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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 02/17/2024 23:18


Season 1 - Round 5


Round 5 of the 1st Season of Arena of Honor is coming to Westeros. After some ups and downs in the previous games, SCEPAL is ready to take a chance on the next one, trying to get lucky with who he can get in his team. For scheduling reasons, it had been difficult for him to coincide with his friends, and he only had one try which he didn't want to waste.

In a hurry, he registers at the last minute in the first schedule and, to his surprise, he plays again with King Gustavo, with whom he had previously shared another game in the arena of honor that they won, but in addition to him, he also met some of his GCM teammates like Shadow Arrow, Night Rider, BABOO, SIYAH and Cemiyet, as well as other players he didn't know, chosen at random.

"What a surprise, I didn't expect to meet them at this time of day!!!! It seems that fate is bringing us together again in this battle as well," SCEPAL exclaimed as he watched his team gather.

"So it is! We shall hopefully lead House Targaryen to victory!" some of the team's players replied with determination.

Would it be time again to feel a victory in the arena? SCEPAL thought, while her eagerness to climb back up the ranks, which she had lost in the previous games, made her hopeful, with the great team she had, she could presume that it would be a great success, although in other teams there seemed to be great and powerful players as well.

This time it was time to defend House Targaryen, so as soon as they opened the fortresses, they quickly occupied themselves with the defense of the castle and waited for the count to give the green light to set up offensive or defensive camps.


In the first minutes of the game, House Targaryen was leading by a few points, seconded by House Tyrell, which generated a great expectation on the development of the game, while the board showed an overwhelming House Baratheon that was rising rapidly over the others, but everything was unpredictable since all the families were very hardy in this round.

 Soon after the opening of the second round of fortresses and with one blow, House Targaryen moved to fourth place. All the result varied continuously, at that moment, after placing the following camps, House Targaryen climbed again to the first place, but without making any difference to House Tyrell who was second.

This place would not last that long, as House Baratheon once again rose to the top.

It was very close to the end of the protection status of the altars, and that was when the difference between the houses participating in the game would be seen. At the end of the count at the altars, everyone ran quickly to activate the benefits they gave. After 40 minutes of the game, the difference of House Baratheon became more noticeable over the rest, while House Targaryen followed in second place.

Suddenly, he changes everything in one fell swoop and becomes the leader of House Stark, he couldn't believe how much the board was changing while everyone was vying for the longed-for first place!

There was still time and still to finish the protection status in the second round of altars and see if the City of Glory could be achieved, in this back-and-forth anything could happen! House Stark seemed to pull further away from the rest, while a rally to the Dragon Well by Shadow sends House Targaryen to third place.

Night Rider rallies against the City of Glory, and hopes rise as he brings the Targaryen family to the top.

He arrives and manages to occupy it while everyone reinforces to keep it, but after staying for a few minutes, that place is snatched by House Lannister suddenly, despite having gone unnoticed throughout the game and having been in the last places in the standings in almost the entire game, making his position begins to climb in the standings. Gustavo Oz rallies again to retake the place, but without much success, which, with only 15 minutes left, makes House Lannister take the lead in the standings by far ahead of Baratheon, who is second, and House Targaryen. It was unbelievable! to take the lead in that way was really epic!

With less than 3 minutes remaining, SCEPAL was at a crossroads. The chances of regaining first place were slim. However, it was clinging to the hope of holding on to third place and not losing it.

"Come on, team! We have to hold our position until the end!" exclaimed SCEPAL .

Despite the uncertainty, SCEPAL was comforted by the points earned and the opportunity to participate with acquaintances on the same team. Even if she didn't make it up the ranks this time, she appreciated the effort and camaraderie shared during the game.

The last seconds ran out quickly, and with them came the end of the game. House Targaryen was left in third place, but the experience gained was priceless. "We finally managed to stay in the top three by staying strong until the end!" she said to herself with a satisfied smile.

Although they fell short of victory, team spirit and determination carried them far in the Arena de Honor.
