In Westeros, each great house had its motto. But only one resonated like a bad omen: "Winter is coming". The motto of House Stark, from forgotten times when the North Wall did not yet exist, had nevertheless lost its original meaning. For all, it seemed to announce the harshness of the trials of winter, hunger, cold, and the rigors of ice, as well as all the difficulties that resulted from them. Winter could last for months, even years, which further reinforced the worries. But in the origins of this motto, there was a much darker story, and even more terrible trials. It came from ancient times when dark forces from the north had wanted to conquer the southern lands. This had caused a clash of rare violence, opposing the forces of Westeros, to the frozen-to-death entities of the north led by its Night King.
But the forces of the north had started their march towards the south again. Slowly, relentlessly, they came to confront the forces of Westeros once again. Reducing everything to dead ice, the sapphire-eyed White Walkers advanced. The Night King had returned. Built millennia ago, the first defense of the free men was the Wall of Ice, built by the Stark family, and more precisely by Brann the Builder. It was once the Wall was destroyed that the true threat was announced to the world.

On the heights of the wall, the night watch had witnessed this destruction. Early the next day, a soldier was sent to all the great families of the North to announce the terrible news: the long night was approaching.

The first province to fall was naturally that of Neufdon. The ground froze, and death gradually took over the lands. The generals of the white walkers numbered in the hundreds, and the king of the night sat proudly, close to the breach in the wall, impossible to attack. The white walkers were even more numerous.

But by the glory of the old and new gods, the commanders of Westeros would not be alone in facing this ordeal. Glorious heroes had joined the coalition, and were arrayed around Winterfell Castle. Jon Snow was the first, and surely the most charismatic of the heroes to join the north and defend the interests of the free men.

Arthurion also, in search of glory, wanted to face the enemy from the north. He also wanted to go down in the history of Westeros, as the one who dared to defy the threat from the north alone. He positioned himself near the border, ready to attack the Night King's first general. Arthurion liked to do things in order. Kill the first general first, then the second, and so on, until he obtained the Night King's head. As soon as he was within range of his enemy, he was immediately targeted. He who thought that his power would give him a little respite, he was terribly disappointed. Once entered the territory of the White Walkers, no one is safe. Not even the most powerful commander in the kingdom.

Being the target, he suspected it. He had organized his wall and his troops to ward off the enemy. A thick wall, filled with pikes. Small pikes. As wide as fingers. And more than 10 cm long. Arthurion had very clever advisors who thought that it was enough to pierce the eyes of a white walker to render him inoperable. What better than a small, long and thin pike to achieve this? Arthurion believed in it hard as iron. Thus he had prepared his wall. But he mainly intended to leave his castle to attack the enemies. Before going out into this icy atmosphere, it was appropriate to warm the hearts and motivation of his troops.
- Like the ice that burns the cold with its heat, be the fighters of heat by destroying the cold with your warm sword! You have hot blood! If you died, you would be chilled. And death is forever! Is that what you want? An eternity of cold? No? Then we liquidate all this, and then we go to Dorne to enjoy it!
And he launched the first assault of the war. A cold, long, and dark war.

Unfortunately, the first assault did not produce the expected result. Quite the opposite. Not a severe spanking, but not the long-awaited feat that would allow him to go down in history either. Since the first time was not good – and the troops were replaced quite easily – he returned to the charge.

The second charge wasn't much better either. There was only one reason for that: the enemy was cheating! This general must have had some occult power that made him much more powerful. In any case, it was not necessary to insist against a cheater. It was enough to put the masters on the case. They would end up finding in their book a forgotten ancestral technique allowing to overcome him. After having quickly moved his castle, he took the attacks of the white walkers, then set up a good fire to forget this defeat. Not even time to warm his socks that the bad news fell again.

- A messenger: My lord! Refugees come from another region!
- Arthuron: Damn. A cold region I hope? If the white walkers invade the south, then I won't understand anything anymore!
- A messenger: yes, they come from Atre-les-Confins!
- Arthurion: from where?
- Messenger: from Atre-les-Confins!
- Arthurion: I don't know. Where is that?
- Messenger: it's in the north. Between the barren hills, the sea of ice, the frozen ocean, the snow-capped mountains and the cold meadows.
- Arthurion: hmm... With the description, I can see exactly what place it is. In any case, I have the impression that these white walkers have decided to wreak havoc in my kingdom!
He may have been brave, but he wasn't reckless. He knew well that he could not win alone. He would have to organize rallies with his friends. Again, again and again. To try to overcome them. And the maesters still did not find anything... It's a shame, the technique of pikes in the eyes was rather a good idea, but had not been very conclusive.
-<( A STAR IS BORN )>-
Fortunately, fate brought him new directions. Indeed, the allies of Westeros did not intend to abandon the north to its fate. And among these allies, there seemed to be the greatest nobles of the kingdom.

