The Arena of Honor is a fierce battlefield where 6 powerful houses battle with one goal in mind: capturing the city of glory, the main objective of the event, as its points were greater than anything else, its capture alone would secure the victory. This was the goal which SIR ST, the strongest fighter of SKR, an old alliance within Westeros, had in mind. He did not like fighting anything less than the first position in the rankings, as he considered it beneath him. However, more often than not, he was forced to do the opposite, without being able to capture the City of Glory, he had opted to gather points in other ways: capturing altars, building trading posts and capturing dragon pits.
All of these were reliable ways but none was as strong as the City of Glory, which he strongly aspired for. In the past, he had fought alongside a team, which he has now left for the chance at testing if he could win the City of Glory on his own. He was really motivated to see the outcome of such a test, it was not going to be an easy one, but he was ready to prove he was worthy of the first place.

Going in alone meant many issues would arise: his teammates would be randomly appointed by the old gods, not having any prior knowledge of each other, not knowing what troop type would be used or tactics discussed, but most importantly, there was a lack of synergy and communication.
These issues were something that SIR ST accepted and was willing to take on, believing that his strength could surpass them. Now he only had to meet his teammates, and proceed to fight for the City of Glory by giving it their best.
Inside his team there were many fighters he had not heard of, with the exception of one: Total Wreck of FuK, whom he had battled before in CCS, another event in which SIR ST tested his might. From there he knew that he would be an incredible comrade to have in his team, he could rest assured he had back-up for the City of Glory fight, the odds were looking good.

Before the fight was going to begin, SIR ST needed to check out the opposing teams, this was key to ensure he was not going to make a massive mistakes by challenging the City of Glory against an unstoppable team with multiple fighters like him. As he was looking at every team around, he had stumbled upon House Greyjoy, a house filled with BaN's top fighters, this was a round that now SIR ST knew he would not be able to win with only Total Wreck by his side. BaN is the top alliance in Westeros, filled with incredible fighters and SIR ST knew that more than anyone, as his previous team had a few of their regular fighters, but these were rally leaders he was facing against.
The BaN team had every advantage they could have against SIR ST, formations, synergy within the team, communication and more. This was a round in which he was certain that challenging the City of Glory was going to be a grave mistake.
Before heading into the battle, one more step needed to be taken into account by SIR ST and Total Wreck: the strongholds. This decision will influence how the match was going to go, Total Wreck was advocating for trading posts, as he was a more careful fighter than SIR ST. Total Wreck knew that putting a safe points stream first was more important than anything else. SIR ST, despite not liking the idea, he had to agree, and now the trading posts were fully built.

After the trading posts were built, big fights had begun all over the map, with the BaN team dominating every battle, they were always coming out on top. SIR ST wanted to challenge them, continuously attacking altars that were taken by the BaN team, but to no good results, he was kicked out immediately, each and every time. This was a hard reality check for SIR ST, who had believed his strength alone was enough to win the City of Glory, he was proven wrong the hard way.
Total Wreck was also trying his best to fight for the altars, but was meeting the same fate as SIR ST, and sadly they could not cooperate, as SIR ST used cavalry, and Total Wreck spearmen. They stood no chance to win anything this round.

Later in the fight, everything had gone from bad to worse. As SIR ST and Total Wreck were being decimated on the altars, their team forgot to reinforce the House, fully losing control of it, making them go down to a 5th place position.
With only a few minutes left to spare, SIR ST and Total Wreck, in a collaboration of solo attacks, have managed to recapture their own House, but it was too late, their fate was already decided, they could not achieve 4th but at the very least, they did not drop down to the last position. Their strength combined had at least counted to something, they both thought, as they were not trying to forget that this round had ever happened.
SIR ST was beyond disappointed at the outcome, but he knew he had to try fighting alone once more as he was lacking a team for the last fight, even if he did not want to repeat this same mistake, it was too late to repair it. The season was almost over, but his journey was only beginning, as the day was still young.