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The first round of Alliance Conquest begins and we are off to the races with the two favourites for B league. TFI is led by the cunning Joel1101 with his right-hand man DiEhArD, both a force to be reckoned with. Their opponents are ADm, led by the infamous BAIZIMING, one of the most feared warriors in all of Westeros. This will surely be one of many times they meet this season and most likely will be the finals of Ultimate Conquest in B league. The side that wins today will send a message to the other and cement first place in the regular season.
Joel1101 will be hampered today as a call was made within the leadership of TFI to not show up for this round but at the last moment it was reversed, “most likely we will have less members showing up today but we will do our best, racers and rally leaders know what to do but having less fillers will be a problem,” Joel1101 and TFI didn’t want to feed BAIZIMING kills but the points system of the regular season made it so they would have to show up. Alliance Conquest comes down to racing for structures on the map and holding them for points, most teams will swap in a stronger warrior to make it harder for their opponent to recapture the structure. Furthermore, the additional buildings you hold the more buffs you will receive and subsequently the harder it will be for the enemy to take the buildings back. “As long as we get our strongest warriors in the buildings, even BAIZIMING will have trouble soloing them out,” Joel1101 was afraid of what BAIZIMING could do in this match and for good reason.
DiEhArD being second in command will be doing most of the defensive shot calling, “if you hear my call, you know reinforcements need to be marching towards the building, I will tell you when to speed them in,” DiEhArD would also keep himself ready to solo attack buildings because of his immense power. With fewer warriors showing up for the match, more pressure will be put on DiEhArD and his shot calling than ever before. Will DiEhArD's shot calling and solo attacks be enough to keep TFI in the match or will ADm’s aggression, specifically BAIZIMING be too much?
BAIZIMING will do what he does every match, he will solo attack every building until there is no sign of life, “ the rally leaders should continuous rally the building I call but our opponents will try to trap me in buildings and I will leave, someone will need to take it back with a hard swap, I can’t be trapped in a building for our plan to work,” BAIZIMING knew how important he was to ADm’s plan, the cat and mouse game of being trapped by TFI or taking an incredible amount of punishment from one of the most powerful warriors on the battlefield will be put on display. Will BAIZIMING’s unstoppable force demolish TFI’s grit and determination or will the mouse fight back and outsmart the cat?
Both teams finally enter the battlefield and place their castles strategically, “I want our spear warriors surrounding DiEhArD and our cavalry warriors around me,” Joel1101 had already given each member a specified placement on the battlefield but reminded each member again just in case. “Racers get ready, even though we have less members today, if we win our races that gives us a chance with the first capture points and bubble time,” Joel1101 was hoping for things to go his way and that’s exactly how they went as TFI won all four races but it would be up to them if they were gong to keep each building or not. Unfortunately for TFI as soon as the bubbles went down, the soloes started and they would eventually lose all four buildings to BAIZIMING’s incredible power, “the races didn’t go our way but us taking the buildings back was inevitable,” BAIZIMING was trapped in the mother and had to let it go which gave control of the Temple of the Mother back to TFI.
Even though TFI lost the buildings the points were close thanks to the first capture points, “let’s try to keep the Temple of the Mother and prepare ourselves for the ports, “DiEhArD knew the buffs that ADm would receive from the buildings would be tough to overcome but he had no other choice since he was stuck in the Temple of the Mother.
As the racers prepared themselves for the ports, BAIZIMING started to notice something, “ they don’t use swaps, so the racers are their strongest warriors but they can’t endure my soloes, this is checkmate,” BAIZIMING already saw the match in the bag, even if they lose every race, he would be able to reclaim the building for his team and it would be up to TFI to take back the building with rallies or soloes of their own against ADm. Once again TFI won both races for the ports, “well fill them up and hope for the best,” Joel1101 had seen this before and knew what was coming. As predicted by BAIZIMING he easily soloes the ports and let one of his warriors take the building, making sure not to get trapped in the building, readying himself the most important building, Casterly Rock. The ten-minute mark was hit and TFI were in the lead thanks to the first capture points but that would not help them as there were still another fifty minutes left in the match and BAIZIMING was only getting started.
