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A Young Lord of the Ancient Kingdoms Part 50 (Again with bad luck)
After taking advantage of the previous mind in the capture of the castle, things had not gone so badly for our Lord so far and his battle equipment improved, thanks to the constant farming of these.
The next morning in a cloudy climate near the great vast lands of King's Landing our Lord still had something pending, with his friend DYT
And if it was to qualify as best as they could in "Arena of Honor", so, a few days before the next battle in the first schedule, he prepared his troops and the best he could with what he had obtained in the nearby events to be able to fight as best as he could in the last rounds of AOH.
As the days went by our Lord had planned with his friend DYT to fight in the first and last schedule of battle, since this one still had 3 tickets to participate.
So the time came our Lord created the group to set up the battle, in which some interesting companions joined the battle.
There were 2 interesting battle companions here, which were George and Ranger; George belonging to an alliance HD with which HHH fights sometimes and also had a battle against Jason the champion of HHH, he perfects himself in the cavalry alignment.
While Ranger our Lord did not know much about him, but he was an acquaintance of DYT, he dominated and was strong in his lancer alignment.
Practically for the battle they were taking troops of lancer and cavalry alignments, our Lord sincerely preferred a cavalry and infantry alignment, but few Lords of infantry alignment strong enough to organize a rally, exist…
Already preparing for the entrance, everyone entered the battlefield without any problem and this time they would fight in the area and castle of the great Tyrell clan, everything was already prepared until in the distance our Lord seeing against the opponents saw something disappointing.
The best Lord team that led the entire AOH qualifying league was present, including CCCPC and Menant, who have already run into this group several times, and there are times when they have mercy on the HHH alliance, if it weren't for that they would easily wipe out the faction in one go, as happened on multiple occasions.
The option of finishing first was already forgotten, the battle began and there was no other option than to fight to not try to finish last or at least reach second place in the battle.
In the batatheon faction there were enemies of the HOH alliance, apparently they were also friends with the stark alliance, so they didn't attack them as much and mostly launched attacks for our Lord's faction.
On the other hand, the Greyjoy house also grew prosperously, even with the attacks of the Starks, but nevertheless the Targaren, Lanister and Baratheon factions besieged the faction of our Lord the Tyrells.
It was very difficult to fight, one measure that was taken was to reinforce a castle taken or recovered, we gained a little advantage because they also attacked those of the Stark faction.
Apart from that, we had decided to go for a point exchange, so our Lord built it and gave commanders to 3 of his allies, DYT, Ranger and George; but without thinking that a serious mistake would be made…
One of the commanders that our Lord had appointed and trusted DYT, had changed the structures of the points, to cavalry troops, hoping to take the towers, which obviously did not happen due to lack of structures, because those in the rear were pure point exchanges and those in front were cavalry troops, in total, you need at least 6-7 structures to take a tower, but in front there were only 5 structures.
It was something impossible, and it aroused the anger of everyone in the faction, because it was a decline and a loss of points and troop disposition that could be taken.
After the mistake our faction Lords fought hard, the 2nd place was no longer an option due to that serious mistake and apart from that, the Baratheon house had devastated the Lanisters, who had almost no temples in their favor.
It was a complicated situation, in which our Lord sent many marches with few troops to keep the Baratheons distracted and they no longer attack the temples in the Tyrell territory.
The battle was giving a hard fight, until the mines were deactivated, our Lord knew that it was a unique opportunity for him to be able to retake and not lose points so he took the ones he could immediately and also reinforced George's alignment which also dominated a mine. And so after long minutes of battle, our Lord's clan, after much effort, would manage to take the place from the Targarens, who normally would not win points in that position, but also would not lose, it was like a 50 and 50, since a serious mistake was made at the beginning.
After the battle the culprit did not speak, but clearly our Lord came to guess who it was, because one got angry, DYT does not do those things and our own Lord is aware of the serious error that is committed when that action is done.
Perhaps our Lord's mistake at the beginning was to give the position of sub commander to several, which were 4 and 2 of them were not known to him at all.
Besides, always be attentive and make decisions with your team in order to achieve better progress together, it is never good to make decisions alone unless it is not something logical or you already have a lot of experience in that field.
Thanks for reading
Until next time! :D