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Secret diary of a elite soldier

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/03/2023 17:48

Today I will show you what an ordinary day in the life of a GOTWIC soldier looks like, daily obligations, preparations for the coming battles and everything related to it

June third, 303 AC

It is time! Once again the Old Gods call, it's necessary to do the daily tasks! The position of the Sun indicates that it's 13:00. Outside it's a beautiful spring day, and the mines in the Gulltown region are ready to come back under our concession. The list of currently active players shows that none of the other 34 members are in Town, so my friends will be in charge of collecting the gold. That's not a problem, they're used to it. They took the gathering equipment, some food and refreshing drinks, said their goodbyes to the loved ones and they left the home. Enemies are all around us, you can never be sure that you'll return home alive and well in the evening. Exactly at the agreed time, the brave boys arrive at the agreed place, take the carts and go to the mines. We all need gold.Now we can only pray to the Old Gods they will finish their job and they will return home safely.

It seems that last night was not so exhausting and that the rebels did not cause much trouble - they only brought us 14 gifts. We thank the Old Gods for their gifts and for protecting us! 

After saying goodbye to my friends and praying for them, it was time to collect the day's takings. Fortunately, I am the biggest VIP person in the community, so I get a lot of diamonds every day. I hope the rest of my friends reach that level soon... Also, I went to the tavern to get some gold and recruit some more soldiers, we will surely need as many as possible, the Old Gods contacted our shaman, very soon our kingdom will be under siege again, although they could not tell us which kingdom is planning to attack. Whoever opposes us, we will defend our homeland to the last soldier!

On the way home from the tavern, we stopped briefly at the barn to see if our industrious dragon had returned from his journey. I gathered everything that was in his basket, gave him something to eat and drink, let him rest for a moment, and sent him on his way again. He's just like that, he needs action, he can not sit still, he needs to fly. Tired, I am finally home. My beautiful wife has already made sure that lunch is on the table! It is an absolutely true statement that behind every successful man is an even more successful woman! I can't imagine what my life would be like without her. The food was perfect, just the way I like it. Thank you to the Old Gods for my wife and all these gifts!


After a short rest, it's time to train more soldiers, a minimum of 3,000 soldiers every day. Luckily, my house is already known as very successful so new people come to us every day in search of top training and a better life so it is not difficult for us to recruit new soldiers every day. We also have enough resources in the storages so we can train as many soldiers as we need. After we're done with the training we have to test them in the Training Ground, Expedition Beyond and after that we take them out of the community, to the real world, to see them in action against rebels!

The test went perfectly! I have to say that I am proud of the new recruits and I certainly did not make a mistake in choosing them to represent my army. They've completely proven that they're up to everything I ask of them. Thank you to the Old Gods for sending them to me!

On the way home, we briefly stopped at the local Port to check on the goods this time brought us by a local merchant.We exchanged some stone and wood for gold, cause you cannot have enough gold. We said our goodbyes to the locals and we headed back home. It is almost dark outside and i still need to check how our new researches and our improvements of the buildings are going. I have complete faith in my workers who are in charge of that things so i'm always saving them for the last thing to do. True, they do not have a hard job, all that's left to research are the things I need knowledge from books and scripts, and that's not easy to learn. But still, i need to check on them every day, at least just to say thanks for their incredible work so far!


In the meantime, some of my close friends the community also did their daily chores and shared with us the gifts the rebels left them. Some needed help with research, so I sent a few of my workers to help them with whatever they needed. And after another very successful and eventful day, it's time to treat ourselves to dinner and a warm bath. The wife, as usual, once again proved to be a top cook by preparing a hearty feast for the end of this busy day. We had dinner together, tidied up the table, shared a warm bath and went to bed completely exhausted. Tomorrow is a new day and everything starts all over again…
