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"The Curse of Shadows" [Part 2] A King's Quest - An Infinity Kingdom Story

Press Officer
Article Publish : 09/29/2024 06:03

🔷 Introduction

Welcome to Part 2 of King Arthur’s adventures. This story has a unique spin on a familiar story that many have come to know and love. Arthur will make a fine king, but he must master his magic to continue to save his kingdom. 

📄 Recap of Part 1

Our young and future king Arthur is struggling to find his affinity for magic, as nothing has worked for him. Finally, he discovered that wind magic is something he excels at. This magic must be hidden from prying eyes, as magic is not allowed in the kingdom. Arthur and Merlin must learn together if they are ever going to grow into their destiny.

🔷 Part 2: “The Curse of Shadows”

The once-proud castle of Camelot now echoed with a heavy silence, the laughter and chatter of its inhabitants replaced by whispers of dread. King Uther Pendragon lay in his chambers, a pallor draped over him like a shroud, his breath shallow and labored. The court physicians had been summoned, yet their remedies had proven futile. Something darker was at play.

Arthur Pendragon paced the stone floor of the castle's library, worry etched on his face. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows, reflecting his anxiety. Merlin stood beside him, his brow furrowed in thought.

“What if it’s a curse?” Arthur finally voiced the fear gnawing at his heart. “We need to find the source of this affliction, Merlin.”

Merlin nodded, his expression serious. “Curses are not easily broken. We must uncover who has done this and where they’ve hidden themselves. But it is your responsibility to discover the truth, Arthur. This is your trial.”

Arthur felt the weight of his mentor’s words. “You won’t help me with magic?” he asked, incredulous. “I can’t do this alone.”

Merlin placed a reassuring hand on Arthur’s shoulder. “You must learn to harness your power on your own. You’re the future king. Trust in your abilities, especially your bond with the wind.”

With renewed determination, Arthur stepped back, closing his eyes. He focused on the cool breeze flowing through the open window, letting it whisper its secrets. He imagined the wind swirling around him, connecting him to the world outside. As he concentrated, he felt a pull, a direction—an instinct guiding him to seek the witch responsible for his father’s curse.

“Wind, guide me,” he murmured, raising his hands as a gentle gust enveloped him. With a flick of his wrists, he conjured a stream of air that began to swirl in front of him, forming a shimmering path. The breeze tugged at him, leading toward the castle gates.

“Follow that!” Merlin urged, pride and concern mingling in his voice. “But stay focused. The witch may be hiding in the shadows.”

With the wind as his ally, Arthur rushed through the castle grounds, Merlin trailing closely behind. The air was charged with magic, the gusts guiding him through the winding paths of the forest beyond Camelot. Every step brought them closer, the whispers of the wind intensifying as if warning him of the impending danger.

After what felt like hours of relentless pursuit, the wind began to grow stronger, swirling with energy. Arthur halted, scanning the landscape. Before them loomed a gnarled tree, its twisted branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The breeze circled the trunk, its fervor signaling that they had found their destination.

“There!” Arthur pointed, adrenaline coursing through him. “The witch must be inside.”

Merlin nodded, his voice low. “We must approach with caution. We do not know what powers she wields.”

With a deep breath, Arthur stepped forward, the wind swirling around him like a protective cloak. Together, they entered the hollow of the tree, darkness enveloping them. A faint light flickered within, illuminating a figure cloaked in shadows. The witch turned, her eyes glinting with malice.

“Arthur Pendragon,” she hissed, her voice a blend of silk and venom. “Come to play the hero? You are too late.”

Before they could react, the witch raised her hands, summoning a dark mist that swirled violently around them. Arthur felt the air shift, but he quickly gathered his resolve, directing the wind to counter her magic. The two forces clashed, creating a tempest within the hollow, but Arthur held firm.

“Release my father!” he demanded, channeling every ounce of his determination into the wind. The air obeyed him, forming a whirlwind that surged toward the witch, but she laughed, her power palpable.

“You think you can defeat me with mere wind? How naïve.”

With a final surge of effort, Arthur directed the tempest forward, managing to push the witch back against the walls of the tree. “You will not escape!” he shouted, locking her in place. The air thickened around her, binding her with invisible threads.

“Foolish boy,” she spat, her eyes narrowing. “You may have captured me, but you cannot hold me forever. Until I am dealt with, your father will remain trapped between life and death.”

The witch’s words echoed ominously in the hollow as Arthur and Merlin worked together, conjuring binding spells from the winds that snaked around her. Finally, with a fierce gust, they propelled her out of the tree and into the dungeons beneath Camelot, locking the heavy iron door behind them.

Breathless and shaken, Arthur leaned against the cold stone wall. “We did it. But if she can’t be dealt with, what will happen to my father?”

Merlin’s expression darkened. “We must find a way to break the curse. Until then, the threat remains. The witch’s words were not mere bluster; they carry a terrible truth.”

As they stood in the flickering light of the dungeon torches, Arthur felt a chill creep down his spine. The battle may have been won, but the war against the darkness had only just begun. And without a solution, his father’s life hung in the balance, tethered to the very witch they had imprisoned.

With a heavy heart, Arthur whispered to the shadows, “We will find a way, no matter the cost.” The air stirred, echoing his determination, but in the depths of the dungeon, the witch’s laughter lingered, a haunting reminder of the peril yet to come.

📄 Recap Questions

How will our heroes be rid of this witch without the fall of the king? 

Will Arthur's new-found magic be able to heal his father, or will he be powerless for what is to come?

🔷 Conclusion

Arthur is quickly growing in his abilities, but he has only had a small affinity for wind magic, which has never been known for healing properties. Arthur will need to get help from someone or something else in his kingdom to help him solve this problem. 

See you next week!

🔷 Hades, Press Officer.

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