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War of the Kingdoms
Lord of Light’s Carnival.
K426 vs K346
This KvK begins just like any other KvK. For the first half an hour, we scout out the enemy kingdom to see who or what we are up against. I am unfamiliar with K346 so I had to check every crack and crevice of the server, checking all of the main GC’s and even the smaller ones too.
The server looked small at first sight, too small even against us. There were only a couple small alliances, one at Winterfell, and one at Kings landing, grouped up with a couple LEG and OwL accounts. My initial thought is that there are either invader accounts there hiding or another alliance somewhere I haven't seen.
There wasn't much to attack at the very beginning of KvK, only one account that i could see, 410 million power, sitting unbubbled at the Kings landing area. I prepared myself with all the buffs I could and ported to the enemy server, unaware of who else is lurking on K346. I had to make it quick before I got caught. I landed there next to him and without scouting I hit instantly and sped in on my target, rushed my troops home after the fight and random ported away, only to find out that it was empty with no troops and no lord either. This then made me think there is for sure an invader here who had already zero’d it before KvK began.
Myself and AryyellE decided we should probably hold some castles and gather up a bit of a lead while people on the enemy server are not around. So we sat in a location where we could access multiple GC’s all at once, and held 4 castles… almost an hour went by and no one came to fight us out of them, I couldn't see much activity from the enemy kingdom at all in fact. Then all over a sudden a big cavalry account appears. I just happened to look at Winterfell where our Kingdom mate WarOwl was holding it with his Infantry troops, and I saw it being scouted. I follow the march back to their castle and I instantly pull all of my troops home from all other GC’s ,move close to the target and set up a rally on them. Myself as the rally leader , AryyellE and HULKSMASH as rally fillers, I only hoped that it would be enough for us to win against them. Moments before the rally was about to set off, they random port away and force me to use my rally horns. I was relieved to see the first rally was a success... I speed my troops back home quickly and ported on the target again in Dorne and set up the second rally before their Fevor ran out. Same set up and same outcome!
15 minutes later an infantry account appears and starts scouting the empty GC’s, one by one he scouted each of them. I quickly swapped set up and waited for them to scout the final GC before I set my rally. This one did not run, but instead he stayed sitting there just on the ends of the hedges next to RiverRun, and accepted his fate. Although this rally was a win, the outcome was very close and we decided it wasn't worth another go at it.
No other enemy player came active, so AryyellE said that we should go back and hold Castles again and finish off getting the Alpaca’s before we call it a night.
Half an hour goes by and we are pleased to see the announcement of the alpaca's spawning in at Kings Landing, RiverRun, Casterly Rock and Highgarden regions. The 1 hour timer hurried us to get the job done quickly, 3 rallies from Myself, Ary and HULK all at the same time on different alpacas allowed us to kill all 60 alpacas in less than 40 minutes.
After we rested for the night, we woke up and came back to see what happened while we were away.. Our lead we had on the enemy disappeared over night, the scores are now very even. So we set up ready to go to war. I search around the enemy kingdom first of all, checking the GC’s to see who owns them, and it's still owned by K426. Then I look across at the home server and see LEG sitting at Kings landing. They have captured several of the GC’s in our home kingdom. This got my blood boiling, it's not what I wanted to see. So I prepared my army with an army size buff and a configuration and scouted the GC’s. BigDaddy44 was holding King's Landing with their lord march and spears. I have no information of how strong they are so I left Kings landing to last. I then scouted Storms End, it was held again by BigDaddy44 and 4 million reinforcements, but there was no lord here, so I went in for the kill!
After realising that BigDaddy44 would be weaker on defence without their lord at home, I tried my luck and attacked their main castle! If I take out their troops in the castle it would give them less troops to use against us to win KvK. 2 solo hits by me and another by AryyellE and one by WarOwl ensured that we got the job done.
There were also 3 other accounts sitting there. 2 bow accounts and a cavalry account. We went for the smaller Bow account first. 2 rallies, and 2 victories.. But they are set up perfectly to tank a rally. Plenty of Tier 1 to soak up all the damage we dealt on them.
After the second rally they ported away, and we went for Kings Landing. I thought they would have pulled their troops home, but instead they stayed to take the hit. This made me feel uneasy about the attack. All was ok again when our troops captured KL. we didn't want to sit here, we wanted to fight more, so we took it to the big Cavalry account again. Although we beat them again, their set up was different, and made them stronger. We suffered more losses, even Tier 5’s.
We thought that would be enough to let them leave us to hold castles and gather up more points and secure the win early, but no! Half an hour of holding the GC’s and TOP88 and the cavalry account came back to get us! TOP88 took AryyellE out of Riverrun, and the cavalry account took HULKSMASH out of Casterly Rock so we decided to move to Kings Landing and just hold there, we couldn't afford to take such heavy losses.
Another hour passed before anything more happened. A new Cavalry account appears in the North, I wasn't missing this opportunity. I ported close by and set up my rally and waited for reinforcements…. And once the rally timer ended, my troops began to march towards the enemy, but before I could speed up the march, Daylish random ported and took the hit instantly. I acted quickly and sped my troops home so I could catch him before he had the chance to run. 2 rallies and 2 big hits! Almost guaranteeing us a KvK win.
We then spot the other Bigger bow account sitting hidden in the green with a matching Tree castle skin. And of course I couldn't miss out on the opportunity. I've seen the stats of IriIri, I know they are strong, but even though my thought was I will probably end up losing, I would never know unless I try.
Several hours had passed again, and all was quiet for so long, I had begun to think the enemy were done for the day. Then up pops a spearman account with Daenerys lord and weapon. They could be much stronger than me and my rally, even with the thought of a possible annihilation of my army, the points gap is too far to catch, so no matter what we wouldn't lose the KvK. I set up the rally and set off towards the target.
The result was close, we decided not to go again, but Cepro CC then solo tracks Kings Landing, resulting in Losing his lord against Straydragon’s strong Bowman defences. Straydragon calls out for us to finish Cepro CC off! At First we rally Cepro, but HULKSMASH had ran out of spearman troops. So I had to go at it alone.
This was a very good KvK for us, against a small, but strong enemy server.