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[Interview] Infinity Kingdom's Finest: Stories from the Top Players #11 Casores

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Article Publish : 08/07/2024 01:09

Welcome back to 'Infinity Kingdom's Finest: Stories from the Top Players'. Today, we're exploring the adventures of Casores, a humble yet profoundly knowledgeable player. Known for never taking things too seriously, Casores can always step up when responsibilities call. A great individual with whom I've enjoyed playing on similar servers, Casores combines strategic brilliance with a relaxed and approachable demeanor. Join us as we uncover the stories, strategies, and experiences that make Casores a cherished member of the Infinity Kingdom community.

Introduction to Infinity Kingdom Community

Introducing Casores

Q: Casores, can you introduce yourself to the Infinity Kingdom community and share a favorite quote that reflects your gaming philosophy?

Hi, my name is Casores. I’m currently playing on 243 but will soon be jumping to 209 to join many old friends I have played with on previous servers. I’m a relatively new player, starting out in 208.
I play this game to relax, so a favorite quote to match that would be, “It’s only a game, no need to get mad.

Discovery of Infinity Kingdom and Motivations

First Encounter with Infinity Kingdom

Q: How did you first discover Infinity Kingdom, and what drew you to start playing? Can you share some initial experiences and the servers you've played on? Do you have a favorite server, and what makes it special to you?

I used to play a game called Galaxy Online when I was younger, where you could create ship archetypes and your commander was very important. I was looking for something that could scratch that itch and stumbled upon Infinity Kingdom.
My initial experience in the game was very good, coordinating with a server to gradually take cities and making friends. My first server, 208, had about 50 active players at the start with one whale. After Season 1 KVK, I quickly jumped over to 209, which to date is still my favorite server. I formed friendships there, and we won the Season 2 and 3 KVKs together with little competition.
Infinity Kingdom is a game with a lot of downtime between high-intensity moments like in the KVK, so you need a server that can make even that downtime fun. We had good KE events and communication in 209, which is why now that I’m done with Season 2 and 3 KVKs, I’m looking to rejoin those players and rebuild 209.

Gameplay Strategies and Tips

Top Growth Strategies

Q: What are your top growth strategies in Infinity Kingdom? How do you adapt your approach to handle the game's evolving challenges?

My preferred growth strategy is quality over quantity. Those who played with me know that I only ever focused on making one strong march for about the first 400 days I played. Now I’ve got two solid marches. But I truly believe that there is no point in this game to have many marches unless you are a mega mega whale. It’s best to just have one good march. The meta in the game changes a lot, so I try to have presets for my one march, swapping out one or two heroes and skills based on the march I’m fighting against.

Preferred Troop Configurations

Q: What troop configurations do you prefer, and what skill combinations do you find most effective?

I really like defensive setups, and that is also the current meta. So far, I’ve used hybrid marches since they are very effective before conquest. But since in the conquest the meta seems to favor slower marches, I’m building a grind-down-focused Himiko setup that I’m very excited about. Skill setups I like are battle stance + demonic contract to effectively use marathon battles. Or, if you can’t win the grind-down battle, using the blessing of speed + war on hybrid to try and win the fight quickly.

Overcoming Challenges

Q: What significant challenges have you faced in your Infinity Kingdom journey, and how did you overcome them? How have these experiences shaped you as a player?

The biggest challenge I've faced was when we jumped to 225. We had to face up against 231 in the Season 2 and Season 3 KVK. For those in the know, 231 is an insane whale server with now the highest STPS in the game. They had few members at the time and so couldn’t crush walls and cities effectively.
In the Season 2 KVK, I didn’t involve myself with the strategy and we got crushed attempting to face 231 head-on. Their maxed-out holy marches seemed undefeatable in battle.
However, in the Season 3 KVK, we made a strategy of scorched earth and used our higher activity to outplay 231.
We would give up our home territory and take all gates between 225 and 227. Using the fact that we could attack them but they couldn’t attack back, we baited them to destroy towers, hitting their troops inside the towers instead.
It was an ambitious strategy, and while we weren't able to win this KVK, it allowed us to hold out for five days in constant fighting with 231.

Balancing Game and Life

Balancing Game Demands with Real Life

Q: How do you balance playing Infinity Kingdom with your real-life commitments? What strategies do you use to manage both effectively?

I’m an esports coach, coaching a team called Toronto Defiant in a game called Overwatch. This means I have long stretches of being very busy but also long stretches of having almost nothing to do (off-season). When I’m busy, I just log in once or twice a day and do my dailies, saving big growth spurts for when I have more time to play the game.

Insights on Game Updates

Q: What are your thoughts on the recent updates and patches in Infinity Kingdom? How do these changes affect your gameplay strategies?

