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Ayrmidon, the Tigers and Volantis

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/06/2023 01:40
Edited by arthurion dragonpop at 10/06/2023 01:41

“It’s my duty. On my word, Volantis will reign over Rhoyne again!”

Ayrmidon is said to be the most popular candidate of the triarchs of Volantis. It's time to learn a little more about this character's candidacy for power in one of the largest free cities on the continent of Essos. The government of Volantis is quite complex and unique in the world of Essos. The city is ruled by a group of rulers called the Triarchs. The Triarchs of Volantis have a rich and complex history. They are the political leaders of the city and are elected for one-year terms. However, their power can be renewed year after year, meaning that a Triarch can remain in power for several consecutive years.

The Triarchs are elected by a council composed of nobles and citizens of the city. All freeborn landowners – even women – have a vote in the annual election of triarchs. Freedmen were excluded, even those who owned land. The election takes place every first day of the year, at the end of a ten-day electoral campaign, during which the candidates compete in festivities and celebrations (sometimes plunging the entire city into disorder, against a backdrop of corruption of political intrigues). During their year in office, they are considered too honorable to set foot on land (walking being considered worthy of slaves or freedmen) and travel only on the back of an elephant, escorted by pikemen in white armor.

The history of the Triarchs dates back to the era of the Valyrian Empire, when the city of Volantis was a colony of Valyria. At that time, the city was ruled by three rulers called the "Three Masters". However, after the Fall of Valyria, Volantis became one of the last Valyrian cities standing, and the Three Masters were renamed Triarchs to reflect the new political reality. The Triarchs traditionally come from two rival political factions: the Tigers and the Elephants.

- The Tigers: are associated with conservative policies, favorable to tradition, and are traditionally supported by descendants of the Old Blood, noble families of Valyrian origin. They are supporters of an imperialist and aggressive policy: considering themselves as the heirs of Valyria, they want to impose the domination of Volantis on the other free cities, then on the rest of the world by force of arms.

- The Elephants are often associated with more liberal and commercial policies. They bring together wealthy merchants and pawnbrokers, who advocate trade and diplomacy to achieve their ends.

After the Scourge of Valyria, and the disappearance of the powerful dragon empire, the Volantans, then led by the Tigers, dream of themselves as heirs to the Possessions of Valyria. During the Century of Blood which followed the Scourge, the triarchs of Volantis, dominated by the tiger camp, demonstrated a particularly bellicose policy towards the other free cities of Essos. The Volantan armies obtained several important military victories, notably over the free cities of Myr and Lys. When they try to conquer Tyrosh, she allies with Pentos and Argilac Durrandon, then king of the Stormlands, to repel the Volantans. Another free city of Essos: Braavos allies itself with the lord of Dragonstone: Lord Aegon Targaryen and together founds a powerful alliance against Volantis. It is thanks to the military support of this alliance that the two cities of Lys and Myr, which entered into rebellion, freed themselves from the yoke of the volunteers, and gained their freedom. In their desire for expansion, the Tigers send a large fleet to try to conquer the ruins of the ancient empire of Valyria, but the ships disappear completely in the open Smoking Sea, without anyone ever hearing from them again. Two other free cities, Norvos and Qohor, will follow the example of their sister free cities, and will join forces to further break Volantis' hold on the Rhoyne, during a battle on Dagger Lake. Finally, the arrival of the Dothrakis and the start of their first raid on the plains of Essos will finally overcome the expansionist wishes of Volantis. After a century of fighting, Volantis is ruined and depopulated. The Tigers camp is deposed, and the elephants seize power. For 300 years, the tigers have never regained power, the elephants dominating politics and managing in each election to elect at least 2 Triarchs out of 3.

The current triarchs are:

  1. Malaquo Maegyr, a tiger;
  2. Doniphos Paenymion, an elephant;
  3. Nyessos Vhassar, an elephant


It is in this fierce political environment that the intriguing Ayrmidon will attempt to succeed the triach seat of Malaquo Maegyr, using his wealth and his blood to obtain the favor of the voters. We will have to wait until next January, and the upcoming elections, to perhaps see Ayrmidon follow in the glorious footsteps of the triarchs, climb on the back of an elephant and stay there for 1 year.
