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[Interview] Infinity Kingdom's Finest: Stories from the Top Players #5 Lynx

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Article Publish : 10/25/2023 02:14
Edited by m a ë l at 10/25/2023 02:16

Welcome back to 'Infinity Kingdom's Finest: Stories from the Top Players'. Today, we're delving into the adventures of Lynx, a veteran player known for taming the battlefield and dealing hugs on the side. Renowned for his straightforward talks and strategic prowess, Lynx's journey through the game is a rollercoaster of epic proportions. Join us as we unravel the tales, tactics, and occasional hugs that Lynx brings to the Infinity Kingdom community.

Lynx, you're known for your intense and explosive gameplay style. Many perceive you as a determined player who stops at nothing to achieve victory. Could you tell us if this perception accurately reflects your approach to the game and share a particularly memorable battle or event that showcased your determination and strategic prowess?

Hello Mael. First, I want to thank you for inviting me to this interview. It is an honor to be the 5th guest on your program and I will be happy to tell my story. Regarding my playing style, this is true. Battles in this game are the only burden that I have enjoyed for the past 2 years, so I always act openly and decisively. Oddly enough, I have memories of two good battle meetings: Game in the GOAT alliance from 194 servers against the AWG alliance from 105 servers as part of the IBP in the qualifying match of a knockout match. The draw was not kind to us and gave us difficult opponents. Everything in this battle was very nervous, but the top tower remained untouched by the enemy throughout the game, which became a personal success for each of those who were present there. The second memorable moment happened again on server 194, in KvK against server 219, where several whales from 205 came to have fun. I am very surprised by the fact that there were fierce battles for 5 days and this is a huge respect for each participant 219 who made this result, and it was the tactical actions on the part of the players of the 219 server that caused memorable sensations and genuine joy that I witnessed.

How did you first discover Infinity Kingdom, and what motivated you to start playing? Could you share some insights into your initial experiences and the servers you've played on throughout your journey in the game?

I assume that this question will be the most extensive. I first came across IK by accident on PlayMarket. My first server was 15, where I stayed for about 2 hours and started again on 17 a few days later. After a week of playing on server 17, I made all possible mistakes and decided to correct them by creating a new account on server 28. Then the jumping system from 8 castle was in effect and I collected heroes and resources for a new journey. My first conscious server was server 40. I faced a civil war with the AVR alliance. These emotions were amazing, and this was the first server on which I fully had gaming friends with whom I had many battles. But the account that you know began its history on server 130. This was my first mental surge, when about 15 players followed me and started playing from scratch. It was a magnificent and unique alliance of FHU with 40 servers led by the beautiful Miss Envy. Also with me was the only person from server 40 who still inspires me being next to me - Axel. 130 left a lot of positive emotions for me as an individual and gave a very strong foundation for the game - I had real gaming friends with whom I wanted to play more and more every day. After 130 I ended up on 145. It was this server that became key for me. It was 145 that became the server that gave me the greatest emotions during the entire game. The first important factor was that at that moment no one knew how the jump system worked and we had to jump before technical work and refuse awards. It was the moment I jumped in that I realized my priorities in the game changed from achieving goals to playing as a team. I consider this a turning point in my story, because thanks to the core of players who jumped with me and the players, I met at 145, I owe literally everything. At 145 I found myself in season 1 and KvK was quite boring but entering season 2 opened the way to the development of 40+ castle and I began to play even more. The story of 145 was full of ups and downs and it was a real emotional swing. From full recognition to expulsion. But it was in this turmoil that I got my full team, which, after leaving 145 to 183, will never be replenished with new players. 183 passed quickly enough and after 4 months my team went to 194, losing several players, but this will be discussed later. After 194, we, in a moribund group, migrated to 225, where I am right now.

As someone with extensive gaming experience and a profound understanding of growth techniques and event dynamics, what strategies do you prioritize in your approach to Infinity Kingdom, and how do you adapt them to the ever-evolving challenges within the game?

I haven’t asked this question for quite a long time, because in the middle of the game I configured the commands for gnomes, PvP and bosses and changed them only to more reliable options, thereby simplifying the game radically. About six months ago I abandoned water in favor of lighting and not at all didn't want to know about his decision.

Having built a reputation as a skilled war commander, what key principles and tactics do you believe contribute to your success in battles and castle sieges within Infinity Kingdom? Could you narrate a specific instance where your commanding abilities significantly influenced the outcome of a crucial conflict or war?