It seems the game is moving more and more in the direction of mega whales, with the addition of chaos and super skills. I’ve decided not to spend on the mega things and be a regular whale, focusing on the earth dragon, which is the strongest besides holy and shadow. I’ll have special marches focused on inflicting damage to the chaos marches with several setups.
I think nerfing skills like assist and other F2P skills hurts the game. I am hoping they give less spenders more tools to deal with whales.

Advice for New Players

Tips for New Players

Q: What advice would you give to new players who are just starting in Infinity Kingdom? How can they navigate the game's challenges and complexities more effectively?

The game continues to add more features. I think for new players I’d advise them to just focus on a strong earth march and grow it out gradually. With just one strong march, you can tackle a lot of the game’s content and just focus on having fun. What I’ve learned is there’s always someone that spends more that you can’t beat.

Building a Strong Community

Fostering Teamwork and Camaraderie

Q: How do you foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork within your alliances and the broader Infinity Kingdom community? What values do you emphasize to create a supportive and collaborative environment?

I view my alliances as a family. I try to always help smaller players grow through helping in infernal assault and giving players access to hitting my many farms. I really value patience from players. Mistakes happen, take the time to teach rather than becoming angry.

Future Aspirations

Q: What are your future goals in Infinity Kingdom? Are there specific milestones you aim to achieve, or new strategies you plan to explore?

I’ve only just entered the conquest server. For now, I’m just looking to grow to 600k STP with all the new additions in the game, this is very doable in the short term. After that, I’m looking to build a grind-down march that can rival some of the whales' strong marches.

Fun and Personal Touch

Gaming Favorites

Q: Outside of Infinity Kingdom, what are some of your favorite games and why? How do they compare to your experience in Infinity Kingdom?

I coach Overwatch, so of course, I play that as well. It’s a lot less relaxed than Infinity Kingdom, so I approach it very differently.

Behind the Gamer

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time when you're not playing Infinity Kingdom? Any hobbies or interests you'd like to share with the community?

I go to the gym, rock climb, and play other games like Overwatch and Teamfight Tactics.

Closing Thoughts

Message to the Community

Q: As we wrap up this interview, what final message or advice would you like to share with the Infinity Kingdom community?

Be kind and understanding to your fellow players. The community is growing smaller by the day, so let’s stay open-minded and kind to everyone. I feel many players are flocking to whale servers, but personally, I feel the game is better enjoyed in smaller, still competitive servers with a family feeling.

Unique Questions

Unexpected Strategy

Q: Have you ever tried an unconventional strategy in the game that surprisingly worked out well? Can you share the details and results?

Giving up your home territory in the KVK and using a scorched earth strategy like I mentioned earlier. If you are able to create towers on every gate, it’s extremely hard to break through for whale-heavy servers without a crazy amount of active players.

Favorite Immortal

Q: Who is your favorite immortal in Infinity Kingdom, and why? How do they fit into your overall strategy?

I’m a big history nerd and in particular like Roman history. So I really like Hannibal Barca and how he works in this game. It’s a shame he seems to be falling out of the “meta” slightly; his physical damage to enemy backlines is very fun to work around, and shifting him around to hit the enemy healers is interesting.

Unexpected Ally

Q: Have you ever formed an unexpected alliance that turned out to be highly beneficial? Can you tell us about it?

Many of the players I worked with in 225 wouldn’t have immediately come across my list as allies when I joined that server since they were long-time players continually jumping back and were in the green alliance while I was Red. They were a group made up of Lynx, Pickle Rick, and Poppy. But going into the Season 3 KVK, we started taking the server more seriously and banded together in the green Alliance VAN, working together to form a strategy to beat the mega whales in 231.

Dream Feature

Q: If you could add any feature to Infinity Kingdom, what would it be and why?

I wish there was more opportunity for small-scale battles between servers. IBL is great; however, I wish there was somewhere you could form a squad of five people facing down other similar-sized squads in epic battles.

Thank you for reading my interview. I still have a lot of fun playing Infinity Kingdom, now totaling up to 602 days consecutively played. Hopefully, I get the chance to play with more and more players!

Thanks so much for chatting with me today, Casores! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better and diving into your gaming world. It’s been a blast playing with you over the seasons, and I absolutely love the person behind the gamer. I hope we get to cross paths again in the future—whether in-game or in person.

To our readers, thanks for tuning in! I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Casores as much as I have. If you know any incredible players or have suggestions for who we should feature next in our 'Stories from the Top Players,' feel free to reach out. We’d love to hear your recommendations and keep sharing these amazing stories. Until next time, keep having fun and keep your kingdoms strong!

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel.

Stay epic,

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