GTarcade App
More benefits, more surprises
Dear Lords and Ladies,
We will have an update at around 03:00 AM (GMT) on May 12th to fix a few bugs and make several improvements on Public Server. The server maintenance will last for 6 hours. During the maintenance, you will be unable to enter the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will send compensation via mail after the maintenance.
Have fun and prepare for the winter!
Here are the contents of this update:
1.New Features
- Added Universal material item for Battle-Related Equipment. This item could be converted into specific wanted material in Blacksmith.
-Added Building Speed-up item type. This kind of item will only be usable for building queues.
-Added “Strategic skill” tab in Dragon skills menu, which will be effective for events like “Siege of Winterfell”. Please be sure to set it up in advance.
2. Improvements
- Improved the reward of defeating Rebel Leaders and added drops of Universal material items for Battle-Related Equipment.
- Improved reward of “Alliance Mobilization”, “R'hllor's Trial”, “Commissions” and “Weekly Activity Chest”.
- Improved some other game experience and GUI.
3. “Siege of Winterfell” Related Improvements
- All of the available commanders in the event has now been rebalanced in skills and attributes.
- Carrying dragon in army is now available. Dragons will now participate in battles.
- “Siege of Winterfell” will no longer display Royal Lords and Ladies’ castles on the map. The armies will now be deployed from the same specific building.
- For more details, please check the in-game rules.
GoT Winter is Coming Team