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[Review] Homer's Epic: Exclusive Artifact for Alexander the Great

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 10/02/2022 10:15
Edited by ik_tea at 10/02/2022 10:44

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Back again with Press Officer Tea. In this article, we will discuss an exclusive artifact devoted to Alexander the Great called Homer's Epic. What will be discussed in this article? What can you expect from this article? This article is expected to provide reviews and information that can support you towards the exclusive selection of artifacts for Alexander the Great. Therefore, let's take a closer look at this article

Homer's Epic

Homer's Epic is a masterpiece created just for Alexander the Great. They will unleash the Immortal's full potential. To forge exclusive Immortal artifacts, you must have entire exclusive Immortal artifact schematics.

If an Immortal (not Alexander the Great) equips Homer's Epic, they will gain its attribute boosts but will not unlock their exclusive skill.

Homer's Epic is an Exclusive Artifact that literally powerful, because ultimate skill becomes passive, and also no energy is acquired throughout battle. During the fight, damage increase, attack speed increase, and control immunity will be constantly triggered.

Special Attributes

Special Attributes are a mandatory status that must be obtained for Homer's Epic. How do I get these Special Attributes? You can get this status by relying on your luck in forgingKeep in mind, many are asking whether as the level of these grow then Special Attributes will appear? The answer is of course no. If you can't get the special attributes, then you should try to forge again. (Important note: Homer's Epic is the best artifact with the cheapest price but has excellent battle quality against gnomes or other players)

Iron Fist

Iron Fist is a special attribute for Homer's Epic. The function of this special attribute is to add damage with an initial percentage of 2.5%. Of course, having this special attribute really helps Alexander the Great to add damage in every attack. Simply as follows:

If your Alex usually deal 300,000 damage in every attack, so how much after using this?

D1 = D0 x (1 + V)

D1 = 300,000 x (1 + 2.5%)

D1 = 300,000 x (100/100 + 2.5/100)

D1 = 300,000 x 102.5/100

D1 = 307,500 Each Attempt


D1 = Damage After Use Iron Fist

D0 = Damage Without Special Attribute

Dt = Damage total

∆Dt = Damage total changes

V = Value (Start 2.5%, it can be increased if you develop the Immortal)

t = Total attempt

So, at this point if you can hit enemy 40 times in a matchs. So the accumulation damage for Alexander will be:

Dt = D1 x t

Dt = 307,500 x 40

Dt = 12,300,000

∆Dt = Dt - Dt0

∆Dt = 12,300,000 - (300,000 x 40)

∆Dt = 12,300,000 - 12,000,000

∆Dt = 300,000

The total damage from Alexander the Great after 40 attempt hitting will get at least 12,300,000 if your basic average damage is 300,000 so you have extra damage 300,000 compare if you don't have Iron Fist special attribute.

Rapid Attack

Rapid attack is a special attribute that is owned by Homer's Epic. Unlike Immortals in general, this special attribute increases attack speed for Alexander the Great. You can upgrade this skill by doing development (using Homer's Epic) and additional information that Homer's Epic special attributes can also be upgraded through Academy Technology in the Immortal section. Check Image below!

Battle Report

Before Using Homer's Epic

After Using Homer's Epic

Last Words

Based on the available statistical data, the important role of Homer's Epic is very visible, a very significant difference in damage. Therefore, of course, using this exclusive artifact when paired with Alexander the Great is very profitable, especially if you have additional attributes such as Rapid Attack or Iron Fist.

Thank you for reading; maybe it was helpful and will assist your way to get more information about special attribute for Homer's Epic!

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