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[Player’s Handbook] The Complete Guide To Getting Chaos Immortals

Article Publish : 07/04/2024 00:42
Edited by selfdestruct38 at 07/04/2024 23:37


Hello everyone! Today we will be discussing the latest category of immortals introduced to Infinity Kingdom! With this guide, you will be able to have all the tips you will ever need on Chaos immortals, including their drop rates, costs and which packs offer the best value. With all this information, you will be able to make an informed decision before taking the plunge into chaos. 

How to Obtain

There are 5 current Chaos immortals - Loki, Wukong, Athena, Poseidon, Fufei, although Anubis is likely to be released soon. They can only be obtained from Chaos roulette, or from some limited time events. Their exclusive artefact can only be obtained from Chaos Roulette.

Special Events

Chaos Roulette

Chaos Roulette - Best Value

Based on the cost per orb, the first 3 packs bring the most value, at $0.83 per orb. There is a drastic increase in cost to $1.39 per orb for the last 2 packs, and is usually not worth it to purchase. The only situation to buy the last 2 packs would be when all the earlier packs have been bought, and players cannot wait another week.

Chaos Roulette - Drop Rates

Based on results gathered from tens of thousands of spins, I have realised that while the drop rates of exclusive artefact fragments match the 4% stated in game, the drop rates of immortal shards is actually higher than the 4% that is stated. Why is that?

Drop rates for immortal shards are higher, since the chaos wheel will refresh automatically every time the immortal shards drop. This will boost its drop rate every time immortal shards drop before the final spin, bringing up the drop rate to around 6%. On average, players will get 0.36 shards per spin.

On the other hand, exclusive artefact fragments have a drop rate which matches the 4% stated exactly. This is because exclusive artefacts do not cause the wheel to refresh when it drops. In addition, whenever immortal shards drop before exclusive artefacts, the wheel will refresh, and will skip dropping exclusive artefacts for that round. On average, players will get 0.16 fragments per spin.

Chaos Roulette - Maxing Chaos Immortals

The most efficient way to max chaos immortals is by spinning 500 times for every event, maximising the 80 shards from the bonus chests. By doing so, players will be able to max an immortal in less than 7 rounds of Chaos Roulette, and take on average 3300 spins.

If players want to max a chaos immortal in a single event, they will not be able to maximise the bonus chests, and it will cost around 4400 spins. Because of how much more it costs, there is no real reason to max a chaos immortal this way. The only players who should do this are those who plan to max the exclusive artefacts too. This is because it takes much more than 4400 spins to max the exclusive artefact, and the player will always be left with an excess of immortal shards. 

Chaos Roulette - Maxing Exclusive Artefacts

If players choose to maximise the bonus chests, taking around 3300 spins to max an immortal, they will on average be able to get enough fragments to forge 8 exclusive artefacts. This is only enough to get the artefact to 3 stars. 

If players are aiming for a 4 star or 5 star artefact, it will cost around 4100 and 6000 spins respectively. It is generally not recommended to go for this, as the increased power from upgrading the exclusive artefact is not worth the cost.


While requiring a hefty investment, Chaos immortals are some of the strongest immortals around, able to dictate the results of battles with ease. With this guide, you will be able to better decide and plan your chaos immortal journey before embarking on it, avoiding any common potholes or mistakes.

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