the hit!
It felt really exciting for me to be able to give back now, when I am stronger, to the old her, as back in the days she used her power as a negotiation point.
The game itself

We knew that we have to win this game and that was the attitude we had once entering the battlefield. QUEENY has prepared us well, group of assassins who smell blood from distance. I personally couldn’t wait for this game, and have been excited like not too often before, because of Delightful. I have seen some old clan members in OBV like Craig Newman from ‘tuf’ times, but this one, was a special gift to be welcomed by my spear.
As usual first factor we should mention when it comes to UC games, is the participation, and this time, ours was spot on! 70/70 have shown up from the official roster, against the 69 from the enemy team. That was already a slight of an advantage not even mentioning the clan strengths.
With this information having boost of motivation, we were entering the battle with a victory written on our faces, only way we could mess it up, would be by our own mistakes.

It was 18:55 and QUEENY started to do a recap of the strategy, reminding racers and rally leaders to be prepared to capture first 4 castles which were two outposts, warrior and mother. We kept waiting, fully prepared, not knowing how the match will start, but we hoped for the best possible result!

As the 19:00 approached, the timer went down 5 -4 -3 -2- 1 and GO! Racers have started rushing on their horses while rally leaders have sent slow marches towards the destinations. Rest of us were sitting there and watching what will be the outcome, who will take the castles as the first arriving there new owner, will it be us, or them, the challenge was in the air!

It did go kind of by our plan, and not really at the same time. We captured both outposts while enemy captured Mother and Warrior. Considering the importance of the castles, I would say the enemy has captured most important castles at that time, so obviously, we had to take them away from them!
Enemy did not got hold on to the Mother and Warrior for too long, as it took us 1:05 and 3:24 minutes to re-capture those castles. Great effort from our fast players!
Everyone were excited for the outposts as we quickly have changed the leaders in them to successfully defend from enemy rallies which believe me, were coming very shortly.

However enemy has been too weak to take it back and we managed to successfully reinforce our castle owners to keep them. Every battle that we were coming out as victorious I would say was a boost of energy, motivation and belief as we can do it.
Next castles which were unlocked were ports. Ports are very crucial as they give a lot of points so every team is trying to make sure, ports are on their side.
Once again we were hoping to capture both, yet here came the enemy hidden warrior who was fast like a lightening, or like… Iron Fist from Marvel? Well he definitely was fast and his nickname was IronFist1, which later I have seen in DUM alliance. He has captured the Lannister Port, yet as you might be potentially thinking already, took us about 3 minutes, and port was ours.

The rallies were incoming yet once again, enemy was not strong enough to take it back. This game was just preoutcomed, and there was nothing OBV could do about it. Once we prepared for the next castle and one of most important ones, so CR, we knew who should be sitting there wearing her crown, it was QUEENY obviously, yet once again, out of nowhere, almost like a blink IronFist1 has moved with a lightening speed and captured CR before we could. This was very upsetting and we were going after it. Rallies started to mount. Yet I did not manage to participate as they were filled too quickly. The castle was taken by us, and there was not much to talk about it, our strength has stamped the enemy, and this way we had all the castles, that were unlocked so far.
It was almost the time, when I would be the most happy person at that particular time, as I could finally attack Delightful. I have located her castle and waited patiently while checking the protection timer, to do a quick attack and make sure I will be the one burning her. As soon the timer went to 0 my troops were immediately after on the road. WE MARCH I shouted, WE MARCH TO THE ENEMY!

This was the most exciting thing that happened for me, during this evening. How could this day end in a better atmosphere if not by burning her castle. Finally I had my revenge, after all those years, I was happy and feeling accomplished.
My teammates did not wait, and hit other castles too.

As we have burned all enemy castles there was only wait for the final castles to lose protection, and it was the mines. Mines are quite exceptional as they give a lot more points than other castles, but just for a short period of time. It is then essential to take it as soon as possible and fill up to the maximum. Once again racers rushed to do the first capture and once again, we had to split the castles with enemy, as Mohamed 10 has been faster. QUEENY has said it, RALLIES UP!
And all our rally leaders have started the rallies. I managed to join two of them, Lord Prataap and NEO STRAIDER. I was hoping for some good fight to be happening, and I received what I wanted.

As you might already preassume, Mine has been captured by us, and that was pretty much the end of the game.

Result has been reflection of the current strength of both teams, It was quite nice achievement I would say considering this match up for OBV to gain over 40k points. Well done to them!. I had my long awaited revenge and trust me, it was more of us who were happy about it. The first round of UC has been victorious for us and in the second round we were to meet NBe, A team we always struggle to beat, hopefully this time we will manage to do it! But until then, I shall see you on the Westeros fields.
Till the next time..