On the day of departure for the north, King's Landing is dressed in red. The cobblestone streets are filled with people bidding farewell to their loved ones, aware that many of them will never return. They weep inconsolably, because they know that this war will be lethal.
BlackL1òn, bids farewell to his wife and son. At his side, his brother Backfire, accompanies him. The Lannister brothers, along with the armies already marching through the city, advance to join the greatest campaign that Westeros has seen in years. The destination: Winterfell, to face the white menace, The White Riders and the Night's King.
The army is carefully divided. In the vanguard marches Robert Baratheon, who proved his worth in the Arena of Honor. Backfire, on the left flank, while BlackL1òn leads the right flank. Theon Greyjoy, who protects the rear. The Targaryens, and their Royal Guard and their golden cloaks, will watch over the safety of the generals and captains, protecting them as a personal guard with their T5s.
Caravans carrying vital supplies and reinforcements march along different routes, protected by the best elite forces, but all know that the journey north is dangerous. Scouts have spotted Dothraki camps and some slaver lords of Meereen, who seek to impede the caravans' progress, and sabotage the supply of troops. The slave lords of Meereen, who dominate Essos, have not forgotten the humiliation they suffered when they lost part of their territories and their power to Daenerys Targaryen.

These lords see the war against the Night's King as an opportunity. If the army of the living fails, Westeros will be weakened. They have already sent mercenaries and Dothraki savages.
If the army of the living fails, the Night's King will have a free hand to conquer Westeros, plunging it into the long night. Enemies lurk around every corner, and the caravans will soon be attacked.
The army advances along the Kingsroad, while the caravans transport vital supplies for the great war. During the first part of the march, all seems quiet. Passing through Gatehorn and bypassing the Isle of Faces, near the ruins of Harrenhal, the company stops at the Trident to rest.
BlackL1òn takes a group of soldiers and sets off for the Eagles Nest, where he asks the Knights of the Vale to bring more supplies to the cause as they have refused to join this war. After tense negotiations, despite the reluctance of the Lord of the Valley, they finally agree.

With the new supplies in their possession, the army resumes its march, heading for the Twins. However, while crossing the Green Fork and the dangerous Witch's Marshes, they are ambushed by savages hidden in the fog. Attacking the left flank of the caravan, the savages manage to defeat the guards and take a large portion of the loot. BlackL1òn, unable to prevent the looting due to the disadvantage of the terrain and the dense fog, loses several of his men in the attack.

After the ambush, the armies reach the Twins, where BlackL1òn repeats his strategy, this time with Walder Frey. Despite the old lord's initial refusal to collaborate, citing lack of resources, BlackL1òn does not take no for an answer. Together with Robert Baratheon and his best captains, they climb the wall in the darkness of the night, eliminate the guards and open the gates for his troops to sack the fortress. Walder Frey finally agrees to hand over a considerable part of his supplies for the war.

With new wagons full of supplies, the army resumes its march, reaching the Watchtower of Grey Waters for a brief rest before continuing on to the Cailin Moat. Upon arrival, the caravan is ambushed for the second time. The slaver lords of Meereen, who have been closely following the army's advance, take advantage of the mist surrounding the ruined fortress and attack the convoy's flanks. The lack of coordination in the rear, responsibility of Theon Greyjoy, allows the slavers to loot part of the supplies. And quickly flee with part of the caravan.

BlackL1òn, seeing the gravity of the situation, throws himself into battle with his troops and, after a fierce fight, they manage to repel the slavers, although they flee with a significant booty,
After fifteen days of marching and overcoming the problems, the army finally arrives at Winterfell, exhausted. The allied encampments spread out on the plains surrounding the fortress, where the Lion and the Wolf meet again. Now, with the combined armies of the Lannisters and Starks, along with other kingdoms, they prepare for the final battle against death, joining all their forces to face the darkness approaching from the north.

Sitting in the great hall of Winterfell all the houses assembled, they are at supper, and BlackL1on, Robert Baratheon and the White Wolf are at supper when the doors of the hall burst open and a scout enters the room shouting.

The wall has fallen and the Night King has crossed over and is heading south!