This is a very interesting question, but basically the answer here will depend on your own team and the opposing team, so I’d better answer it within the framework of the fairest battle - IBP. First, voice support accompanying the game, secondly, unspoken mutual understanding within one’s own team, and thirdly, experience. The game contains many possibilities if we consider IBP - fake rallies, the role of support in the team, the role of key players. This is what allowed my team not to lose a single battle for the tower within IBP, because everyone knew what to do and how to do it so that it would work.

Considering your expertise in the game, could you provide insights into your preferred troop configurations and skill combinations without revealing your current march lineup? How do you determine the most effective strategies when deploying your troops and selecting heroes for various battles and events?

Having spent more than 2 years in the game, you can confidently arrange configurations based on the stage of the game and potential capabilities. Now I'm in season 2 and playing the main build through Earth + Himiko + full wind + lighting with Bathory, but in season 3 I will move to the hybrid team, which is focused (in fact) on the first 12 seconds of the battle and is capable of destroying very strong rivals. Also, in my idea there is a very strong wind team specializing in physical damage, but so far, the key hero is not ready for it – Kublai.

How do you balance the demands of the game with your other commitments and responsibilities? What strategies or techniques do you employ to ensure that your gameplay remains effective and impactful while managing your real-life obligations?

In fact, this is the main problem for me at this stage of the game. Only in May I graduated from the academy and finally said goodbye to my studies. The summer passed with very little activity on my part due to a new job, renovations, and a vacation trip. There was no time to play tritely. But this is the main advantage of Season 2 at my stage of the game - I enjoy it when I want, and not when I need to enter the game to grow or start building/researching. Now, IK is a social network with a military bias for me, so I don't feel like it's going to hurt me too much if I'm not on it.

Throughout your Infinity Kingdom journey, what have been some of the most significant challenges you've faced, and how have you overcome them? Have these challenges contributed to your growth and evolution as a player and a leader within the community?

Honestly, the main difficulties for me during my entire journey to IK were not gaming. You can find an antidote to any poison if you really want it, but the human factor influences it much more effectively. In defense of my words, I will tell you my story from server 183, which hit me very hard. This is a double feeling because it was then that I felt joy and sorrow. It was on the day of victory that I was immensely happy having conquered my main individual goal in the game, but the next day the aftertaste came. My team with 130 left the game in full force. My individual goal was to keep my guys playing and not let them quit. But everything changed after conquering this peak. This goal was achieved as a team, not individually. And after the victory, I lost the most important thing in the game - my friends. My favorite Darklnko, SXS and Axel left the project within 3 days of each other. I really didn’t feel like a winner after a stunning victory over an opponent who was ten times superior to me. I felt like the main loser who was saved by the rest of the team, who never left my side again.

Could you share an unforgettable moment or achievement that has left a lasting impression on you during your time in Infinity Kingdom? How did this experience shape your perspective and approach to the game and influence your interactions within the community?

There were enough moments that I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to. But there were only two that changed me as a person, not a player. Naturally, we are talking about the victory in ToS that I won in season 9 while on server 183. Then I learned what joy from an achieved goal, the bitterness of loss, altruism and that feeling when your success is important to others more than to yourself. The second moment happened just recently. After a series of personal failures and problems in RL, I decided to end the game. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to say “goodbye” to those with whom I spent almost 2 years and so I left silently. I removed IK along with DC. I was extremely busy for 2 days, but at the end of the day I started receiving WhatsApp calls from an unknown number. When I read it I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the only time in 25 years that a game made my eyes wet. I still don’t know how and don’t even want to know, but Piickle Rick wrote to me and showed me a photo of me surrounded by my team and other castles. I saw 2 alliance markers with a ban on attacking me and many castles that were just standing next to each other. I will not forget this photo even after 10 years. The selfless goals that my team has is something I will always be proud of, but that day I was speechless. I am sure that no one has ever received such recognition for the correctness of their choice of players as I did that day. Even now, when I remember this and write, tears come to my eyes. This stunned state is difficult to convey in words. I immensely love, am proud, appreciate and am grateful for every second spent with Poppy, Pickle Riick, SXS, Guehinom, star, Axel and rico.

What are your thoughts on the latest updates and patches in Infinity Kingdom? How do you perceive the evolving gameplay dynamics and the introduction of new features, and how do these changes impact your gameplay strategies and objectives within the game?

This will probably be the most unresolved issue from my point of view. Most of the new additions are added during the Season of Conquest and bypass me, and of those available to me, they mostly concern the dragon or IA. As a person who dreams of one day making wind the main one, I have an unfriendly attitude towards the dragon update, but in general the update is extremely friendly for f2p format players (methods for obtaining dust were added to the server spider, ToS, Arena, IBP, market), and the strengthening of dragons makes players don't lose interest because it becomes more difficult to reach the ceiling. Naturally, I don’t like the changed jump system. There is no exact time, there is not even an approximate ranking. But in our case, we need confidence in the future, and not a situation in which no one knows what will happen.

