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The Battle for Ultimate Conquest - S15 R5 N30 Vs FDH

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/06/2023 05:37

In the world of Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming, a thrilling event called Ultimate Conquest accord. After the Season of Alliance Conquest has ended, 16 teams made it to the Ultimate Conquest tournament. In the fifth round, N30 faced off against FDH, marking their second encounter of the season. N30 had previously Won, but this time, FDH put up a better fight. Benni and Ana led N30, while Astraea led FDH. This match is crucial, the winning team moves on to the next round, while the losing team goes home .N30, led by Benni and Ana's instructions, had a strong track record and strategic Valor. However, FDH, under Astraea's leadership, aimed to prove their worth and seek redemption.

Timer counted back and it was time to battle, troops raced to the 4 buildings that opened – Temple of the Mother, Tower of  the Warrior, Lannister Outpost and Targaryen Outpost. FDH was much faster and they captured 3 out of the 4 buildings, they were off to a good start. N30 leader Benni immediately gave the order to rally our outpost (we were on Lannister side) , rallies were up , filled fast and sent off to attack , they arrived at their destination ,fire was everywhere , arrows flying and weapons were up , at the end of that battle , N30 was successful in taking the Outpost from FDH.

Meanwhile, at Tower of Warrior (which N30 took at the start) a switch was about to be made. A switch is a well knows Tactic in this match, alliances do that in order to place a much stronger player with high stats and power, to make sure incoming attacks won't cause the alliance to lost it . N30 were Ready for Benni to give the order, Benni: " disband in 1 ,2 ……3…" GoodDeath disbanded and Hyber was in . troops quickly marched inside to reinforce him and fend off any incoming attacks from FDH. Next Target to attack was Temple of the mother, an important building which gives a 100% increase in healing speed and that helps a lot during a tight and tough matches. rallies were ready to launch and all was needed was for Benni to give the order…and he did. lines of troops started marching together one after the other, they knew it will be in their best interest to succeed, marching speedups were used and those rallies hit fast and hard, N30 had managed to take it from FDH. Urcandy was in , but soon after a switch was made and Scarlet was in. this was a smart decision , Urcandy is a very strong player and he will be needed elsewhere as the battle continues .

Benni and Ana adapted their tactics on the go, realizing the threat FDH posed. They coordinated their troops, executed planned moves, and used unexpected strategies to counter Astrea's relentless assault. Every decision became crucial in determining the battle's outcome. It was time to race for the ports, both teams sent troops, and each got one. FDH took Lannister port and N3o took Targaryen port, And with seconds after the first capture ,N30 set up rallies on Lannister port , it was Benni's decision , there is no time to waste and this needs to be done fast , there is always a chance FDH will try to switch and this could be a chance for us to take the port from them . As the rallies were getting ready to launch, a switch was made on the other port, Phil2417 was now in and the swap was a success. The rallies were off and our troops were certain they could get the job done and bring the port back to our control and so it was, attacks hit hard and after several of them, STROM was in.

Time passed by and it was already 10 min into the fight (match lasts one hour) , now comes the time to race for CR ( Casterly Rock) , CR is one of the largest buildings( besides the mine, point wise) Racers were off and once again FDH was first to arrive, and As they were making a swap ,we attempted to take it from them , But we failed to do so. They have placed Altisio in, which was wise, Altisio is a very strong player. We of course straight away set the rallies to try and take CR, rallies were up and troops marched to them, then came the order to launch, and they were off, FDH sent reinforcements as our rallies were marching towards CR, We were hopeful we can take it, but our first try was a fail , timing was off and FDH managed to send troops in fast and they kept it .

We are not giving up and we gave it another go, rallies were quickly set and filled and off we go again, this attempt was a bit better and We came very close to taking CR , but ended up failing again . Benni ,our leader wasn't going to let it slide , he told us that it is possible to do it and we just need to be more accurate and fast , so as he ordered us , we set rallies for the 3rd time ( 3rd time's a charm? :D ) We sent our rallies, this was so stressful for us , We have to take it this time , this was an important building to hold and we want to win this match ,we must win this time. They don't say 3rd time's a charm for nothing… We were finally successful and we took CR , and quickly made a swap ,to put Meridianos in , We knew it had to be done , Meri is super strong and FDH will have to work super hard if they want to take it back from us . And sure enough , they tried , FDH set rallies and they were heading to CR , We saw that and sent troops to Meri , FDH came… and went … Meri stood there tool and Strong , like a brick wall , more like Fort Knox , all the attacks bounced back and We suffered little loss to our troops from that attack , Ana said : " Meridianos , what did u eat?" .

Approaching the battle's climax, both teams fought with unwavering determination. Victory in the Ultimate Conquest hung in the balance. Each member showcased extraordinary skills and a strong desire to win. Mines opened up , timer showed 15 minutes to the end of the match , Each team managed to grab one , We made a Swap on ours , Dracken was in ,and also made rallies to take the other mine . both mine gives 14k points and history shows they can make or break a match , too many close matches were decided just based on who was able to hold the mines . we fought hard on them , sent attacks and defended the one we held, then came the time when our victory was assured and when we lost the mine close to the end of the match , with 5000 points left in it , Benni decided to let them keep it and not to fight for it anymore , we can relax now and just wait for the match to be over , WE DID IT …!!

As the Ultimate Conquest concluded, N30 was the winner of this match, We have moved on to the next round where We will face WXC for the chance to make it to the top 3. The rivalry between N30 and FDH continues, both teams will surly meet again on future battles. We look forward to that , GG FDH , you fought well , But now we rest and get ready , we  must focus on our next Battle in this UC season. 
