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Carlos AB, is a member of GeN, who lives in K29, in those days Latrasil had been in his realm for almost two weeks, who returned to attack a castle without a bubble, and after seeing that he didn't have enough scrolls to return to his alliance realm K313 or another one he had to stay until he could leave. This meant that some GeN members were attacked when they lost their bubble, Carlos was careful not to lose it, he knew what awaited him if he forgot it.
It was the day of Castle Siege, and Latrasil predictably stormed in and took over KL. The GeN member who is also a spearman, like the invader, could do nothing against him, he had neither the commanders nor the stats to give him a fight. The kingdom, the crown, was lost again, just as it was when that invader was in those dark days.
A companion of his, who is the strongest of all who dwell there, wanted to bend the hand of fate and using his blue dragon he blocked the invader and started a rally, Carlos from a distance supported, he sent the troops he had, it was going to be a clash of spears against spears, Latrasil had a reinforcement, that of his vassal, for those who were in the rally, Raar was going to win.
When the troops clashed with the enemy, their unhinged faces showed the disappointment of the defeat they had just suffered, the invader had beaten them, and with that the hope of regaining the kingdom was gone and the only thing they had to protect themselves from attack was the bubble.
That defeat meant that Raar left the alliance within days, while Latrasil attacked any unsuspecting who forgot his protection. Raar's departure scarred everyone who was still left in GeN, they lost their strongest and there was no other who was even close to that level.
The days passed until the war of kingdoms, which was marked by the little activity of the enemy kingdom and Latrasil decided to be absent a few hours, the members of GeN noticed it and some decided to go out to take some castles, one of them was Carlos AB, who immediately began to position in the top 10 rank, something that he had not achieved before, also being a KvK without deaths and with a full hospital, he was not afraid of being burned by the enemy kingdom or by Latrasil himself.
The invader, noticing them, and having no major attacks in that war, decided to challenge the GeN members, -if anyone is able to receive an attack from me and win, I will leave this alliance alone-. Nobody answered, they did not trust his words, but the invitation began to be repeated every so often and in the last hour of the war Carlos ventured and accepted the challenge, he positioned himself in front of him, and they established the rules, no attacking other members of GeN, who could also reinforce him, Latrasil accepted, he was not afraid, he wanted to see his potential, and he was sure that if he could beat Raar he could beat any of them.
Carlos was reinforced by two dragoons at first, Ivanhope, a fellow alliance member who uses cavalry stood beside him, Latrasil said he would strike a blow in SOLO, spears against spears, the invader with T5, Carlos with an army of only spears, but he didn't have these which were the highest class.
Latrasil sent the blow, and saw his army return with a victory, but barely a handful returned, his lord was almost caught, he was so close to defeat. Carlos on the other hand was smiling, his enemy barely touched the T1 troops, and before he could continue to enjoy that triumph, without warning and without anything being agreed the invader began a rally on him, Carlos decided to accept, emboldened by the recent battle, and immediately his companions renewed their reinforcements. The invader was somewhat confused, he didn't even have the commanders and stats to Raar's, he didn't think he could lose that much.
The second rally didn't change Latrasil's confusion, but it did boost Carlos' courage and self-esteem, who on reviewing the report only lost some T2 troops. Ivanhope, who was next to him, smiled along with his companion, and the invader this time challenged him. Spear against Cav. -I accept, I will not be left behind-.
Latrasil started the rally, knowing that this time he could have a positive result, his victim's cavalry had no chance with a spear rally, with that attack the doubts of his potential would vanish. Charles sent his troops along with his best dragoon, even he had doubts about his partner, it was risky.
The rally was a defeat for GeN, but it was Latrasil who lost the most power this time, who furiously through his vassal starts an infantry rally towards Carlos, who with the result Ivanhope said nothing, but saw that this was getting out of control.
-No, that this was a single attack, and if we won you would leave us alone.
-I have not lost,’ said the invader.
Ivanhope advised him to go to Sunspear, -if he wants to keep attacking, let him spend rally speed ups- and those who were supporting him went to those deserted places. When the attack unfolded and they saw that he was advancing slowly. All those who were there looked at each other and realised that he would not use speeds, but they were wrong, Latrasil was not resigned to those results, but that attack with his alt did not make much of a difference.
-Satisfied? Now it was GeN's men who challenged.
-One more attack - and the rally began on Ivanhope, his comrades knew what to do, to reinforce as they had done before, some from afar, others from the side, they were certain they would get a good result.
The invader's face was unrecognisable after seeing the last rally, he had to accept his defeat after seeing the report. Carlos, satisfied and in high spirits, like his partner, was received as a hero in GeN. He got peace for his alliance, and GeN got a new warrior who will be able to face enemies similar to Latrasil.