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Uh oh peasants and trolls... I have something new for you today. This will be my first story sharing with you regarding a full raid night inside the newly formed EXM alliance. This story will cover several servers as EXM players jump multiple servers in search for targets and glory. There are some rallies and some solo attacks. Let's get to the battle reports so we can crunch the numbers.
Jabber jumped to K184 and scouted CMR warsavvampir thinking it maybe a rally target. Jabber decided it should just be solo attacked and not waste scrolls or time with a lengthy rally. Jabber figures the correct enemy front line because of his heavy spear numbers. Jabber counters the enemy who was already in incorrect gear and setup for war.
One more solo attack and CMR warsavvampir is zeroed out and his commander is captured. There are no more targets on this server but there are more targets. Time to jump servers!
EXM TheScott finds a target to rally on K12 and begins the rally. Jabber jumps there and sends his troops and dragons to assist. The rally isn't full of troops but we should fair well considering this is another opponent who isn't set up to wage war. The first rally goes very well and the EXM alliance suffers minimal losses.
EXM TheScott's second rally grinds down DSY Elorienne to solo attack size and Jabber finishes her off.
A few DSy players begin to buzz about the server but no one decides to break bubble and get into fervor. I don't think they want to fight this night. Maybe another time and the two groups can dance but for now EXM is looking for a new dance partner. K240 has a few unbubbled large accounts who look ready to dance. EXM raid group ports there and being to scout. Jabber finds a target and solo attacks it.
After EXM Jabber cripples the front line several other EXM players finish off GrW Lord A Jim with solo attacks. There is a large castle with 11 million troops without a bubble. Jabber moves into position and begins his rally. The rally hits and is a massive success.
Jabber's rally countered the enemy's front line but unfortunately Jabber's rally was about half filled because the raid group only had a few members this night and one was a spear player and the other a bow. Jabber reminded them the following days to build T3 infantry to support rallies.
EXM jumps to another server and rallies MBL Dragonfuerst. Jabber is really needing more players to have T3 infantry.
Now that the enemy is out of most of his infantry troops it is time for EXM Scott to finish off the target with his own rally.
I lied... Jabber jumped in and got the last amount of troops and the commander with a solo attack.
The night was a big success for the EXM raid group. It was the first night that EXM Scott and Jabber raided together in the new alliance but I'm sure it won't be the last.