Alliance Conquest
Season 20, Round 6.
It’s the sixth and final round of Alliance Conquest, and it's a must win game for both teams! The winner guarantees their spot in UC, and the loser will have a small but unlikely chance to make it too!

We decided to go for a different time slot to play this final match, thinking it would be an easier route to the Ultimate Conquest. The plan backfired and we play a similar power team to what we would have played if we chose our normal time slot, only problem now is we are down on members because of choosing this time slot, 84 of us and DUM have 91!
The match begins and the race for the Mother, The Warrior and the 2 outposts was even! 2 buildings each, DUM gets the Warrior and the Mother, while we get the 2 Outposts. DUM attempts a swap on The Mother, and successfully does so. HOH then rallies the Mother. Multiple rallies are set up to try and take it off them.. Once all the rallies were filled they were set off and sped in. We dealt too much damage to the enemy troops that DUM couldn't deal with, accurately timed attacks, all hitting almost simultaneously. And we came out Victorious!
Meanwhile we were under attack at The Targaryen Outpost. DUM rallies were slow, but our reinforcements were slower, and we ended up losing the Outpost to ChristianOr.
Next was the Ports, their bubbles were about to drop so everyone got themselves ready to race. Fingers at the ready!! And GO!! Both alliances sped in their marches as fast as they could, and the outcome is even, we take 1 Port each. We then decided to try to retake the Targaryen Outpost that we just lost. All rally leaders set up their rallies and waited to be filled before setting off towards the target. All rallies got sped in on the Outpost, DUM failed to reinforce it quick enough for them to defend so we soon had the Targaryen Outpost back under our control.
Casterly Rock was next, the match was fairly even at this point only a couple Thousand points in it, DUM leading the way at 24K and HOH on 21K, so taking and holding Casterly Rock could easily put us in the lead. Racers get ready and speed in quickly on Casterly Rock , but it was DUM that took it.
We need points and we need them fast! So we turn our attention to the Lannister Port. all rallies are set up and filled quickly. The second they're all filled they got sent out to attack the port. Rally horns are used to speed up the marches and hit them quick and hard! Almost every rally was victorious. Crushing the enemy's defences until we took it off them.
Now for the fun bit.. The bubbles on the enemy castles were dropping , a chance to gather up some elimination points, and clear out the enemy of their personal points.
I searched the enemy hive until I found someone I felt I could beat who still had points left. I see a Spearman account with a load of troops and their points left. So I went in for the kill! I speed my troops in quickly to snipe their points and get my army back home before I was attacked. BUT… I was too slow, the enemy was already marching towards my castle before I even hit my target. I lost my points immediately. I was even too slow to hit my target.. Nother HOH member had almost cleaned them of troops and took their points.
But there were more points to take off the enemy castles, and more elimination points to gain. So I searched the enemy hive some more and found a couple more targets and beat them all.
After clearing out the enemy hive of points, we were still a bit behind DUM, almost a 6K point gap , 30K-24K and they have more buildings than us, even holding Casterly Rock still… but we need to defend the attacks on the Lannister Port first.. They're already marching towards us, and the port is full of troops.. We sit patiently and wait until they need reinforcements. As each DUM rally hits we lose troops and try our best to reinforce quickly, DUM rallies keep hitting and chipping away at us, but we defend it successfully.
We retake the Targaryen stronghold, and the Lannister Outpost, and this puts us at an advantage now, scoring more than DOUBLE the points that DUM are per minute. And we close the gap quickly.. We're now only 1K points behind before the mines open up. 45K-46K.
The race for the mines was even, we took one each, but we knew we needed both to secure the win. We made a big mistake, we tried to do a swap on the mine we had and we ended up losing it to DUM!! This is not what we needed!! We set up rallies quickly on the Lannister mine and set off as soon as they're full.. Every rally hits quick and hits hard, causing too much damage for DUM to defend against. We take the mine and prepare to have a go at the Targaryen mine.
We eventually take the mine, and reinforce it fully. The gap is 10K points…59K-69K.. is this too much for us to gain???? Of Course not!! We keep on top of the reinforcements on both mines, and while doing this we manage to take more of the other buildings. And we were gaining on DUM’s score at a rapid pace. 2000 points MORE per minute than DUM.. now we're thinking we really do have a chance to win as long as we keep hold of what we've got. We defended the majority of the attacks with good reinforcement. The mines were emptied, and the gap is now only 2K points. And in the dying seconds of the match, the scores tighter than i have ever seen… all we needed was abit of luck when the points turn over from the buildings.

But sadly we didn't get that luck… and DUM beat us by a miniscule amount.
Final Score:
Elimination Ranks: