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Drama Game Guides
Article Publish : 05/06/2023 06:12

i have an Alliance in the K400 on the game of thrones winter is coming.

i applied to be a chronicler but i have no idea how too link things to anything files or videos the game would not submit my applacation because i did not have a valid URN (whatever that is) i thought that sense we currently have none i could become one and write abut PVPs i like talking to people and i have a grate immagiation too but as you can see without my spellchecker my spelling stinks to say the best for it.

if i could become one without having too do a lot of linking if no one is worried about my spelling and if the brass can make me one look me up, i may not always write about the game i like pomes and mide evial stories, i must a good part of the books i created (not published yet but i am working on that to) is about that time piroed

Cidian Ronny CoBurn AKA Myron J. Dansby
