Alliance Conquest
Season 20, Round 1.
Alliance Conquest is back! And I’ve teamed up with HOH Prior to the event, ready for the new season ahead! Our first Match is a tough one, we face off against FFS.
Before the new season started, we all got assigned to our spots on the map. I see My spot is column 3, at the back. Noooo Fat people find it hard to run already, and they put me further away from the enemy! Hahaha!!
So as everyone entered the map and placed themselves in ( almost) all the right places we spent the last few moments checking out the enemy and preparing ourselves to race for the buildings. The Mother, The Warrior and the 2 Outposts. The racers get ready to race.. 5,4,3,2,1, GO! All racers from both teams attack their target and speed in as quickly as they could. HOH captures The Mother, while FFS captures the remaining 3, but it didn't take us long to capitalize on FFS mistakes and Grombold takes the Warrior off them. While we wait for the bubbles to drop on the Outposts, we reinforce both the Warrior and the Mother full of troops.
The Lannister Outpost is our first one to go for. Rally leaders all set up their rallies and wait until full! While preparing to take the Outpost, we had to defend the rallies from FFS on the Warrior and the Mother.
The rallies are hitting The Warrior all in quick succession, we defended the rush of attacks well, reinforcements were up to the task of refilling quickly when we dropped down in numbers. All while we were rallying their Lannister Outpost, once the rallies were full, they were sent off to their target and sped in to hit them quickly before they could have a chance of reinforcing it. It worked! The Lannister Outpost is now ours all in time to Race for the Ports!
The race for the Ports is now seconds away, and racers get ready. As soon as the bubble dropped on the Ports, everyone attacked and sped in! But we were unsuccessful this time, FFS had gotten both. While awaiting the bubbles to drop again so we can try to take them, FFS decided to rally our outpost, so we got ready to defend. But FFS’s good rally timing didn't allow us the time to get enough troops in between hits and ultimately we lost the Outpost.
Casterly Rock bubble drop was fast approaching , and we had to prepare ourselves quickly to race for it, a lot of us, including myself, set our sights on Casterly Rock and went in to attack! But it was QUEENY from FFS that got the upper hand and captured it first. And knowing how strong she is, we decided it was pointless to go for it and decided to leave her in there. Wise decision!
We then turned our attention back to trying to get other buildings, The Lannister Outpost was the first target. All rally leaders set up their rallies, and waited to be filled. Once everyone was full, they all set off together and sped in with Rally horns, crushing the enemy with every hit, FFS attempts to defend it were good, but the amount of rallies we had, and the impact each hit was doing was too much for them, and we successfully took over the Outpost!
20 minutes into the match, the scores are slightly in FFS favour 31K to HOH’s 25K, and the bubbles are about to drop on the player castles… so many points up for grabs, and a good chance for me to gather up solo elimination points mwhahahaha! :D Looking across the enemy hive I try to find a cavalry account. First was Waku Waku, I remember them being Cavalry so i was sure i would be victorious! So I launched my attack on their castle, Crushing all troops possible! Next to fall victim to my spear was nszgergo, I am unaware of this player, but they had points and troops so i have it ago and come away with another Victory! Ch1r1sh was next in line. Low on troops but still with points. Infantry , so she counters me, but because she was low on troops, it made it easier for me to collect the points.
This was the beginning, more and more would lose their points to me, and I aimed to clear out as many of their points as I possibly could!
After I had my bit of fun playing with the enemy hive, I went back to helping out filling the rallies. We also started to lose some of the buildings.. The Targaryen Port and the Lannister Outpost, but we still kept hold of the Warrior, even after their continuous attacks, now we only have the Warrior and the Mother left. So I joined in with some rallies on the Targaryen Port. Many good attacks but the , but we couldn't break them down, Our last hope was the mines, we needed to take both and keep them to have a chance at winning.
We secured 1 of the 2 mines! This won't be enough! We needed to take the other one FAST! Our speedy rallies, hitting the mine in quick succession enabled us to take over the mine, but in turn we lost the other mine. We attempted to take it back but weren't able to and therefore guaranteed our loss. HOH played casually for the remainder of the match as no matter what we would do for the last 10 minutes there was no possible way to catch FFS, too far ahead to be caught even if we could get all buildings.
Final Score:
Elimination ranks: