As time passes, events come and go, and Alliance Conquest, everyone's favourite event, was no exception to this. It was now the time for it to begin once again, with season 20, Ashun was looking forward to a great campaign and opportunities to unfold for him and BaN, his alliance for whom he is giving it his best to race and win buildings. He is a proficient racer whose dedication speaks volumes, he has been doing it since the very first season of the event, gaining a lot of experience and showing everyone why he is deserving of being a part of BaN's racing team.
BaN are of the favourites to win the entirety of the event, with having fought a final in the last season and only ever getting stronger before the start of season 20. Ashun was excited of this prospect, as it gave him even more of a reason to prove himself, and he was not going to let it slip by him.
In Alliance Conquest, two alliances battle each other over the ownership of various buildings that provide buffs and points per minute, the alliance with the most points will come out victorious. This was a simple concept, but exciting for everyone involved, allowing warriors to go all out when fighting each other without the fear of losses.
The activity and planning for the event were on another level each round, and for the first one, even more so. Tanalyn, the leader of the event, was more than ready to make everyone give more than 100% of what they could offer in order to win every single match. She assigned everyone with their respective tasks and positions, and for Ashun they were to race towards 3 specific buildings: The Mother, Lannister Port and Casterly Rock, all of which are really important to not only capture, but also hold, if they wished to win matches.

Their opponents for the very first round were NBe, an alliance that they have faced many times and that Ashun was highly familiar with. He was excited of facing against them once more, as it would show him if he improved his racing or if it had become worse. He anticipated that he would be rusty at first, as the first round of the season is always the worst when it comes down to raw speed, until everyone gets used to running towards the buildings.
Tanalyn was also expecting a great match, as NBe was always fierce and giving it their all no matter how behind they were in the match. This was the perfect setup for an exciting start of the season and show everyone that BaN still deserved their spot in the rankings.
As both alliances have reached the battlefield, they both showed just how serious they took the encounter with each other, each of them having maximum attendance at their disposal.

Seeing just how many fighters NBe had brought motivated Ashun to do his best and win, his competitive spirit was high. His first race, the Mother, was going to take place as soon as the battle begins, and with time passing quickly as he listened to Tanalyn's plans, he now was marching towards the building.
He was giving it everything he could, pushing himself to the limit and not looking back, he did not want to lose his first race this season no matter what. And without any delay, his wish had come true, he was faster than anyone else and managed to secure the building. The other races were split, but for him that did not matter, as he knew BaN will give it their all to take everything back, he only needed to focus on achieving his swap of the building.

As seconds were being counted down, the rally leader was swapped in flawlessly, with Ashun disbanding right on time for his march to arrive and capture the building. Every swap and interception done by BaN was a great sight to behold for Ashun who could not believe how beautiful their coordination still was, as if they have been fighting in the event for this whole time.
Rallies were then exchanged between NBe and BaN on their respective buildings, swapping a few of them here and there, but BaN held firmly onto the lead until the ports opened. It was time for Ashun to prove himself once again, and he was not going to let the chance pass him by, he as going to get the building captured no matter what it took.
Once the bubble dropped, he sped up as fast as he could, not hesitating in the slightest, but as he was about to put his hold onto the port, NBe had snatched it away. He was disappointed in himself, and hoped that his teammates had managed to capture the other one at the very least, but as he looked onto the distance he noticed that NBe captured both of them, this was a disaster in Ashun's mind.

As Ashun was feeling down and in disbelief, FALCONN, a great rally leader of the alliance, had managed to capture the port and put BaN back on track to win the first round. With the port captured, it made the mission easier for BaN to try and recapture their port, which they had not let pass them by, and they did it in the first wave of rallies without giving NBe a chance.
But there was not much time to celebrate, they had lost an outpost and the race for the Casterly Rock was steadily approaching them. Ashun was eager to win once more after the disappointment he had on the port, and as soon as the bubble dropped, he gave it his best, but it was not enough, he could only watch as NBe was once again faster and better than him.

But his alliance was not going to back down and they were going to give it their best to reclaim Casterly Rock and dominate to map for a flawless win. At first BaN attempted to intercept the swap, but NBe proved why they were worthy opponents and swapped the holder without any delay or issue. BaN now had to rally them out.
Barely any time passed and the rallies were raised and filled, Ashun had joined them as part of his rally filling job, he was not going to let his team down on that front as well.
The rallies were hitting, one after the other without any time in-between them, putting pressure on the NBe reinforcers, who had in the end collapsed, with BaN now holding Casterly Rock and most buildings on the map with a lead in points that made any comeback from NBe a tough mission.

NBe opted not to attempt a comeback and instead go with the flow of the match, taking it easy, as it was just the start of the season and they were against favourites to win it all .This decision made a lot of sense for Ashun, who understood that they only used this match as a chance to get back into the mechanics of the event and prepare for the harsh matches that awaited them, whilst only using minimal resources on this one.
And with that, the first round had ended with a clear victory for BaN, but with a disappointed Ashun, he had lost two of his races, he knew he was rusty, and he had to improve and make sure it will not happen again. Next match he was going to be faster.