Lynx, as a seasoned player with a deep understanding of the game's intricacies, what advice or tips would you offer to newer players aiming to establish themselves and achieve success in Infinity Kingdom? How can they navigate the challenges and complexities of the game more effectively?

There is no guarantee of success or guidelines for achieving a specific goal. For players who are starting to play, I would advise you to read the game guides in detail and choose one element to start with, after which you can smoothly move on to the 2nd and 3rd teams. Remembering my start - this really helped me impose competition within strong servers.

How do you foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork within your alliances and the broader Infinity Kingdom community? What leadership values and principles do you emphasize to create a supportive and collaborative environment for your fellow players?

I deliberately ignored the second part of the question because many newbies are looking for power rather than community. Playing as a team is the key to a happy game. You can be weak, use incorrect builds, but what difference does it make if you are happy? Honestly, this question confuses me, because I have already forgotten the first days of meeting everyone on my team, except for one person - Poppy. It was on a subconscious level - I understood that this is my person with whom I want to play and I directly stated this. With Poppy the situation was the opposite. It was a funny story of meeting with server 145. KvK started at the very wrong time for me, I was on vacation at the seaside and couldn’t devote much time to the game, but I tried to teach Poppy how to build towers. Naturally, I was angry with every call with a question, and as I remember now, he built towers in one row and was proud of it, and after my angry messages we began to quarrel. Life is a strange thing, because the only time Poppy lost control was right then and no one would have ever thought that he and I would spend unforgettable years together, and he would be the best tower builder in the entire 2nd season.

What are your future aspirations and objectives within Infinity Kingdom? Are there specific milestones or accomplishments you are aiming for, or any initiatives you are planning to pursue in the game soon?

It's no secret that I want to win the IBP. This is my main team goal, which has not yet been conquered. I've mentioned the wind command in a few questions - and yes, I really want to make an incredible wind command or a holy command. Sometimes I feel like I'm a masochist.

Lynx, as we near the end of this interview, how do you feel about sharing your experiences and insights with our audience? Is there any particular message or advice you would like to convey to your fellow players and the broader Infinity Kingdom community based on your journey and experiences?

My advice has already been said by a thousand players a thousand times. It is important that any action brings joy and pleasure. The game will sooner or later cease to bring the same feelings that it brings at the very beginning of the journey. Therefore, I can say for certain that the key to happiness in any project is a good atmosphere. And it is precisely this factor that cannot be achieved thanks to the gaming component. Society is what makes a person happy and brings him into his comfort zone. Enjoy the game with the right people and have peace of mind towards the game components and you won't have any problems.

Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with our audience, any additional insights, experiences, or messages you would like to convey as we conclude this interview?

Of course, I would like to add a small message. Game components, advice, experience and financial status can make you happy for a while, but at the end of the interview I want to say thank you to all those who made this interview happen. I have repeatedly stated that I would have left this project if I had not had friends in it. I would like to dedicate the final message to them. My favorite and beloved guys. I am extremely happy every time I see you. I met someone in person, I have a plan to see someone. Some left the project; some still play with me. Remain the same sincere, cheerful, and wonderful people. Write to me more often and don't forget me. I really love each and every one of you: Poppy, Pickle Riick, SXS, Guehinom, Axel, Star, rico, ForeverAlone, DarkSide, MissEnvy, Sun, Hero223, LeoARG, Khaleesi, Lisa, Dusk, Darklnko, Melling, Amberlin, MentalHelp, JACK, lady borsch, Loshara, Nemo, KOT, DarkPrincass, Honor and M!!!

I love each of you and want to spend an unforgettable time with each of you.

P.S. with love Lynx aka Hugs dealer.

As we conclude this interview, keep in mind that the tales from the top players of Infinity Kingdom are just the tip of the iceberg. Their individual journeys are what make this game truly exceptional. If you or someone you know would like to be part of "Infinity Kingdom's Finest," please feel free to get in touch with us. Your adventures might just become the next thrilling installment in this expanding series.

Lynx, thank you again for your valuable time, in-depth responses, and active participation during our recent interview. Your insights and perspectives have provided a deeper understanding of your leadership approach and the importance of collaborative strategies within Infinity Kingdom. I truly appreciate your engagement and thoughtful contributions, which have been immensely beneficial to our discussion.

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