So, Daenerys entered the dance! Enough to impress the enemies. The dragons would perhaps be more effective than the pikes in the eyes. Let's hope so, because the maesters were starting to want to bring out pikes again, but not to put them in the eyes...
The map of the north was starting to become clearer, and the various scouts had succeeded in locating the various generals and white walkers.

It was therefore decided to take advantage of Daenerys' arrival to organize a hive, and attack the generals of the white walkers again.

There weren't that many of them, but it was still better than being alone. And since Arthurion was still so picky about the order of generals to eliminate, it was decided to continue the fight against the number 1 general.

A much more effective rally. But still not as much as he would have liked. So, he chatted with his friends:
- PacoVega: I was expecting a good thrashing.
- Arthurion: me too.
- Vangark: I'm a little disappointed.
- PacoVega: tell me Arthurion, why are there little pointy spikes all over the walls of your castle?
- Arthurion: don't worry, it's just in case.
He wasn't going to reveal all the subtlety of his plans either!
Arthurion and his friends had barely started the first general of the Night King when someone came to warn him that the White Walkers were still advancing!

- Arthurion: Oh oh! Calm down, White Walkers!
- PacoVega: Yeah! We don't have time for that! We can't mess around!
- Vangark: Arthurion, will you tell us why you're adding little spikes to your castle?
Since nothing was moving forward, they naturally had to clarify the battle plan. With the big cold coming, there was no point in wasting time, energy and troops against the little generals. It was decided to wait directly for the arrival of the supreme leader: the Night King.
Because he finally arrived. He and his troops naturally headed towards Winterfell. What more symbolic place for an epic and bloody battle? There would be blood, especially from the allies. The enemies - apparently - did not shed blood, only cold frost.

When the Night King finally showed up in the 276th kingdom, he was quickly targeted. Everyone knew what they had to do, and it had to be done quickly. Time was running out. Since they hadn't taken the time to kill the generals, they had to expect fierce resistance and formidable reinforcements. Arthurion mobilized his troops and launched his first assaults.

It was necessary to quickly organize to increase the output of the rallies. The waves of white walkers were coming again, again and again. There seemed no limit to the power and quantity of troops that the Night King could deploy. However, Arthurion and his friends had already fought the wildlings. It was therefore decided to get closer to the Night King, to allow direct assaults.

At least the assaults had their effect. The dismembered bodies of the white walkers fell without ceasing. The filthy bones of the enemies piled up on the ground. The battlefield had turned into a cemetery, or worse, an ossuary. The fight was long, tiring, and exhausting. The cold did not help.

It took hours and hours of fighting to try to overcome the enemy. The rallied troops of Arthurion on one side, and Vangark on the other were fighting to the death. Only one side could survive, and Arthurion hoped to be on the right side in the end. Arthurion fought ceaselessly, relentlessly. Gave his orders. Healed his troops. When finally the unexpected happened! All the enemies suddenly relaxed, and fell to pieces. An advisor then came to clarify what everyone was hoping for:

-<( VICTORY )>-
They had defeated the Night King! After long and terrible hours of fighting, they could finally release the pressure. Arthurion, for his part, had only been able to face the Night King's defense troops. He wasn't the one who had dealt the fatal blow. So it had to be Vangark?!

Indeed, it was Vangark who had managed to reach the enemy and plant a dragon glass dagger in his heart. Some will say that it was Arya Stark who had achieved this feat, but no, it was Vangark. He had managed to sneak up to the enemy and skewer him in one of his pikes. A lesson that Arthurion did not miss!
- Arthurion: so the pike technique works well! Vangark managed to defeat the Night King thanks to his spearmen! So our pikes were too small.
It was always a question of size.
A wind of freshness blew over Westeros. Not a cold wind. Not an icy wind. A fresh, soft, delicate, and pleasant wind. The icy cold of the north seemed to have softened, bringing with it the hope of better days. Arthurion and his friends celebrated their victory by raiding the northern cellars. It was normal to enjoy their hospitality before returning to the lands further south. So banquets were held, again, again and again, to celebrate the liberation of the kingdom, and the death of the Night King. There were still a few scattered White Walkers, but now that everyone knew the technique to defeat them, it wouldn't be long before they were all reduced to crumbs.
The fine team of the 276th kingdom was not a little proud of their result. They had once again proven their effectiveness in combat. It was above all proof of their ability to organize themselves, and to fight together for a common goal. And what goal could be nobler than saving Westeros? There are regular battles, easy to fight, that come back, and that weld team spirit, but this war against the Night King that had just ended had brought much more. A new adventure that united the kingdom and illuminated the future of a new era.