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UPDATE - V6.60.0 Ariana, Angel Perks

News & Announcements
Article Publish : 03/27/2023 20:48
Edited by aƧli at 03/27/2023 20:59


V6.60.0 Ariana, Angel Perks

Update time: 2023-3-28

New feature

1. Angel Perks

- Available from the 11th to the 18th every month. Log in to claim the daily free reward.

- Claim the total login reward after purchase

2. New Player Direct Purchase: Exclusive Direct Purchase Packs for newly created characters

3. New Event: Angel's Sigilet

New content

1. Paragon Hero: Ariana

2. Ragnarok+ Companion: Little Droid

3. Ragnarok+ Soul Armor: Edge of Devastation

4. Ragnarok+ Mount: Golden Dragon

5. Ragnarok+ Wings: Breath of Ice - Ascended Sigil

6. Valorium Title: Easter Bunny, Easter Egg Collector

7. Outfit augment: Hidden Shadow

8. Special insignia: Emerald Dream, Star of Resurrection

9. Transmogrify: Wolfmaster

10. Ragnarok+ Divine Arma: Soul Scepter

Game improvements

1. Removed the prompts of X-Server Hero League

2. Improved the display of Buy 1 get 1 free shop

3. Adjusted the max stacks of items

4. Components of Relics can be sold to become Starstone

5. Reduced the requirements for unlocking floor 4 & 5 of Starsoul and Soul Order

6. Improved the rewards of Guild War Season Chest

7. Extended the max upgrade of Starsoul and Soul Order from 5 to 10

8. Added Mythic and Artifact Heroes to the pool of Elite recruit

9. Improved the rewards of Grail Conquest

10. Adjusted the points of Guild donation and adjust Guild Aid rewards

11. Main Characters can be Ascended to Paragon when meeting requirements

12. Reduced the level requirements for MC Ascend

13. New Materials can be combined: Artifact Holy Feather, Holy Feather, Astralite II, Advanced Soul Armor Illumination Stone, Advanced Equipment Refining Stone

14. Adjusted the shops of game features

15. Extended the max level of equipment refine to 100

16. Adjusted super login rewards

17. Added quick empower button for Arma system

18. Added 1 click button for Guild chests

19. Added previews for stats of Star Chain

Version: V6.60.0

Update time: 2023-03-28

Note: Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game•12/27/2022 10:45 AM
