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Could Constance serve in a full defensive march?
First things first!
What defensive marches struggle the most is maintaining their immortals purified.
What Constance can do is purify Khan's and Qin's anti-heal effect among others.
The only disadvantage of her is that she lacks the 3rd skill spot.
But, is there anything more important in a full defensive march than keeping your immortals clean and Constan(ce)tly healthy?
To conclude,
Constance + Zeno = Back line
Charles + Leo/Ceasar = Front line
Leonidas and his special artifact can bring a huge impact in the game. Maybe some boost to his energy could make him useful, bringing more combinations in the game!
- Skills to be used can vary. Depends on your enemy march.
- Keep in mind that the purpose of a full defensive march is to prevent a bridge to your castle. So the use is very specific
What do you think?