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"The Witches Bargain" [Part 3] A King's Quest - An Infinity Kingdom Story

Press Officer
Article Publish : 10/06/2024 10:12

🔷 Introduction

Welcome to Part 3 of my Kings Path story. Arthur and friends must journey deep in the wilderness in an effort to save his father. Will they be able to satisfy the witch that stands between them and the survival of the king? 

📄 Recap of Part 2: The Curse of Shadows

An evil witch touched the land and ultimately poisoned the king. She was hunted down and captured, but the fate of the king was still sealed unless our brave young prince could find a way to save his father. 

🔷 Part 3: “The Witches Bargain”

With the witch locked away, Arthur gathered his most trusted knights in the great hall of Camelot. The flickering torches cast long shadows as he shared their dire quest: to venture into the Forbidden Forest in search of the hunchback witch known for her ancient knowledge. “She may hold the key to breaking the curse,” Arthur urged, determination in his voice.

The knights nodded, their expressions resolute. Among them was Sir Gawain, fiercely loyal and ever brave. “We will not fail you, my king,” he declared. With a final glance at the chamber where his father lay trapped, Arthur set out, the knights flanking him as they crossed the threshold into the dense, shadowy woods.

The forest was alive with whispers and rustling leaves, an otherworldly air thickening around them. As they ventured deeper, Arthur felt the weight of their mission pressing down. After hours of searching, they stumbled upon a crooked hut, half-hidden beneath gnarled branches. The air crackled with magic as they approached, and the door creaked open, revealing the hunchback witch, her eyes glinting like shards of glass.

“You seek my aid, but I will not help you without a price,” she rasped. “Bring me three special plants from this forest: the Nightshade Blossom, the Heartroot, and the Moonlit Fern. Only then will I brew the potion needed to save your father.”

Arthur and his knights exchanged wary glances, knowing the task would be perilous. “We will find them,” he vowed, steeling himself. With the witch’s cryptic instructions echoing in their minds, they split into pairs, determined to locate the plants that would ensure King Uther’s salvation.

Days passed as they scoured the treacherous terrain. They braved dark caverns, scaled rocky cliffs, and navigated winding streams. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they stood before the glimmering nightshade blossom, its petals shimmering in the dim light of the forest. Gawain carefully plucked it, whispering a silent prayer of gratitude.

Next, they uncovered the heartroot, nestled within the roots of an ancient tree, pulsing with a faint, rhythmic glow. Lastly, the Moonlit Fern revealed itself under a silvery beam of light, its leaves unfurling like delicate fingers. With their bounty in hand, they raced back to the hunchback witch.

“Impressive,” she croaked, eyeing the plants with a mix of disdain and intrigue. “Now, allow me to work.” With deft hands, she combined the ingredients, her cauldron bubbling and steaming, the air filling with a sweet yet haunting aroma. After what felt like hours, she presented a shimmering vial filled with a glowing liquid. “Give this to your king.”

With renewed hope, Arthur and his knights hurried back to Camelot. They gathered around Uther’s bedside, the king’s pale visage a stark reminder of their quest. With trembling hands, Arthur poured the potion between his father’s lips, the liquid sparkling like stars in the night.

Moments passed, tension thick in the air. Then, a deep, shuddering breath escaped Uther, followed by a soft glow that enveloped him. The color returned to his cheeks, and his eyes fluttered open, reflecting the world anew.

“Father!” Arthur exclaimed, tears of relief streaming down his face. Uther’s gaze sharpened as he took in his son and the gathered knights. “What has happened?” he whispered, strength returning to his voice.

“The curse is broken,” Arthur said, joy blooming in his heart. “But we must remain vigilant; the witch still lurks in the shadows.”

Uther nodded, his resolve rekindled. “Then we shall prepare for what lies ahead. Camelot will rise again.”

When his father was okay, Arthur traveled down to the cellars. Before him a heavy iron door of the dungeon, the witch’s cell casting a dark shadow over him. Her eyes glimmered with a mix of malice and desperation as he approached. “You think you’ve won, Arthur Pendragon,” she hissed, her voice dripping with contempt. “Locked away beneath the very castle you protect. But I will teach you—unlock the true power that lies within you. Together, we could command the elements!”

Arthur crossed his arms, refusing to be swayed. “You will remain here as long as you draw breath. Your magic has brought only pain and suffering to my father and my kingdom.” He leaned closer, his voice firm. “Your days are numbered, and I will ensure you cannot harm Camelot again.”

The witch’s expression shifted, desperation clawing at her features. “But I can offer you knowledge, Arthur! Secrets of magic that could make you the most powerful king in history. You’d never have to fear the darkness again!” Her words danced in the air, tempting and sinister.

Arthur straightened, steeling himself against her allure. “Power comes with a price, witch. I will find my strength through honor, not deceit. You will not manipulate me.” He turned away, the weight of her gaze heavy on his back, knowing the true battle lay not just in strength but in the choices he would make in the days to come.

📄 Recap Questions

Will Arthur be able to withstand the temptations of the witch?

Now that the king is alive, what does this mean for the prince and his short-term goals of getting stronger?

🔷 Conclusion

The story of King Arthur is a magical adventure that has many twists and turns. But this is not any ordinary story, and Arthur's mind is not as strong as he would like it to be. 

See you next week!

🔷 Hades, Press Officer.

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