Welcome one and all to the amazing spectacle that only Alliance Conquest can provide, today Westeros is in for a treat as the final match of the regular season commences. The two teams we have for you today are TFI and TNP, both looking to cement their place in Ultimate Conquest. TFI is led by the resourceful Joel1101, who is looking to bounce back from their poor performance in the previous round. On the other side, TNP is led by the powerhouse SATRINA, who believes his team is one victory away from Ultimate Conquest and will do everything in his power to achieve his goal. Will it be the comeback story of TFI or the unstoppable march of TNP, Alliance Conquest begins shortly!

Joel1101 has to once again shake of the ghost of BAIZIMING, both TFI loses this season have been at the hands of BAIZIMING and TFI have to refocus on the prize if they are to get their rematch in the play-offs. “TNP will most likely not have the fire power to beat us today but they have SATRINA, this match will depend on how many shows up today, if we have the numbers we should win easily,” Joel1101 knew TFI had a big advantage going into the match but warriors like SATRINA turn matches upside down. Alliance Conquest comes down to racing for structures on the map and holding them for points, most teams will swap in a stronger warrior to make it harder for their opponent to recapture the structure. Furthermore, the additional buildings you hold the more buffs you will receive and subsequently the harder it will be for the enemy to take the buildings back. “Once we have both towers and one outpost, the buffs should be enough to make it impossible for TNP to take any buildings off us, unless SATRINA soloes us out but it will cost him,” Joel1101 knew SATRINA was the only X-factor TNP possessed and if they could contain him, this match would be theirs.

DiEhArD was the second in command and the main shot caller on the battlefield, “this match will be about endurance, can we endure TNPs version of BAIZIMING, “Joel1101 had a little twitch as he heard the name but agreed with his good friend. “I as per usual will try to save myself for soloes but if I happen to take a building, I will most likely stay unless Joel1101 feels a need to take me out,” DiEhArD could sense Joel1101 was still reeling from their last match but knew Joel1101 would not make the same mistakes. As TFI braces for SATRINA's onslaught, the main issue will be, can they endure and synergize enough to prevail or will the echoes of past defeats resurface to haunt them?

On the other hand, TNP knew they had an uphill battle against TFI but their leader has a plan, ”we will bring chaos into the mix today, I will be soloing every building they have, I just need some of you to follow me up with rallies, speed them in when I give the command, “ SATRINA known for his relentless aggression knew only one way to fight, he would have to be extraordinary today as they had less warriors on the battlefield than their opponents. Will SATRINA’s plan to bring disorder to TFI's ranks succeed or will TFI show discipline and growth to book their place in Ultimate Conquest?

As both teams finally enter the battlefield, the positioning of each side becomes apparent, “SATRINA has placed himself at the front, leadership will keep an eye on him, I will call out the target he chooses,” Joel1101 wasn’t going to let TNPs aggression overcome TFI calculated ascendency. As the match began, the racers took their positions, both sides looking to get off to a great start. TFI once again can thank their racers as they won 3 out of 4 buildings, leaving only the Lannister Outpost to TNP. “The racers make this so easy, unfortunately our slow marcher for the Temple of the Mother had problems, we will need a hard-swap but no matter, I don’t believe they will see it coming,” DiEhArD was confident in his team, no matter the state of the match. On the other side, SATRINA was waiting for the bubbles to drop to begin his reign of terror, “it will be hard to keep the Lannister Outpost, they will most likely take it back but I will be looking at the Targaryen Outpost as a response, be ready to take it with me,” SATRINA had already planned ahead for such circumstances, knew the strengths and weaknesses of his team and played accordingly.

As SATRINA predicted, TNP lost Lannister Outpost to multiple solo attacks and the Hard-Swap on the Temple of the Mother was missed due to TNP being focused elsewhere. “My solo attacks aren’t doing enough damage to TFI, they have enough numbers to reinforce immediately,” TNP’s focus and resources were being stretched too thin, allowing TFI to secure critical objectives and maintain control over crucial buffs. The battle for round 6 of Alliance Conquest was far from over but the clock was ticking for SATRINA and he knew it.

