Legion of Frostborne (LoF)
What is it?
Legion of Frostborne is Infinity kingdom's first Server Vs Server Event, that is not an Illusion event. (YOUR troops and YOUR resources)
"In this game mode, Lords from different servers will journey to the frozen lands of the North and fight a massive war with the aim of occupying Gnome's Capital.
Legion of Frostborne will take place on an independent map, covering a region that extends out from Norheim's Frozen Realm. There, beyond Harold's Ice Wall, roam the vengeful Gnomes who are plotting their comeback." -IK Facebook Page
Who can join?
Servers who have completed the Chronicle 21: "Royal Ambition". Server must be 60 days old and lord on the servers must be in an Alliance and have a Castle level of 15+.
When does this Start?
The timeline for this event is 12/02 is preparation stage, 12/03 being the war stage, and the trial season ending om 12/28. Remember, this event can end early by capturing the Gnome Capital for more than 24 hours. Season one officially starts sometime in January!
How do I win?
The server occupying the Gnomes Capital at 0000 UTC on the 45th day will win "Complete Victory". Servers who occupy and Citadel in Midgar will obtain a "Courageous Victory".
What do I need to know?
First and foremost, ensure you read the Legion's Handbook located in the LoF screen.
Thermal Towers:

These Towers protect you from the destructive blizzard. The following info about the towers can be found here: https://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/en/news/7011623.html?fbclid=IwAR3wGJEQ_VK4I5UBeyBVnqDnTNPY6nh2AMa1ZIAk98-xDwiiZbxa5kWBb6Y
1) First Tower - The Alliance Leader (R6) and Officers (R5) can start building Thermal Towers. If your Alliance does not have any Thermal Towers on the battlefield yet, the first Thermal Tower can be placed in any area inside your Vision Proximity, and outside the geothermal range of other Alliances' Thermal Towers.
2) Additional Towers - If your Alliance has already constructed a Thermal Tower, new Thermal Towers must be placed within the Vision Proximity of your current Thermal Towers, and cannot overlap with the geothermal zones created by other Alliances' Thermal Towers.
3) Building Thermal Towers - After a Thermal Tower is placed, Alliance members can dispatch troops to start constructing it. The more troops are dispatched, the faster the construction speed..
Building Effects
1) Vision Proximity and Geothermal Zones - A completed Thermal Tower will provide your Alliance with Vision Proximity and a geothermal zone within a certain range from itself.
2) Overlapping Geothermal Zones - If the geothermal zones of Thermal Towers belonging to separate Alliances overlap, the overlapping area will only belong to the Thermal Tower that was constructed earliest. Vision Proximity is not subject to any overlap restrictions, and Alliances will always enjoy the full Vision Proximity of their Thermal Towers.
Demolishing Enemy Thermal Towers
Destroying an enemy's Thermal Tower is no simple matter.
1) First, you must defeat all troops garrisoned at the Thermal Tower. Then, you must dispatch demolition troops to the Thermal Tower.
2) After the demolition troops have entered the Thermal Tower, the latter's Durability will fall gradually. When Durability falls to 0, the Thermal Tower is completely destroyed. The speed at which Durability falls will increase gradually while the demolition troops are inside the Thermal Tower.
3) If the demolition troops leave or are defeated before the demolition is complete, the Thermal Tower will gradually recover its Durability.
Abandoning Thermal Towers
There is a limit to the number of Thermal Towers each Alliance can build. The Alliance Leader (R6) and Officers (R5) may thus choose to abandon some Thermal Towers based on their current needs. Only 1 Thermal Tower can be abandoned at a time. Abandonment can be cancelled at any time.

Essentially these are the walls that keep you from progressing throughout the map. You will need your Alliance to help siege these badboys, as they are like cities. Reduce the durability to Zero within the given time limit and defeat the garrisoned troops inside. Once this is done, you are now free to pass through it (or TP)
Gnome Cities

Gnome Cities are essentially the same as your cities on your home server. Cities will also produce a random type of special resource. HOWEVER! YOU CANNOT GARRISON THESE CITIES! Alliances must donate various resources to train garrisons for that city. The higher the level of that city, the more resources required.