The goal for each team was clear, TFI would try to trap BAIZIMING and ADm would try to hard swap every time that would happen, “Casterly Rock is something we need to make sure we keep, racers you have been doing an incredible job, keep it up,” DiEhArD knew the points Casterly Rock provided was crucial for TFI to stay in the match. Everyone waited for the results of the race, this could be the pivotal point of the match, as the dust settled, a loud cheer could be heard in the TFI camp, as they once again won the race and took control of Casterly Rock. “We know the soloes will come once that bubble drops, we need to make sure we reinforce and heal through the onslaught,” Joel1101 believed if they could hold out long enough for them to take other buildings, BAIZIMING would be forced to look elsewhere. “Our racers have been unlucky today but no matter, they can’t hide forever, all bubbles drop eventually,” BAIZIMING had a twitch in his eye as he spoke, an unsettling reminder of what Westeros has to offer.
There was a hush in the air, both sides readying themselves for this crucial battle, “who ever wins this battle, wins the war, the mines won’t be enough to save us,” Joel1101 knew the important of Casterly Rock, it was their symbol of resistance and if it crumbles so would their morale. Finally, the bubble dropped and immediately BAIZIMING started a rally, instead of waiting for it to fill he sent it, his hunger for carnage was evident. “The rest of you continue rallies, I will start soloing Casterly Rock, they stand no chance, “BAIZIMING could see the damage he was causing, he knew TFI couldn’t hold on for much longer. “Keep reinforcing, we hold some buildings, we still have the lead, just a little while longer,” DiEhArD could tell TFI were running low on reinforcements but if they gave up Casterly Rock, BAIZIMING could begin soloing another building and the snowball would get bigger and bigger. As hard as they tried TFI could not withstand the onslaught of BAIZIMING, “this was too easy, we let them get other buildings while we focused on Casterly Rock, lets get those back as quickly as possible,” BAIZIMING could smell blood in the water, TFI were broken and defeated or so he thought.
As BAIZIMING continued his carnage in the TFI hive, Joel1101 still wouldn’t give in and began a new plan,” right we lost Casterly Rock but that doesn’t mean we can’t take it back,” Joel1101 decided that Casterly Rock allows for some respite as the bubble lasts for four minutes, they can concentrate on getting another building in those four minutes. “Ready the rallies, ADm didn’t leave a strong warrior in Casterly Rock, quickly fill them and I will speed them in,” Joel1101 was going all in, this would be their last try with their troops running low. As seven rallies went up and were filled or close enough, DiEhArD ordered to send, “hold I will tell you when to speed in, I’m waiting for their reinforcements to bounce off,” DiEhArD’s experience in rally timings was coming in clutch and just like that TFI regained Casterly Rock. “They just won’t give up, the points are close but how are they healing so much,” BAIZIMINGs twitch was getting worse, his voice more elevated, could this be fear or was this pure rage? With half the match done and dusted, ADm had a small lead of 4k points, with hive points still in play and the mines opening soon, it was still anyone’s match to win.
The time had come for the mines, the lead for ADm still remained small, TFI had managed to weather the storm and if they could take one mine and continue chipping away at ADm lead, they could win. “Racers you have been unlucky today but show me what you’re made of, if you get the mines, all is forgiven,” BAIZIMING smiled at his racers with a stern look. “This is it guys, we won every race today, lets continue that and get these final two and win the match,” Joel1101 was confident in his racers, they had been amazing but even they were shocked when they both lost to ADm. BAIZIMING raised his fist in the air and shouted, “THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT,” he knew the match was over, all they would have to do was take enough points from the mines and TFI had lost the match. A defeated looking TFI camp were still in shock, “you guys did great this match but they were just better on the day, we can still reach a respectable points total, the match for us is still not over,” Joel1101 could see the writing on the wall but could feel pride in his team for fighting till the bitter end.
It was BAIZIMING who would have the last laugh taking Casterly Rock in the final minutes to cement his team’s dominance, “well done everyone, today was important, we needed to send a message to everyone in B league and we did,” BAIZIMING knew first place in B league was important for Ultimate Conquest and his ultimate goal is to win the whole event.
As the final minute elapsed, TFI looked beaten but not defeated, “we knew this would be a rough match due to the mix up in communication, next time we face them we will be at full force, “DiEhArD saw how close the match was even with less members showing up today. Joel1101 agreed with his good friend, “BAIZIMING won’t have it so easy next time, we will learn from this match and focus more on sniping buildings faster, “Joel1101 still had his head up high, TFI lost today but gained valuable experience and knowledge for the next time they face ADm.
In the ADm camp, the celebrations began, “this is our road to a perfect season, we can win every match, all the way to the finals we go,” BAIZIMING had heavy goals but ones that his team could reach with a bit of luck. The rivalry between these two alliances is far from over. TFI’s drive to come back bigger and better combined with ADm’s drive for perfection ensures that their next encounter will be even more intense and Westeros will rejoice.