Just 2 days after the first round of Alliance Conquest, a round that [N0X] lost against [RRH], a new round of the event was coming upon them again. They barely had time to heal the wounded and sharpen the Valyrian steel sword that went blunt from hitting the enemies on the first round and it was already Friday, 3rd of January and strategizing already started among [N0X] leadership. With ImperialRock, one of the strongest of Westeros's warriors, having to go urgently and help another alliance with their battle, [N0X] got a little bit weaker on the rally leaders' roster but just when they thought that they will have to go like that, a new member joined for the upcoming battle(or battles?), the Dr. Strange of Westeros, the defender (and eater) of pizza and burgers, Grombold.

With the new member addition things were looking better for [N0X] and everyone went to sleep. Upon waking up on Saturday, the fight day, they received a raven with information about the matchmaking. Scythe, the queen, then sent a raven to every [N0X] warrior and they all gathered at the tavern eagerly to find out [N0X]'s opponent. Upon reading the letter, it turned out that [MBL] is the alliance [N0X] will fight in that day. [MBL] is an alliance in the same strength roster as [N0X], the alliances fought each other in almost every Alliance Conquest season and with their new addition to the alliance roster, the match looked like it's going to be very intense.

The day passed quickly between warriors preparing as best as they could for the fight and leadership making the roster for the fight now with knowing their opponent. The teriffic duo Shado and LadyKnight were chosen for duty too, Shado as racer and LadyKnight as rally leader. [MBL] had 2 very strong warriors on their roster HostOfDoom and Bearface and everyone's question was: how can [N0X] avoid getting farmed by them?. But more about that later. As the sun was setting and it went dark outside, just a bit after 6:30 p.m. [N0X] and [MBL] warriors started entering the battlefield and with one of [N0X]'s advantage over [MBL] being the event attendance, they were hoping to be as many as possible for this fight.
Just before the fight started an official count was performed and it was 89 warriors for [N0X] and 71 warriors on [MBL] side. Clearly an advantage for [N0X] but will it be enough to win the fight? Let's see. Fight opened with the 2 Outposts, Temple of Mother and Temple of Warrior available to be taken, Shado was assigned to race for the Targaryen Outpost, he did his best using the best marching hastens existent, but did he win the race?Nope(boooo). The 2 outposts went into [N0X] possession, taken by HotepRa and SnkyDragon while MBL took the Temple and Tower with GrogU and kilikeks. Then [N0X] performed a flawless swap on Targaryen Outpost where HotepRa handled the keys to Belore II while [MBL] kept GrogU on Temple and swapped kilikeks with ChristianOr on Tower. [N0X] rallied ChristianOr and GrogU received his eviction orders and just a few minutes into the fight [N0X] had all the 4 buildings and the fight was looking great already.

It was now time for both ports to open and Shado was once more assigned to race for the Targaryen Port. Everyone was rooting for him, but despite all the efforts he lost again, fortunately to another [N0X] member, Zacherry. Lannister Port was also taken by Grombold himself. [N0X] performed a swap on Targaryen Port and VERGO took the leadership. But then [MBL] decided to not let things just stay like that and started soloing [N0X] on the Targaryen Port, and Tower of Warrior trying to bleed them down. And to a certain point it worked, Bearface was soloing Alysanne, and their infantry warriors were soloing VERGO while they rallied and took Temple of Mother Back.

[MBL] managed to get all 3 buildings and it was looking like they were turning the tides on the battle and with Casterly Rock opening it was mandatory for [N0X] to win the race for it. All the [N0X] racers went for it and this time it was Shado who won the race (i'm joking it was actually subarushi). Then [N0X] performed a swap that was very, very close to be intercepted by [MBL] but lucky enough it wasn't and DYW took the throne for [N0X]. But the Casterly Rock throne won't come cheap for [N0X] as HostOfDoom will continuously solo the castle for the rest of the fight.

Meanwhile [N0X] managed to take Targaryen Port back with a wave of rallies and they were holding the 3 most important buildings on battlefield, so the points were going in their favor. However, with having Casterly Rock and Targaryen Port under constant pressure and not having Temple of Mother for the healing speed buff, [N0X] was bleeding speedups quite heavily but in their mind, they had to do anything to win the fight as with 2 loses their chance to make 'it to Ultimate Conquest was zero most likely. No effort was spared no speedup or marching hasten was saved, everyone went all in. Despite that, when [MBL] did rally Casterly Rock along with soloing it, [N0X] almost lost the building but the reinforcements came just in time and a save was performed.
Then it was time for the mines to open, they open late in the fight but provide a quick influx of points per minute over a short period of time. [N0X] managed to take them both with VERGO and ice bear and [MBL] were swift to challenge ice bear to a fight despite them not being able to win the fight even if they took both mines. Solos coming from HostOfDoom and rallies set by [MBL] managed to almost take the Targaryen mine from ice bear but [N0X] reinforcements were once again top notch, and they managed to keep 'it. Once the mines were run dry and [N0X] had secured a big advantage in points a call was made to stop spending healings and marching hastens and the fight ended a few minutes later.

Well-deserved win for [N0X], it was a way harder battle than the score shows and also the most expensive battle in terms of healing hastens and marching hastens Shado has seen in his Alliance Conquest history. The next battle is just a few days away and everyone already eagerly waiting to see who's going to be their next opponent. See you all on the battlefield!