The racers were once again called to action,” it seems our opponents have one bullet in the chamber but we can absorb that with reinforcements, “DiEhArD could sense high spirits in the air with laughter and an inevitability with the match. The racers of TFI once again showed their superiority by winning both races, “Sir, I think you were mistaken when you made the BAIZIMING comparison,” one of the elite warriors jokingly said. “Well, TNP doesn’t have the follow up BAIZIMING had, SATRINA hits just as hard but there’s not enough of them to capitalize on their advantage,” DiEhArD usually wouldn’t be so carefree in his response but he didn’t want to ruin the mood of the camp. “Remember why we are here, we need this win to reach Ultimate Conquest and we will face him again, I wonder if you will be so nonchalant then soldier,” Joel1101 wasn’t in the mood to play games, as the elite warrior put his head down, understanding the gravity of Joel1101’s reminder.

The time had come for Casterly Rock to open its gates, “we really need Casterly Rock, to mount a comeback, the 4-minute bubble will give us some breathing room,” SATRINA already knew in his heart, this match was looking over but for his warriors, he kept a straight face. Just before the race began, both racers from TFI were patting each other on the back, thinking that they had already won. As both sides racers went for their goal, there was a loud cheer from the TNP camp, as they had just won their second race of the match, “this is what we needed, great job, we can build upon this, “SATRINA could see the light at the end of the tunnel, there still was a chance. On the other hand, Joel1101 was fuming at the complacency he was witnessing within the TFI camp, “it seems you have all gone to sleep, yes put your sword and shield down, you don’t need it, since we have already won right”? Joel1101 wasn’t mad at his racers for losing a race but the way they lost it, disgusted him to the core. “We can’t let ourselves down like this, it seems we have the win but the mindset needs to change if we are to push ourselves further than ever before,” DiEhArD took it upon himself to further emphasize Joel1101’s point.

With 45 minutes remaining TFI had a commanding lead with multiple buffs aiding them, “as soon as that bubble drops, I want to see multiple rallies opened and filled, lets take back what is ours, “Joel1101 wanted standards to return to their normal levels and he began with testing the time it took to fill rallies. “That’s more like it, we did that so fast, more of this from you and BAIZIMING will wish he chose A League instead of B,” Joel1101 gave the command to send the rallies and speed them in and just like that, Casterly Rock was under the control of TFI.

Simultaneously TNP also had plans, “we have to help SATRINA, while he does damage around the battlefield, “M I C H E L took it upon himself to step up when his leader needed him the most and create another source of pressure by rallying the Targaryen Port while rallies were being made against Casterly Rock. Unfortunately for TNP, the reinforcements from TFI were too much to bear and with TNP not having access to the Temple of the Mother, they were the ones losing more resources than TFI. “I say we hold our troops until the mines open and try to achieve a respectable score, we can still try to achieve 20k points, if we save our troops till then,” SATRINA made the call, TNP would wait for the last races in the match and hold back until then.

The TFI onslaught would not end, even TNP’s hive would take a battering as TNP would hide troops until the mines would open but that didn’t stop TFI from taking their hive points, which would further cement their lead. “Stick to the plan, take as many hive points from them as you can, our goal still remains the same,” SATRINA would also have an easy time taking points from TFI but would it be enough to reach their 20k points goal, only time will tell.

The mines were about to become available and all eyes would turn towards these two buildings, “I want to see growth from you guys in this match, every match is a step forward to our goal, “Joel1101 didn’t want to see complacency from his team ever again. TFI would eventually see a smile come from the face of Joel1101 as they took both mines and booked their spot in Ultimate Conquest. “We did what we could, I’m proud we made it this far but TFI were too strong and numerous on the day,” SATRINA had taken enough hive points to reach their 20k points goal but the bitter taste of defeat was something SATRINA despised. The final 19 minutes of the match would be a game of cat and mouse with TFI trying to catch SATRINA’s castle without his lord but eventually even SATRINA would run out of resources.

The final minute ticked away and TFI had not only booked their spot in Ultimate Conquest in convincing fashion but gained valuable experience for future matches. “The first half of this match was a disgrace but we bounced back and that’s what really matters, “Joel1101 was satisfied with the outcome, reaching a healthy 100k points made sure they would place in the top 10 of the regular season. “If we didn’t face BAIZIMING twice we would be even higher but now we know what we face, “DiEhArD was ready for Ultimate Conquest, he was already planning for the rematch.
On the other side of the battlefield, TNP were licking their wounds, “we didn’t get to Ultimate Conquest but we wouldn’t have done well with the turn out we had today anyway, “SATRINA and TNP would need to find a batter match time for their members or risk the same thing happening in the future.
TFI left the match emboldened and focused, ready to tackle the challenges of Ultimate Conquest, will they be the ones to finally end BAIZIMING’s reign of terror or will BAIZIMING show all of Westeros, what true power really is.