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Ultimate Conquest Season 18 Game 3 WxC vs BDR

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 04/19/2024 04:18

Ultimate Conquest Season 18 Game 3 WxC vs BDR

Pinky was looking onto how the Ultimate Conquest map was filling itself on both sides for BDR and for WxC, if he would get asked now if he's nervous and he would say no, it would be a clear lie. In his mind BDR was way better prepared for a game like this since they at least played WTF once in the normal season and N3O twice, once in the Ultimate Conquest and once in the normal season. On the other side looking back on WxC’s season so far they had no close game so far wich always made it hard to take it serious and prepare for a game like this now, so in the end he would see now if WxC was able to pull their gameplans off or if the lack of challenge in the games before would be a problem for them now. 

The first races did not help to calm Pinky’s nerves EliaMartell got the Targaryen Outpost for WxC the other three were won by BDR, not a good start and in close matches this could be a major advantage for BDR. While Pinky was still going on to lay out possible bad scenarios in his mind Bzzb just intercepted BDR’s swap on the Tower of the Warrior next WxC executed their swap on the Targaryen Outpost and exchanged EliaMartell with Altisio. “Good good” was Pinky saying to himself in his mind, swaps and counter swaps were a weak side of BDR also in the last final, if they can bleed they can be beaten. 

Next BDR was swapping the Temple of the Mother, Patton out and Tanalyn in, a move Pinky could not follow fully because both should be equally strong and he did not have to wait a long time till PinkyOr did send him the first raven with a report from a solo onto the mother. 

Pinky looked onto it and of course partly reason of the win was that Tanalyn had a Spear and Weakness focused commander setup but her stats were split on Infantry and Spears as Pinky could see and she mostly had Infantrys, that she could be soloed by PinkyOr was not a good sign for BDR’s plans to hold it was Pinky’s final conclusion on this. 

As the last action before the Ports would soon open Sylica did intercept BDR’s swap on the Lannister Outpost Pinky rushed to PinkyOr now “Look they got three buildings but lost them all in two minutes, I’m sure we will win this game” suddenly Pinky was not nervous anymore, he was sure what ever BDR was throwing at them they would just strike back. 

The Lannister Port was won by BDR and the Targaryen Port EliaMartell won a race again for WxC, this time both sides could pull off a successful swap on WxC side Astrryx took over on BDR side FALCONN took over. Pinky was impressed since WxC had alot of counter rallies prepared for FALCONN and did manage to kick him with the first wave even thow he was fully reinforced. 

Pinky was not a lucky filler, the only rally he was in was a full Cavalry one wich got eaten alive since FALCONN had a well setup two line Weakness on his side, lucky for WxC most other attacks went better than this one. 

On the other side of the map BDR tried the same and Asterryx was able to hold. Since FALCONN was free again Pinky saw that he started to attack Altisio now were Pinky was reinforcing. 

Pinky looked at the report and was slightly confused, he needed a moment to understand that FALCONN did run Cavalry weakness, a decision Pinky was unsure if it was a smart one,  Jamie and Petyr Main Hands both would lack Cavalry base attack  and Senelle would do nothing else then add some stats to the fight since her effect could not work with just one female Commander, Altisio on the other hand was defending with a solid two line Weakness which did result into an overwhelming victory for him. 

BDR did counter the try of WxC to swap the Lannister Port but for now the attention of Pinky and the rest of WxC shifted to the upcoming Casterly Rock race and Pinky had yet again a reason to celebrate again EliaMatell won the race for Casterly Rock. His good mood got a slight downswing when Tanalyn did intercept WxC’s planned swap and followed it up with a very good swap for BDR which gave Casterly Rock to Tholking. 

Time to fully break them Pinky was thinking when he was sending his troops into rallies that were targeting Casterly Rock, if WxC would kick Tholking first try Pinky was sure it would hit BDR’s moral kinda badly.


After the successful defense of BDR Pinky took a look at PinkyOr’s report, clearly was a loss but not as badly as expected, Tholking was BDR’s by far strongest and PinkyOr’s glorious times were a while in the past, most likely the bigger rally size and the 25 Total Base Attack from building buffs did help PinkyOr here a lot to make it a clear defeat but take some of Tholking’s troops with him. 

With holding Casterly Rock BDR did try to get back into the game and they quickly were able to take over the Lannister Outpost and Lannister Port, for a moment it looked like BDR would come back into a fighting mood but then icebear did kick Tholking from Casterly Rock, CCCPC would take the Lannister Outpost back and BDR also lost the Lannister Port. 

After 30 minutes BDR just stopped trying to fight WxC and for Pinky it looked like they did accept that it was very unlikely to come back from holding not a single building. 

I think this game was a nice confidence boost for us, beating BDR that fast and hard did feel very good. From looking at some reports I got the feeling that BDR had a lot of their rally leads with setups I would not pick, just compare the two FALCONN reports, the one with Sararer looks well the one with Senelle looks not so well. Next game will be WTF which most likely will have a lot more classic setups for their Rally Leads that alone should make the game a lot harder, still was fun playing BDR, so GG who knows what the result of the next rematch will be :)
