The alliance conquest season was continuing on a high note for SKR, who was fresh off their victory against BWB, it was making them feel very optimistic about the rounds ahead of them, in which they believed that they could win all that came their way. The first match, against BWB, had been a great success thanks to the strength of SIR ST, who dominated the battlefield from the start until the end. The approach they took however, with relying on SIR ST's attacks had revealed areas for improvement, but it was hard to change the dependence on the best fighter from one round to the other. The average member lacked the strength that SIR ST possessed. But even despite their major issue, the team was eager to carry their momentum forward and hoped for the best.

It was not long after that their opponents of the round were going to be revealed by the Old Gods. SIR ST was anticipating a greater opponent than BWB, but not by far, which should mean an intense match.
His anticipation was short-lived however, as the soon announced opponent was WWW, an alliance SKR had faced 2 seasons ago and had successfully defeated, but since then, SKR had gone downhill, whilst WWW only upwards, making this a more than finished match in SIR ST's eyes.

Back then, SKR’s victory had been an easy one, but times had changed and tables have turned. SIR ST did not like their chances, but he could not disappoint his members, they were all expecting a great victory with his help, at least that is what SIR ST thought. But as the news were heard by the alliance themselves, it had dampened their spirits quite a lot, giving SIR ST a sense of brief relief that there was not as much pressure as he thought awaiting him going into the match.
The question still lingered in the back of his mind, would he be able to still lead SKR to another victory against a much stronger opponent? Will he be able to keep up with all of the opposition? Only time could tell once the match began.
As both alliances arrived on the battlefield, they were now facing each other, and after seeing the difference in numbers, SIR ST was at a loss of words, WWW had double the amount of fighters that SKR brought for the dispute. SIR ST's concern deepened, knowing how much of a difference just the sheer amount of fighters could do, but he was still going to take on the challenge and do the best he could to help his alliance. With that as his focus, he attempted raising everyone's morale after they witnessed the opponents' strength and the difference between the alliances: "We’ve faced them before and won, so even if they have so many advantages right now, we are still not out of it, at least not yet, we have to do our best. I know it won’t be easy, but we fight with everything we have, no matter the result."
The match began with the first races on the warrior, mother and outposts, and SKR’s racers struggled to keep up right from the very start. They seemed to be outclassed, as there was no chance for them to keep up to the speed that WWW's best racers had. Thus WWW captured every initial building, giving them not only secure points, but also getting one step closer to a victory as a comeback from this position would be hard for SKR.

SIR ST wanted to give it his best now to recuperate some buildings, he launched a solo attack on the Far Outpost, but his efforts were destroyed once he saw that he could not win against the WWW reinforcements. It was a crushing realisation that he would be unable to provide anything at all for now, he still had hopes for the ports and Casterly Rock at the very least.
When the Ports unlocked, SKR managed to capture one of them through Bower, their previous duke, only to lose it moments later due to a lack of reinforcements as soon as the bubble dropped. The other Port was captured in the race by WWW, and despite SIR ST’s repeated solo attacks, he kept on failing due to the great dragons and amount of troops that WWW had at their disposal.

The final and most critical race was for Casterly Rock, but at this point, it hardly mattered, SIR ST knew this was their last chance to salvage some dignity, but the match was lost. As the bubble dropped, SKR’s racers gave it their all, but once again, WWW claimed the building with ease. SIR ST launched a series of solo attacks once again in a desperate attempt, but the defenses held strong.
When the contest ended, the scoreline was in WWW's favour by a mile, SKR had been thoroughly defeated without any chance at winning from start to finish. SIR ST felt the sting of defeat but knew deep down that it had been inevitable.
Though disappointed, SKR resolved to learn from their loss, in the future they were going to not rely on SIR ST alone, but were going to get stronger and faster as a whole alliance. The road ahead would only grow tougher, and they will become ready for it.