Latrasil, once known by the name of Nadiar, inhabited K29 for several months and after some trouble with the queen, Lady Brissy, was part of her overthrow. That betrayal and the attack on one of her men led her to leave that realm and migrate to K279. While Latrasil, known as ‘the traitor’, or the ‘old killers’, went from kingdom to kingdom once that revolt was over and little by little he was making his way with his invasions, mainly alone, other times supported or supporting friends and at other times being in K313, where the main hive of his alliance, FUK, is located, there he mainly recovered from his battles or fought with his companions in the war of kingdoms.
One day he receives a message, from an unknown person, but for those who know the stories and battles there, some say that he always wanted to see the kingdom fall, when it became untenable for him to obtain personal victories and that despite being long gone, he is always on the lookout, in case there is any prey devoid of bubble, as this was the case. One of the many who belonged to GeN, the alliance still ruling K29, now in another alliance, forgot his bubble, and this alerted the one who sees behind the shadows and not being able to go personally to hit him, sent a message to Latrasil.

He did not suspect who sent him the message, but he had some doubts about going back, going there left him unable to go to another kingdom, he had no scrolls, but the idea of being able to attack that castle with 1.8 bill of power seduced him and he set off for that kingdom, he even prepared for combat once he arrived. Striking SOLO was not a possibility, too many troops for him, he called for his vassal who joined his alliance and sent crows to his friends so that they could go or send their vassals as well, but no one answered, when he had no answer he called his guild, but the answer was silence. He and his vassal would be a long time trying to eliminate all those troops, but he had no other way to start, maybe this way he would attract the attention of one of his alliance.

K29 seemed oblivious to their presence, even though he was on the outskirts of King's Landing. Shortly after the rally began, a fellow high-powered spearman, Pish, arrived, and a little later one of a friend's vassals, and there were four of them. The rally marched on, and tore the defence to pieces. His victim, Latrasil, smiled, he was happy for the blow he gave, for the merit achieved, he was going to start the second rally when his alliance partner, Pish, asked to start the second rally. Latrasil, said yes, although a little uncomfortable, he had found the prey. He wanted to kill it, but he understood that his partner was a bit stronger in terms of stats and commanders and a hit from him could end this more quickly. He sent out his spears, and also those of his vassal, and then waited the necessary time for the attack to unfold.

The attack was a victory as expected, but the result of it in Latrasil's view was not so good. He expected a more forceful blow than his own, and before he had finished analysing the report, his companion began another rally. He kept quiet, he wouldn't say anything, there were still enough troops, maybe the next strike was going to be a little better than the last, but not to capture his lord. In the meantime, the kingdom warned of the arrival of the invaders, and already many began to recognise it, mainly those belonging to GeN. Although this one bore a different name, he would not forget the one who betrayed them.
-It is Nadiar, the traitor. The murderer of old women --
From the shelter of their bubbles they began to shout at him to go away, to measure himself against someone stronger, and others simply insulted him more than his companions.

Latrasil, not paying attention, his focus was to finish that job, then he would worry about those who were offending him - his turn would come.
The third rally was better than the last, but it did not do the same damage that the traitor had done with the first. He expected his same companion to yield the final blow, but he did not. He started the third rally once again, he sent his troops reluctantly, he did not want to seek unnecessary confrontations, -it would have been better to delay an eternity and kill all those troops by myself-

He did not understand the selfish attitude that his alliance partner had, he had his chance with two blows, the third was already insignificant. When the attack was over with the captured lord, those who accompanied him returned immediately to the kingdoms where they came from, Latrasil was left alone with his vassal meditating what happened, in his point of view he was right, for a next time, he would only ask for vassals, or trust in friends or people closer to him to help him.
Now he would have to wait for the members of the kingdom to break bubble, so that this return to K29 would be productive. He would be on his own from now on, but he would take advantage of the Castle Siege to try to hunt some prey, and do the same in the coming war of kingdoms.